Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath


It’s been two days since my surgery and Kylee hasn’t really talked to me yet. She’s been spending a lot of time with Jake, but Eli’s been here off and on spending time with me. He’s actually out riding the track here with teammate Will Hahn. I decided I’d make them lunch. So I was making tacos for them, sticking to a healthy diet for them of course. Willbur as loved my tacos.

I heard the front door open and saw Kylee walking in with Jake. I looked over and smiled, “just in time for lunch. It’s about ready.”

“Awesome,” Jake said smiling. “I’m starved.”

I smiled, “I made plenty.”

Kylee looked out the back window, “is that Will Hahn riding with Eli out there?”

I nodded and smiled, “yeah, Eli invited him over to ride the track.”

“Looks like they’ve been using the dozer,” she said shaking her head.

I smiled, “it needed work and I would do it, but can’t.”

“Damn,” Jake sighed. “Should have stuck and rode today.”

“We had fun though,” Kylee said rolling her eyes at him.

“Shopping isn’t fun babe,” he said shaking his head.

I chuckled, “you went without me?”

“You and E were still sleeping when we left,” she said shrugging. “I didn’t want to disturb you too. Plus knew you wouldn’t be op to it yet.”

I nodded, “yeah.”

I sighed and went back to balancing on one crutch and stirred the loose meat. I looked over at Jake, “would you mind going and letting the boys know it’s almost done so if they want to wash up.”

“Sounds good,” he said and wandered out the back door.

I looked over at Kylee as she sighed, “why’d you let him bring Will over?”

I sighed, “because they’re friends and Jake wasn’t here to ride with him. He needs some practice.”

She nodded and looked out the window to see them riding up. Jake had his arms rapped around Will’s frame and chin on his shoulder. It made me chuckle and shake my head, “your boyfriend has a bromance with Will.”

“They always have,” she said shrugging.

I nodded and sighed, “can you finish this for me? I need to sit.”

“Oh yeah, sure,” she said and stepped over. “How’s the knee feel?”

“Hurts,” I said and sit down at one of the bar stools.

“Been taking those pills?” she said looking at me.

“No,” I shrugged.

“Cay, you should be taking those,” she said shaking her head.

“I don’t want them to mess with my system,” I said shrugging again.

“But if they make you feel better,” she said.

“They make me loopy,” I said sighing.

“Well then, take some aspirin?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’ve already taken the max you can in 24 hours,” I chuckled.

The boys walked in wearing just a pair of shorts knowing not to track any dirt in. I smiled. Will spoke up, “oh tacos?!”

I chuckled, “yeah, figured you’d like that.”

“I love your tacos,” he said and kissed my cheek. “E, keep here or I might steal her from you.”

I chuckled and smiled, “I thought you were into men.”

“Just Jakey,” he said wrapping his arms around Jake.

I looked at Kylee as she just ignored them. She turned around, “it’s ready boys come eat.”

Eli walked over and kissed me lightly, “you look tired?”

I nodded, “it’s fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Why didn’t you say something?” he asked concerned.

“I just couldn’t get comfortable,” I said shrugging.

“That’s why you kept wiggling,” he said letting the whole picture sink in.

“Sorry,” I said smiling. “Tonight should be better.”

“Well if it doesn’t, tell me,” he said then walked over to make a plate. Kylee and I waited for the boys to get their fill then we both sat down with them to eat. Lunch was talkative between the boys and us girls just sat there, listening and interjecting when we had our own comment on the matter. After lunch Kylee and I cleaned up while the boys decide to go have some fun outside. Not sure what the plan was, but I’m sure we’d hear about it later.
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