Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Is She Drunk?

I watched Eli be excited with the crew for another win and I sat on the steps of the hauler watching. I had texted Kylee to see where her and Jake were because I was going to crutch over to them let Eli celebrate, but they were already gone. So I just sat on the steps watching him mingle and everything. I was tired and I leaned my head on the doorframe.

After about a half hour Eli looked over at me and saw me looking dead to the world. I was excited for him, but I was beat. I was ready to sleep in curled up to Eli then enjoy my Sunday before surgery Monday morning. He walked over and kneeled in front of me, “ready to get out of here?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” I said yawning.

He sighed and kissed my forehead, “I’ll go get my stuff.”

I nodded and watched as his parents walk over. I looked up and smiled, “hey you guys going to head out too.”

“We are,” Kathy said smiling. “I just wanted to let you know you are welcome to come spend as much time as you want with us at the condo in Corona and back home in Corteza while you heal up.”

I smiled up at them, ”aw thanks. E has been a big help.”

“Yeah, Kylee has video of your crash on her phone she showed it to us, pretty brutal,” Jon said with a bummed expression. “If you need anything just give us a call.”

I smiled, “thanks.”

“E said he’s going to be staying with you for awhile,” Kathy said sighing. “I just want to make sure you guys are protecting yourselves in all aspects. I don’t want to see my boy get hurt.”

I sighed, “I love him very much and he loves me, so I think we’re looking at all pictures right now. We want what’s best for our careers and I mean that. I have yet to win a title myself in the outdoors and I am striving for that goal full steam ahead, so we aren’t looking for distractions right now.”

“I just don’t want you guys too oops and nine months down the road have to be taking care of diapers,” she said.

I chewed my tongue, but respond in the right way, “you really won’t have to worry about me getting pregnant. I have an implant, plus when I have the implant removed I may be lucky to get pregnant.”

I sat up grabbing my crutches, “let Eli know I headed to the car.”

Little did I know Eli was standing behind me the whole time I was telling his mother I wasn’t able to get pregnant. I was so pissed off it wasn’t funny. I got to the rental long before Eli did and just sat on the ground crying my eyes out. I pulled my phone out dialing Kylee. She answered groggily like she had fallen asleep, “what you want?”

I sniffled, “I’m sorry I woke you, but Kathy had a tiff with me about Eli and our sexual life.”

“Cay, stop there,” she said groaning.

“No, you don’t understand I told her I may not be able to get pregnant,” I said softly.

“You told her that,” she said sighing. “Cay, dear calm down. Was Eli there?”

“No, and he doesn’t know, what if he decides he doesn’t want to date me if he finds out?” I said crying.

“Cay, calm down,” she said and spoke softly to Jake, “no it’s fine just go back to sleep. Cay is having a bad night.”

“Is she drunk?” he groaned.

“No! Go to sleep,” she said to him then sighed, “Cay, you just need to talk to him. If he really, really loves you he’ll never let you go, even if you can’t ever have babies.”

“I can have babies, but not with extra help or amazing sperm,” I said sighing. “And planning.”

“Who knows maybe Eli has super sperm!” she said trying to cheer me up.

I giggled and saw Eli’s figure walking this way. I could tell his head hung low and sighed, “Ky he’s coming, I better talk to him. I think he knows.”

“Well, talk it out and if I don’t see you at all tomorrow for some reason then, I’ll see you Monday!” she said smiling I’m sure.

I sighed, “alright bye love.”

I hung up and looked up at Eli as he came closer. I wiped my cheeks and he plopped down on the ground next to me. He pulled me into his arms, “I will always love you no matter what.”

He knew and I couldn’t tell him how horrible I felt for hiding it from him for so long. I mean yeah we had only made it official recently, but he and I were close. I sighed and whispered, “did you mom tell you?”

“No,” he said running has hand through my hair slowly. “I heard you tell her.”

I sighed, I tried to be an adult when I told her, but it may have came out very bitchy. I looked up at him, “does she hate me now?”

“No, she feels bad for pressing on us, well mostly you so hard on the subject,” he said taking my hand into his. “She knew she was out of line.”

I sighed, “she was just being a mom.”

He nodded and wiped my cheeks, “so I guess when we look into the future and we want to have kids, we’ll adopt.”

I shook my head, “E, I can still have babies, just need a man with good sperm and a little shot in my butt that makes my hormones all go hey, it’s baby making time!”

He smiled at my sense of humor in the whole matter, “well I don’t know if my sperm is anything super since you were my only.”

I blushed, “don’t remind me! You and I were amateurs. Hell, Kylee doesn’t even know our dirty past.”

He smiled, “I wouldn’t say dirty, it was steamy as hell.”

“Oh my God Eli!” I said blushing to the red of his Honda.

“You were 16 and I had just turned 17,” I said shaking my head. “And I remember clearly you said, I don’t want to become a pro and be a virgin.”

This time I had him blushing, “no, no, no that was all you!”

“No!” I said laughing. “You were this pimple face boy, looking for love and I so happened to like me a boy on a Honda because well I was a Honda rider myself.”

He laughed, “you’ve improved so much since then.”

I laughed, “oh God, I hope so.”

He held me closer, “I still never told a sole.”

“I didn’t either!” I said lying my head on his shoulder.

“Then we didn’t talk for like a year, until I got signed a year after you with Honda,” he said smiling.

I nodded, “then we actually became the best of friends.”

He smiled and kissed me softly, “now look at us, talking about babies.”

I smiled, “we’d have the cutest babies.”

“We would,” he said kissing the side of my head. “When you get that championship this year, we’ll make babies.”

I chuckled, “I want two championships at least.”

“Fine,” he said rolling his eyes.

I knew he was kidding and I kissed him lightly, “you are perfect, I love it.”

He smiled, “let’s get out of here!”

I nodded and let him help me onto my feet. He helped me into the rental then we were on our way to the hotel. I texted Kylee saying, watch out E and I are going to make babies in the future! I knew she’d get a kick out of it in the morning because she knew the whole story. I guess I should tell her about E and I back in 2008…maybe, nah. She’ll find out eventually, maybe.

“So do I really have to wear a condom then if you can’t get pregnant?” he asked when we were in the elevator on the way up to our room.

I looked at him, “yes, because what if you do have super sperm and my implant fails me and I don’t get that championship?”

“The sex is so much better without it,” he said looking at me.

“Babe,” I said chuckling. “I love you, but put a ring on me first.”

“You want a ring?” he asked as we walked to the room.

“Not yet!” I chuckled. “I got a championship to earn and we just became official last week.”

He smiled and kissed me softly, “I love you.”

I smiled, “love you too.”

“I’m going to shower,” he said walking towards the bathroom.

I nodded in response and went to put my pajamas, then crawled into bed waiting for Eli to come snuggle with me. I started to drift asleep while he was in the shower, but stirred when he crawled into lay with me. I let him spoon me and sighed, “night E.”

“Night Cay,” he said and kissed the top of my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
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