Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Try Harder

When I woke up in the morning, I checked my phone, like I do every morning. I had a few emails, random app notifications and a text message or two. One was from Calyn. When I read over it, all I could do was roll my eyes. I didn’t even reply, I put it back down on the table and lay back down. As I settled, I let out a heavy sigh.

“What’s wrong?” Jake spoke in a heavily groggy voice.

I thought he was still sleeping! He’s just lying there with his eyes closed. He’s not supposed to ask about my morning, frustrated sighs!

“Nothing, it’s fine,” I assured him.

After I spoke, his long eyelashes twitched before he revealed his bright eyes to me. Even though he had just woken up, concern was flashing over them.

“What is it?” he questioned.

“It’s fine. Go back to sleep,” I told him and reached over to kiss his lips gently.

“Ky…” he wasn’t having any of it, “What’d Calyn do?” he pressed on.

“Who said it was Calyn?” I countered and dropped my eyes to the sheets.

“Just tell me,” he said and wrapped his arms back around me, pulling me into his chest.

I didn’t want to! It was mean and it was the one time I was trying to keep my mouth from getting me into trouble. And Jake was trying to pull it out of me!

“Calyn apparently had the whole getting pregnant talk with Eli’s mom last night,” I started.

“Is that why she called?”

“Yeah,” I sighed.


“And… I got a text this morning that says her and Eli are going to have babies in the future and… it just bothered me,” I mumbled.

“Why?” he rested his head against mine, giving me more comfort.

“Because! The last thing she needs right now is a baby! She’s so focused on getting at least two championships and… she’s talking about having babies. It… doesn’t make sense to me,” I confessed.

“I’m sure it does to her in this crazy way,” he chuckled.

“It’s stupid. And she keeps getting hurt all the time so I think that’s… kind of taking her focus away from the sport and… into mommy mode.”

“Well, then that’s her business though,” he countered.

“I know, but… it’s stupid,” I repeated.

“Less competition if she gets knocked up,” he laughed.

“Well, yeah, but… Urg!” I groaned.

“Don’t worry about it. No matter what you say, she’s going to do what she wants to do. Just be there for her,” he countered.

“I’m trying,” I muttered.

“Try harder,” he snickered and then pressed his lips against my forehead.

As he did so, I let out a heavy sigh. I just want… Calyn to take it slow. I know her and Eli have known each other for like ever, but… she’s so young. She has so much life to live. Talking about having babies or when you’re planning to have babies is crazy. I mean… I want kids too someday, but… there’s no way I’m even going to think about that until I’m married! I just want my bestie to be happy though… and never regret anything.
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