Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

My Lamb Lamb

The only thing that little boy talked about all day was riding! He saw the track in the backyard and would not change subjects. I didn’t want him to today. I wanted to spend time with him! Jake convinced me though! I already had gear for him. Of course it was black and green. His little bike was a Kawasaki too… Duh! He was so pumped on it. I swear he stared at it for a whole half hour before he threw his leg over it.

The little man has speed though! I was impressed! I haven’t seen him ride in a few months. He’s for sure getting faster. We need to sign this boy up for races. He even went down once and got right back up! That’s my boy! After some time, I pulled off the track and let him have some fun of his own. Jake, Calyn, and Eli were there though, smiling at me.

“He is so awesome,” Jake spoke first.

“Well, duh, he’s my son!” I teased, giving him a playful shove.

“Gonna be like his hot momma,” Jake snickered and smacked my ass as I passed him.

“Ah, ah, can’t be doing that with the baby around Mr. Weimer,” Calyn teased, waving her finger at him.

“It was harmless…” he replied.

“Nope. Can’t do it,” Eli joined in.

“Neither can you two!” was his comeback.

“He’s not our son though. His mommy has to set an example,” Calyn went on with her hands on his hips now.

“She’s right,” I tried to hold in my laughter.

“Babe!” he turned his focus to me now.

“Behave, Jakey,” I giggled now and pinched his cheek softly.

“He is staying in her room, so…” Calyn in formed him.


“Better be nice,” I told him and gave his lips a quick peck.

He grumbled a few words, but Liam pulled off the track and came over to us. Jake quickly shut his mouth and gently smacked the boy’s helmet.

“That was awesome, dude,” he smiled at him.

“Mommy taught me everything,” he spoke while taking his helmet off.

“Well, I think Jakey can teach you more…” Jake snickered.

“No, he can’t. Don’t listen to him,” I threw at my boyfriend.

Jake and I bickered playfully for a few more moments. Liam broke it up though. He said he needed to get cleaned up. I went with him. As I was helping him get changed, he started yawning. He’s had such a busy day. Poor thing’s crashing.

Once we were through, I picked him up and carried him into my room. Jake was already there, sitting on my bed with his feet propped up.

“Someone looks sleepy,” he said after I shut the door behind me.

“I’m not!” Liam whined and tried to bury his little face into my chest.

“Aw, of course you’re not. Just lay with mommy for a few minutes,” I assured him.

As I lay down, Jake opened his arms from the two of us. I thought it was super sweet. He wants to snuggle with me and my little boy. We kind of made a little Liam sandwich though. His back was just barely pressed against Jake’s chest while I hung onto him. Jake’s arm was around me, curling around so that his hand was resting on my back. I glanced down to see my baby’s long eyelashes slowly come together and then never parted. As his breathing became slow and steady, I planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

“I still can’t get over how awesome he is,” Jake whispered with his eyes looking at the boy between us.

“He’s my lamb lamb,” I giggled quietly and gave him another kiss.

“You guys are so cute,” he grinned and then gently reached over to kiss my forehead now.

This is how I wanted it to be! Jake and I with Liam… but… I know the day’s going to come when Wil knows he’s here… or seems him at the races. And then I don’t know what I’m going to do! I guess I’ll… just wait until the time comes and deal with it then. Because right now… I’m loving this. I’ll worry about all the drama later.
♠ ♠ ♠
D'awwww :3
