Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

You're An Ass!

“I’m so bored!” I groaned as Eli and I waited for Calyn to come out of her surgery.

“It takes time. Chill,” he laughed at me.

“I’m so bored!” I repeated and crossed my arms in a pout.

“Wasn’t Jake supposed to come?” he countered.

“He was riding… and invited me, but nooooo had to be here waiting with you,” I grumbled with a playfulness in my voice.

“You did it for Cay,” he replied.

“Mhm,” I muttered.

He didn’t say anything after this. I didn’t even know what to talk about with him. I know he knows Calyn really well as do I, but… I don’t know him! I know he… rides dirt bikes and… hunts? I think… What do I say?

“So… You and Jake going to have babies?” he snickered over at me.

“No,” I sent him a look. Was he serious?!

“Never?” he chuckled now.

“… WHY?!”

“Just curious,” he was having a hay day with this.

“None of your business,” I got a little… testy. I blame the early morning wake up call and crash from caffeine.

“Aw, come on. You want one with him,” he cooed and reached over to poke my cheek.

“I will punch you!” I swatted his hand away.

“Admit it! You want a wittle baby with your Jakey wakey,” he said in the most annoying voice you could ever imagine. What has gotten into him?!

“NO!” was the only thing I could respond with.

“I’m gonna tell Calyn,” he countered in a sing songy voice.

All I did was glare. He wasn’t funny! And to make it worse, Jake just walked around the corner and spotted us! I thought he was riding all day! Why is he doing this now?!

“What’s going on?” Jake asked as he walked over.

“Nothing!” I hurried to answer.

“Just talking about the babies you two are going to have…” Eli snickered while Jake took a seat next to me.

“… What?” Jake looked at me.

“It’s him! I haven’t said anything!” I bickered.

“Oh, no. She’s told me. She wants lots of them… now,” he just kept going.

“Eli… You’re an ass!” I finally thought of a better comeback.

He just sat there and laughed. ASS! Jake chuckled too before he hooked an arm around me and pulled me against him. When I was there, he planted his lips to my forehead.

“I don’t want babies,” I grumbled so that only him and I could hear.

“Sh, it’s ok,” he chuckled still. “How’s Calyn?” he went on, changing subjects.

“Fine,” I huffed.

“They were throwing punches this morning,” Eli whispered loudly.

“We were not!” I reached and punched his arm. He let out an ow and glared at me. I just stuck my tongue out at him. He’s been asking for it!

“What happened?” Jake asked me.

“I just… told her what I was worried about… and I walked away once I was worked up before I got too mean,” I explained.

“And things now?”

“Ok? I think,” I shrugged.

“I really know how to pick them huh?” he teased, causing Eli to crack up.

“Mouthy and sassy, huh, Jake?” was Eli’s witty reply.

“Oh, I’ll show you sassy,” I muttered.

Jake quickly quieted me down through a laugh. But Eli and I still bickered as we waited for Calyn to come out. Jake just sat there, finding humor in all of it. But I needed a nap! This early morning hospital stuff just doesn’t work for me!
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