Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Can I See Him?

“PUPPY!” Liam squealed once all three of us walked into the house.

“What?” I quickly countered… as I saw a black puppy come running towards us.

A… puppy? Really? When did we get a puppy?! I can only assume that this was caused by one person…

“Eli!” I called out while Liam was lost in a fit of giggles while the dog jumped up on him and licked his face.

“What?” he called out with a chuckle able to be heard in his voice.

“What is this?!” I asked, pointing towards the puppy that was attacking my son.

“Isn’t she cute?” he grinned and got down on the floor

“Well, yeah, but… really?!” I couldn’t believe it.

“Aw, but Liam loves it!” Jake stepped in.


“Kylee, I love it! Shut up!” Calyn’s voice came booming down the hall.

“Of course you do,” I laughed after she appeared.

“He’s cute,” Liam giggled while the dog was still licking his face.

“He’s going to get a disease,” I muttered teasingly.

“Oh my gosh,” Eli rolled his eyes.

Liam went away form the dog to go into the living room. When he returned, there was a dog toy in his hand. Oh my god. Already?! Him and that dog played for hours! I swear! They worked their way into the living room with Calyn and Eli following. Jake started to go too, but I stopped him. There was something I wanted to talk to him about.

“So uh… I know it’s only a matter of time before… Wil wants to see him…” I started.

“As he should…” he replied.

“And I was thinking about just calling him and telling him he’s here so if he wants to see him, he can,” I explained.

“Ok?” he asked and shrugged.

“Will you be ok with that?” I questioned.

“Babe, it’s your son,” he chuckled, “I’m just your boyfriend. Do whatever you think is right,” he smiled at me.

“I don’t want this tension between you and Wil though. You guys are good friends and I don’t want that to change,” I told him.

“That’s not going to change,” he assured me and wrapped me up in his arms.

“And I don’t want you to ever think that I want to be… with him again,” I spoke gently.

“I think I would have figured this out a long time ago if you did,” he chuckled once more.

I just smiled and hugged up to him. This was so reassuring. I never thought it’d be like this! My boyfriend isn’t supposed to be BFFs with my baby’s daddy! Like I could even make something like that up! I just want everything to work out smoothly.

“I’m going to go call him,” I told him once we slowly parted.

“I’ll go in the room with Liam,” he smiled and then planted his plump lips against mine.

As he walked off, I let out a heavy sigh and went out the back door. I was trying to work up the courage to tell him. It shouldn’t be this hard! I already told him the hard stuff! It’s just… letting them meet now. But to be honest it scares me.

“Hello?” he answered with no real emotion in his tone.

“What’s up?” I started off.

“Chiling. You?” was his reply.

“I’ve been… spending some time with… Liam,” I as honest.

Silence… that’s all that came next. Ok… maybe I should have worded that differently, but… that’s what’s been up with me!

“C-can I… see him?” his voice was soft yet still full of hope.

“I wasn’t planning on keeping him from you.”

“Can I… stop by later tonight? I’m at the track right now, but I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he answered, the confidence in his voice growing now.

“Yeah, that’ll be fine,” I actually… smiled.

After we said our goodbyes, I felt… happy. This is what I’ve wanted for awhile. I just want Wil to know his son! And that’s going to happen now! I just have to wait a few hours… What to do until then?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh snap... lol
