Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

He's So Awesome

Over the next few weeks, things have been pretty repetitive. I’ve ridden, hung out with Jake and Calyn, and gone to Jake’s races. The one person I haven’t seen is… Wil. To be honest, that kind of scares me. This week, my mom’s bringing Liam so he can stay for a little bit though. I’m so excited!... and so scared at the same time. If Wilbur shows his ass…

“You want to come with me?” I asked Calyn as she was moving about the kitchen… without her crutches.

“I wish! I have therapy this morning,” she pouted at me.

“Eli taking you?” She should be able to drive herself by now, but I was just making sure she had a ride before I bolted off.

“Yep,” she grinned.

“You two,” I just shook my head as my smile curled across my lips.

“What?!” she giggled.

“Nothing. I’m going to see if Jake’s up and if he wants to go,” I waved her off and started down for my room.

I opened the door gently just in time to see him roll over with his eyes starting to slowly flutter. It made me smile as I walked in. A little grunt came out of him while he rubbed his eyes.

“Morning,” I told him while rubbing his bare bake.

“Why are you up so early?” he mumbled.

“I have to go to the airport!” I laughed. I told him about this!

“Oh… right,” he chuckled at himself, obviously remembering.

“I wanted to see if you want to go with me before I left,” I went on.

“I don’t know if I should,” he yawned.

“You’re going to meet him anyway…”

“Do you want me to go?”

“I would like it if you did.”

“Ok. I’ll go,” he put a smile on.

In reply, I reached down and left a soft kiss behind on his lips. After he woke up a bit more, he got up and got himself ready. When he came out of the bathroom, he looked so cute. He was in fitted jeans and a Young and Reckless tee; nothing out of the norm for him. It was just something about it… I think it was that he went without a hat. He just looked adorable.

“When you come back you’re going to have your baby boy,” Calyn grinned as she watched Jake and I slide our shoes on.

“And he can meet his auntie,” I smiled at her, making her squeal from excitement,

“And Uncle Eli!” she added.

“Oh gosh,” I just shook my head again.

I didn’t have much more time to stay and talk with her. Jake and I were off to the airport. The whole way, I was in a fit of jitters! Of course Jake noticed. He chuckled and reached over to take my hand in his as he continued to drive. Neither of us said anything, but knowing he was there made it better. It just became so real now. People are… going to see Liam now.

We climbed out of the truck, his hand quickly found mine once again. I was ready! I wanted to see my baby boy! I got excited to the point that I was rambling to Jake about all the things I wanted to do with him while he was here. This lasted up until I saw him and my mom making their way towards us. The second Liam caught sight of me he came sprinting over. I did the same. When we met, I scooped him up in my arms so tightly.

“Missed you so much,” I told him and left so many kisses on his little cheeks.

“Missed you too,” he replied and refused to let go of me.

Eventually, my mom caught up and hugged us too.

“Mom, this is Jake,” I introduced them. She knows all about him.

“Nice to finally meet you,” she smiled at him.

“You too Mrs. Collins,” he put on his little charm.

“You want to meet mommy’s friends?” I asked Liam once he lifted his head up.

He looked over at Jake and then back to me. He looked a bit uneasy. I bent down and placed his on his feet. Jake did the same.

“Honey, this is Jake,” I told him, rubbing his back for a little more comfort.

“Do you ride?” was the first thing he asked him.

“I do,” Jake just smiled.

“We’re going to a few of his races while you’re here,” I informed him.

“Can I ride?” he looked at me, slowly letting his smile peak through.

“If that’s what you want, sweetheart,” I grinned.

“He’s so awesome,” Jake couldn’t keep to himself.

“And now we got to go meet Calyn!” I cheered, trying to amp him up.

“Well, you guys have fun,” my mom spoke up, giving us another round of hugs… even Jake. Aw!

“You’re not staying?” Jake was the one to ask.

“No. I got a flight back home in about an hour. I didn’t want to interfere with Ky’s mommy time,” she explained to him.

She gave us our goodbyes and off she went. After we got Liam’s bags, we took him out to the truck and started our way home. I sat in the backseat with him. He talked my ear off! It was so cute though. It was obvious that he was excited. But he mostly just wanted to ride. He is so my kid! I was just so happy he was here. We got some much needed quality time in our very near future.
♠ ♠ ♠
D'awwwww! :3 lo

