Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

You Need to Re-leave Some Stress

So the surgery went better than expected, he got in there and saw that my ACL was not completely torn as thought from the MRI, and he fixed it. Told me I should be for sure back on the bike in three months, but not to rush it and make sure I always wore the knee brace as I had been directed when I rode.

I sat on the couch in the living room sipping the coffee Kylee got me when we were out of the hospital. The TV set was on lightly and I looked over at Kylee and Jake who were curled up on the loveseat. She was glaring at Eli as he sat next to me. I sighed, “what the hell happened when I was under the knife?”

I couldn’t take it anymore, she was being very pissy as of late. Some obviously needed some TLC from Jake. She shrugged and looked at the TV. Jake spoke up, “she and Eli had it out the whole time.”

“They have all morning!” I said glaring at her.

“So you and her didn’t have a fight this morning?” he asked looking at Kylee then at me.

“No, we talked about what I had said the other day and that was that,” I said then looked at Eli. “Then she had to go and threaten Eli’s career if he ever got me pregnant before my career was over.”

“Oh that’s a bit harsh,” he said looking at her.

“Seriously?!” she said looking at him. “They’re young! Not even married and the thought of kids coming into their lives so soon it crazy talk!”

“It’s their life,” he said shrugging. “They’re adults and if they want to have children so be it. Let them live their life, if it ruins ones career, well shit happens. But baby you can’t threaten the guy like that. How would you feel if someone threatened my career because of something as silly as this?”

“Whose side are you on?” she glared pushing away from him.

“Yours of course, but I’m just trying to put two sides together,” he said sighing.

I gulped they were fighting and it was my fault. Kylee was going to storm out in a matter of seconds and tell Jake to leave. I didn’t want that…I didn’t want anybody fighting…

I looked at her, “would you calm down!”

If she was going to be made at anyone it should be me, I’m the one that started this drama. She glared, “oh I’m calm.”

“And I’m a vegetarian,” I said and rolled my eyes. “Seriously, don’t fucking fight over this bull shit! I don’t want you mad, him mad or any one mad at each other.”

“I’m mad at him,” she said pointing at Eli.

I groaned and sat up, “seriously go upstairs and fuck Jake’s brains out because obviously you need to relive some stress that you are building up. Seriously though, you need to calm down and go do something. I don’t care if its you on the track blowing off steam, going to the gym, or have sex so loud that Eli and I have to leave.”

She glared and stomped off, she didn’t tell Jake too leave, but she slammed her bedroom door behind her. I looked at Jake, “I’m sorry about that. If you want to leave I understand, but you are more than welcome to stay and hang out with us. She might sit there for a little bit digesting what all I said, then she may or not come out and yell at one of us, more than likely me. But it’s up to you.”

He nodded and sat there, I’m not sure he knew what to do. Should he go upstairs and talk it out with her or should he just leave. I could tell it was playing a toll on him and that made me bummed because the guy didn’t need the stress. It was the beginning of the season and stress brings on sickness and pain. I have always tried to not bring stress to the table during racing season for us and the guys because I knew this was the money maker. Win races to make money, lose races equaled unhappy sponsors and no money to do the things we love and want to do. I just hope we all can work it out and her beef with Eli would subside and she’d see how great of a guy he was. He was sweet and genuine just like her Jake was. She loved Jake and I loved Eli, we just need to figure out how to get along with all each other.
♠ ♠ ♠

Is there more drama coming? Who knows!!!