Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

I'm Not Hanging it Up!

Monday morning rolled around and I was to have surgery. I hated the thought, hated surgery. But I was going to have Kylee by my side as well as Eli. It was going to go smooth. I can’t let my mind think it’s going to be so much worse as my doctor starts in on my knee.

“Why must you eat in front of me?” I groaned as Kylee ate an apple.

“Because,” she smirked. “You’ll be in surgery in a couple hours, then we can take you to In and Out if you want.”

I chuckled, “oh man, I can’t.”

“So good to your diet,” she said smiling.

I knew something was bugging her and she hadn’t mentioned what it was. I sighed, “something’s bugging you.”

“No, not really,” she said shrugging.

I groaned, “I’m not dumb Ky!”

“Fine,” she said defeated. “I’m just worried about you.”

“I’m fine,” I said smiling. “Surgery will go great and in a few weeks I’ll be rehabbing the knee and hopefully in three months I’ll be back on the bike raring for a championship.”

“So that text about you and Eli having babies is not true?” she asked confused now.

I chuckled, “I love him yes, but he and I aren’t near that step.”

“Oh,” she nodded. “Then why’d you text me saying you two were going to make babies then?”

“Because,” I said shrugging. “He and I talked about it, but we have talked about it more. We are both going to win a championship or two, then think about our future.”

“So you two are waiting then?” she asked slowly.

“We are,” I said smiling. “He’s got to put a ring on my finger before we consider having babies.”

Eli rounded the corner and into the kitchen. I smiled widely at him and he kissed the side of my head as he went to look in the fridge. I saw Kylee eyeing him and shook my head. She spoke though, “get her pregnant before she’s wins a championship, I’ll make sure you get no more championships.”

I gasped, “Kylee!”

He stared at her unsure she was serious or kidding. I saw him gulp then he spoke, “we aren’t even married.”

“See,” I said pointing to him then giggled. “Don’t freak my future husband out!”

Kylee looked between us and shook her head, “I just don’t want you to think every time you get hurt that maybe you should hang up the bike and strive for family.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m not hanging it up!”

“I’ll believe it when I see you on a bike in three months,” she said and walked out of the room.

I rolled my eyes and let Eli pull me into his arms. I sighed and rested my head on his chest, “you believe I’m not hanging it up right?”

“Of course,” he said smiling. “We had this long talk yesterday.”

I nodded and looked at the clock, “we have to head out soon.”

“I know,” he said and kissed me cheek.

I smiled, “thanks for being here for me today.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” he said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and went to get ready to leave.

I sighed staring up at the really white ceiling as the nurse stuck me with a needle. I looked over as she pulled it away. She smiled, “we’ll be taking you up in about five minutes or so.”

I nodded and looked over at Eli and Kylee, “road to recovery shall begin.”

Kylee smiled and sat on the bedside, “I’m sorry about this morning. Have sweet dreams during surgery of you riding that ugly red bike of yours again.”

“Steal the championship from your grasp,” I smirked at her.

“We have a tough field out there this year, so we both need all the luck,” she said smiling.

I nodded, “thanks dear.”

She nodded, “love ya girl.”

I smiled, “loves!”

Eli took the spot she had just rose from and kissed my forehead, “see you when you wake up.”

I nodded and smiled, “promise you two wont leave?”

“I figured I’d leave,” Kylee said but then smirked. “Too get you that coffee you were in much need of this morning.”

I smiled and nodded, “would be nice.”

She smiled, “then I will get you one.”

I nodded and looked at E, “don’t kill each other while I’m under the knife.”

“We’ll try not too,” he said chuckling.

I sighed, “alright let’s get this done!”

He smiled and kissed me softly, “I love you.”

I smiled and kissed back, “love you too.”

The nurse came back in with a couple other people, “alright she’s got to go now.”

I sighed as they pushed me out and I was on my way to surgery. “Wait!” I said and looked back at Kylee.

“Cay, your surgery will go fine, don’t worry,” she said smiling. “It’ll go quick.”

I hated the word surgery it was one of my fears, a fear that someone would give me too much gas and I’d never wake up. I nodded, “alright, you guys promise to be there when I wake?”

“Promise,” they both said and then I was pushed away again.

Surgery better go quick and I’m ready to get back on my Honda yes my Honda, not Eli! Though that too…
♠ ♠ ♠
