Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath


I was siting up in my bedroom doing some things online. Figured I’d check on things and update my fan page on Facebook. Kylee and Jake had taken Liam to the local gaming center, and Eli went to do some practicing on the bike. I watching watch some random videos when I heard footsteps coming down the hall. It can’t be Kylee and them, they’ve been only gone maybe an hour.

I looked towards the hall, “E, is that you?”

He walked in with a black Labrador puppy held snug in his arms. I looked at him and he walked over handing me the puppy, “happy two month anniversary.”

I chuckled, “its not until the weekend, but okay.”

He shrugged, “wanted to get you something special because you deserve it.”

I smiled, “well if this is what I get for our two month anniversary, I can’t wait to see what I get for our one year.”

He just smiled, “we’ll just have to wait and see, then.”

I smiled and kissed him lightly, “thank you.”

“Oh she isn’t just yours,” he said smiling.

“Of course,” I said and petting the puppy’s silky fur. “Have you named it yet?”

“Her,” he said sitting down next to me. “Nope, figured I’d wait for you to see her.”

“Camo,” I said smiling. It may be a girl, but we can call her Cami too.

“Perfect because I’m going to train her to go hunting with pops and I,” he said smiling.

I chuckled, “not surprised.”

He just kissed my cheek, “I love you.”

“Love you too,” I said smiling up at him. I let the puppy down to roam around the room. “Is she potty trained already?”

“That’s what the rescue center said,” he said smiling.

I smiled and watched her crawl in and around everything. I looked back at him, “how old?”

“Ten weeks,” he said smiling.

“Was she taken from her mother before then?” I asked all sorts of questions.

“Nope, her mother was there, but they said they started separating them all out two weeks ago to get them ready when people were wanting to take one home,” he said smiling.

I nodded, “that’s good. That means she should be ready for you to take her out anytime to start training.”

He nodded, “figured we’d go back to Colorado in a couple weeks and take her out in the woods and maybe fire a few shots get her use to a gun incase we take her out during rifle season.”

I nodded, “good idea. Earlier the better.”

He smiled, “you better be coming with.”

“I’ll go with,” I said and smiled. “It’s been forever since I’ve gone back to Colorado with you.”

He smiled, “that’s were home sweet home is for this guy.”

I nodded, “that it is.”

We played with our new pup and cuddled with it while we waited for the others to get back. I’m sure Liam will love the new puppy. It’ll be something to keep him busy while he’s here.
♠ ♠ ♠
New puppy! :)

Outfit and puppy!