Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Your Taxi Has Arrived

I sighed and looked over at Kylee as we drove towards Anaheim she was bummed I could tell. I looked at her and smiled, “hey just think of today to be a good day.”

“I’m trying,” she said sighing.

I nodded and sighed, “I start therapy on Monday, I was hoping you could take me for the first one because Eli will probably have stuff going on. Is that cool with you?”

“Oh yeah sure,” she said nodding.

“Awesome,” I said and looked out the window at the scene around us.

I pulled Eli’s hoody closer to me just out of comfort reasons, not because I was cold. The ride was pretty silent besides the radio. I could tell things were playing over and over again in her head about her son and the race and what to do with the father. I completely would have gone crazy if I was in her shoes. I really don’t know what I’d do. I mean what if Will goes crazy and wants custody. I mean the guys busy, but would he really go there and try?

We pulled up at the track and I grumbled lightly. I had to walk crutch the haulers. This just sucks. I started to get out as soon as she parked, but she stopped me. I looked over at her funny, “sounds like Jake is on his way the ATV to pick us up.”

Yes, wish Eli would do that for me! I smiled, “good because my arms already hurt.”

“That’s why I figured I’d text Jake, plus he said he’s already walked out to track to see how it is, now it’s just the waiting game,” she said smiling.

“If that’s the case you can drop me off with Eli don’t need to see you all cuddly,” I teased over at her.

She shook her head and got out as I saw the bright green Kawasaki flying our way. I grabbed my stuff and slide out. He pulled up next to us, “your taxi has arrived.”

I smiled and kissed Jake’s cheek, “thank you so much!”

He chuckled, “just get on!”

I rolled my eyes as Kylee slid on in the middle I slid on after her and held my crutches as we went. I looked at Jake as we were coming up behind Ryan Villopoto walking. I giggled, “slow down.”

He looked at me funny but I stuck my crutch out and poked him, “move it come on now, we driving here!”

He turned and looked at us, “running a taxi service now, Jake?”

“Yup, babes only though!” he said and grinned. “Catch you later!”

Then we were off causing Kylee and I too laugh. I watched as we were about to pass the Geico Honda hauler. “Jake!” I said laughing as he weaved around people.

“Oops, here’s your stop,” he said stopping just before he passed it.

I rolled my eyes and got off, “I take that thank you back.”

“See you later,” he said and he was off.

I shook my head and went around the chains and up into the hauler to see Eli talking with some of the other riders. I smiled and kissed his cheek, “I just wanted to tell you I was here, barely.”

He raised an eyebrow, “barely?”

“Yeah, Jake is crazy on the ATV,” I said giggling. “He doesn’t drive straight.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead, “alright at least you here.”

I nodded and smiled, “have you guys gone out to look at the track yet?”

“Nope, just about too,” he said smiling. “Want to join us?”

I smiled, “oh I’d love too, but I’ll stay here. I want to see if I can spot Donn sometime today.”

He nodded and walked out with his team. I smiled as he walked off with the team towards the track. I hated I couldn’t go out and give him insight on the track like I’ve done before. I shrugged and plopped down in a chair next to the hauler and pulled out my phone. I was ready to get going, I hated the waiting game. I wanted to see my man on that bike racing his heart out and going for another win. It was awesome to be back at Anaheim, it was close enough we could drive over the day of the race instead of a hotel. I wonder what Kylee’s doing, I should have rode over there with them, and visited Eli later, but I wanted to see my handsome man…
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