Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

You Stole My Cupcake!

Kylee and I were in making dinner while the boys were playing video games. I think Kylee and I convinced Eli that Call of Duty wasn’t the best for a four year old, so I think they were going to play MX VS ATV.

I looked over at Kylee as she slaved away at the stove while did the salad this time, “so when is Will coming over?”

She shrugged, “he said he’d call later.”

I nodded, “how do you think that’ll go?”

She sighed heavily, “I hope good, but I’m still slightly worried, you know?”

I nodded and smiled warmly, “well, you know you always got me to whoop on Wilbur.”

She laughed remember the time I took him down for stealing the last cupcake that we was given to the team last year when E won the west coast championship. She smiled, “remember he wasn’t even the one to eat the last one?”

I laughed, “I didn’t know at the time!”

“It was all Eli,” she said smirking.

“What I do?!” I heard him yell from the living room where they were playing the game.

I rolled my eyes and peaked my head round the corner, “you stole my cupcake!”

“I said I was sorry,” he said with a sly smile. “I bought you a dozen cupcakes from your favorite place to make it up to you. I never knew you didn’t get one!”

I rolled my eyes, “I forgave you. We were just remembering when I talked Wilbur thinking he stole it.”

“Oh, yeah, that was awesome!” he said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed out the plates and silverware to go set the table. I looked at her, “should I grab out an extra plate in case he shows up when we’re going to eat?”

She sighed, “no, but we made plenty he can grab one if he wants I guess.”

I nodded and went into the dinning room and started setting the table. After everything was finished, the table was all set, Kylee walked in and told Liam to go get cleaned up for dinner. I looked at Eli as he pouted, “can I play COD after dinner?”

I chuckled, “maybe you can play on the beaches later, but not with Liam.”

“Fine,” he pouted and got up.

I shook my head and looked at Kylee, “I feel like I’m raising a kid sometimes.”

“Right?” she said laughing. “Between dirt bikes and the RC cars, it’s a handful.”

“I’m not a handful,” Jake said as he stretched as he stood up.

“Whatever you say dear,” she said walking into the dinning room.

Just as we all were getting ready to sit down there was a knock at the door. I looked over at Kylee. She groaned, “he said he’d call.”

“Oh he did,” Jake said. “I answered it for you, since you were cooking.”

“You should have warned me,” she said and walked towards the door.

“And told me because I got to go get him a darn plate too,” I said giving his head a playful shove as I walked out of the room.

“Sorry,” he said shrugging.

I walked into the kitchen and I heard Kylee and Wil talking in the other room. This could be an interesting dinner and evening. I wanted to run in hide, but at the same time I wanted to see the fireworks that just might happen.
♠ ♠ ♠

Are we going to see fireworks when Wilbur see's Liam?!