Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Who Said Chocolate?!

I walked back to the hauler to find Eli to boost his moral for the main tonight. He finished sixth in his heat and I knew he wasn’t happy about that. I saw him sitting on the outside talking with Brian and his father. I walked over slowly. He looked over at me, then looked back at Brian and explained how the bike felt. I got close enough I heard Brian say, “alright we’ll get it fixed, you get ready for the main.”

He nodded and looked at me as he walked into the hauler. I followed behind him and he closed the door behind us. I followed him up to the lounge and his jersey hit the floor as he walked in. I sighed, “hey it was a good heat, you got into the main, and you’ll go out there and show everyone how you got that number one plate.”

He nodded and tugged on his pants. I walked over and grabbed his fresh set of gear. He took the pants for me and slid them on. He looked at me and shook his head, “it just sucks that the heat didn’t go the way I want.”

I smiled and cupped his cheeks in my hands, “that’s the past now. You’ll kick ass in the main and I can just see you leading all the laps. You’ll get that hole shot and no one will catch you.”

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, “I love how you think sometimes.”

“It’s what I do,” I said smiling up at him and placed my hands on his bare stomach. “I motivate others.”

He smiles and nods, “aren’t you cold in the light jacket?”

“A little, but it’s all I brought,” I said shrugging.

He smiled and pulled away from me. He reached into the closet and pulled out his Geico Honda zip up, “here.”

I smiled, “you won’t need it later?”

“Nope, you being warm is number one,” he said smiling and helped me put it on. As he did he pulled the unzipped ends closer, then his hand reached up to my cheek. His head lowered and his lips were pressed again mine. I slid my hand up his chest to his neck pulling him closer as I kissed back. He pulled away, “there you’ll be warm now.”

I blushed and he chuckled. I shook my head at him, “you are adorable.”

“Not as adorable as you,” he said smiling down at me.

I blushed again and placed my face in his chest, “stop that.”

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, “I can’t help it.”

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him, “better get ready for the main.”

He nodded and kissed my forehead, “you better be at the podium afterwards.”

“I will,” I said smiling. “Promise.”

He took the jersey I had for him slid it on. I followed him out as he made his way out. Brian handed him his now clean boots. Eli sat down and snapped them on. I looked over at Kathy, Eli’s mom, as she was messing around with Will Hahn. I chuckled as she pointed at him and said, “don’t worry I’ll bring a dessert next weekend.”

“Chocolate cake?” he asked.

“Chocolate?!” Eli said perking his ears.

I chuckled, “no, no chocolate!”

“I swear I heard Will say chocolate cake,” Eli said confused.

“You don’t need no chocolate,” I said pointing at him.

“But it is so good,” he said groaning.

“We will break that habit one day,” I said shaking my head.

He smiled, “maybe.”

He stood up and walked over to me. I looked up at him and smiled, “ready for the W?”

“Are you ready to see this guy on the podium?” he asked smiling.

Brian handed me Eli’s helmet, gloves, earplugs, and goggles. I handed Eli the ear plugs, “bring that win, and I’ll make sure you get something special afterwards.”

Brian looked at me, “I don’t think I wanted to hear that.”

I rolled my eyes, “not the damn deed! You are a perv Kranz!”

Eli pushed the earplugs in then took his gloves from me, “then to see what my special reward is, I’ll bring the W.”

I smiled and handed him his helmet, “good, now get ready to dominate.”

He smirked, “such sass.”

“Just trying to motivate you babe!” I said smiling.

“Oh, oh it is working,” he said tugging the helmet on.

“We got to get going Eli,” Brian said looking at us.

Eli nodded and tugged on his helmet, “see you on the podium.”

I leaned up and kissed his lips, “see you on the podium.”

He took the goggles throwing them on then he slid onto his bike. I smiled and watched him and turned the video camera on and filmed him taking off. I filmed the guys a little longer than I shoot it off. Taking off to watch the main event.

I found Kylee where she said we’d meet to watch the mains. I smiled and sighed, “ready?”

“Yes, I am,” she said smiling. “Eli going to take the win?”

I nodded, “going to try for it.”

“Aw,” she said smiling. “You guys are too cute.”

“What you mean?” I asked looking at her.

“Young love,” she said smiling.

I snorted, “Eli and I are just great friends.”

“Kissing friends from what I’ve heard,” she said smirking.

“Hey, he’s a good kisser!” I said shrugging.

“What, so you guys have kissed?” she asked grinning widely.

“Well, yeah,” I said shrugging. “You and Jake haven’t?”

“Well, yeah,” she said and shook her head. “Oh, gates going to drop.”

I nodded and squealed excitedly as Eli took the holeshot, “I told him he would!”

“Yup, young love,” she said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and watched Eli dominate, with a couple laps left I looked at Kylee, “I have to get to the podium.”

“Get down there!” she said playfully shoving me.

“Alright,” I said. “See you after everything?”

“Sounds good,” she said waving.

I hurried down just as Eli was sliding off the bike. He saw me and smiled really big, if at all possible. I threw my arms around him in a big hug, “congrats babe.”

He smiled and took his helmet off. I slowly stepped back as people started to swarm and then he had to go up on the podium. He stepped off and grabbed my hand, “where’s my reward?”

I smiled, “you kicked ass out there.”

He led me back to the hauler and was asked to do an interview. I looked at him and nodded, “I’ll be inside.”

He nodded and watched me walk off inside. I reached into the cabinet grabbing a protein bar then grabbed a water from the fridge. I plopped up on the counter to be out of the way of the crew that had come back and was going to clean some stuff up. Kathy walked in and looked at me, “did you get a burrito that I made for everyone earlier?”

I shook my head, “I had disappeared before you served up. Plus, I’m sure Eli and I will go get food after.”

“Oh,” she said looking at him. “Rewarding him on the win tonight?”

“Got to mama,” I said smiling.

She smiled, “love having you around. If I’m not with him and I know you are, I know he’s going to get fed.”

I chuckled and nodded, “always got to take care of our boy.”

“That we do,” she said smiling and watched him walk in.

He smiled, “there’s my favorite girls.”

His mom smiled and stepped outside. Eli walked over and I handed him the water that I had already taken a few swigs out of. He smiled and accepted a big drink. He sighed and smiled, “I got to get cleaned up. Then do more interviews, then finally out of here. Are we going to grab food?”

“If you want too,” I said smiling.

“Sounds good,” he said and kissed me. “I’m starved.”

I handed him the protein bar, “it’ll tie you over.”

He smiled, “amazing.”

He took the bar and then walked off. I shook my head and disappeared outside. I was going to find Kylee soon and see how Jake did. I hoped he did good, but we’ll see. That race was going down now. I turned on the camera to film some stuff before calling it a night with it.
♠ ♠ ♠

Same set as last chapter.