Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Let Me Love You!

After Calyn walked off, I left Ryan and Jake to their friendly bickering to go into the hauler. I hate when people bring up Jake and I’s relationship status! If he wants to further it, then he’ll say something… and I’ll deny it. I just needed to be away from him right now. He makes me nervous! Urg! Damn it, Calyn!

With a huff, I pushed myself up onto the counter once I was inside the trailer, making sure I was out of the way. My selfish silence didn’t last very long. Jake stepped inside. He looked around until his eyes met mine. Once they did, his smile flashed over him before he started my way. Oh, this is just lovely.

“Someone got embarrassed,” he teased once he was positioned between my knees and his hands rested at my hips.

“I don’t like it,” I whined and buried my head into his shoulder.

“Aw, Ky,” he cooed and gently planted a kiss to the top of my head. I just sighed and took in his musky scent that was starting to be overtaken by the racing smells. “If you would just accept that new title, maybe this wouldn’t happen,” he went on, speaking softly.

“Jake,” I sighed.

“I’m a guy so I have no problem with doing… what we’ve been doing, but sometimes I just… wish there was something more,” he voiced while pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

“Well, it’s not like I enjoy going around calling you my fuck buddy,” I muttered.

“Stop being stubborn and let me love you!” he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me snuggly to give me a good squeeze.

His actions brought a chuckle out of me. He’s so cute. But… I’m still unsure about starting a relationship with him. Things can change… Focuses could be lost. It’s just… too much right now. His season’s just starting too! What the hell is wrong with him?

“Ok, if you podium tonight, I’ll agree to go on an actual date with you,” I compromised.

“Really?” his whole face lit up.

“It’s all in your hands,” I smiled now.

“It’ll happen,” he boasted.

“Don’t let me down, Jakey,” I teased.

“I won’t,” he grinned brightly.

As it slowly faded, he leaned in until his plump lips met mine. When he pulled away, I couldn’t keep from smiling. Damn it! After this little moment though, he needed to get changed to be ready for the heat races. He was in the second one, so he moved a little slower than he usually does. I didn’t want to get in his way though. I told him good luck and went off to find my bestie.

It wasn’t hard. I walked a few feet and spotted her at the Honda setup. All the riders were gone though. She was talking to a few of the crew members with her camera pointed at them. I waited until she put it down before I said anything. Must not contaminate her audio! She turned it off and then looked at me with a smile.

“Ready for it to start?!” I got excited.

“Been waiting forever,” she countered.

“You’re just going to stare at Jake’s ass,” she teased and shoved me playfully as we walked along.

“I am not!” I threw back.

“Smacked it lately?” she snickered.

“Shut up,” I whined, making her giggle. “It’s not funny!”

“It’s hilarious,” she laughed on.

I glared at her; that only caused her to laugh even more. It wasn’t funny! Just because he has a nice ass doesn’t mean she needs to pick on me for it! I guess it’s… kind of my fault that I’ve let a few things slip about it… but… I need Eli comebacks!

After her taunts came to an end, we settled into some seats and watched the heat races. Both Jake and Eli made it to the main. There was no need for me to watch the LCQ. Calyn thought she should since it was her job to kind of put videos from the race together. Leaving her to her work, I walked back to the Kawi hauler. Jake and Ryan were still conversing with their mechanics. I went inside the trailer and waited for Jake up in the lounge. Minutes later, he came in already ripping his jersey off. Damn it, Jake!

“Looking better than practice,” I spoke first, trying to not pay so much attention to his chest that was so well defined.

“Still could have done better,” he huffed and then it was off with his pants. GOOD GOD, BOY!

“You’ll do great,” I tried to be as encouraging as could with… his nearly naked state.

It was short lived though. He threw a new set of gear on and relaxed with me. Ryan even came up and did the same. I spent my time trying to build Jake’s confidence a bit more. I know that I give him a hard time about us dating, but… I kind of secretly wanted him to get on the podium so that we could go on a date. Come on, Jake! Make this happen!
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Eeeee new story! Exciiiited :3

