Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

We Goin' Campin'

Eli… took my son. He told me that I needed some time to myself and took Liam out into the backyard. I stayed in the kitchen, watching them kick a ball back and forth; each seeming to giggle after each kick. Leaving them, I went into my room and just curled up in bed. I knew I shouldn’t be like this with Liam around, but… I miss my Jakey!

I don’t even know how long I’ve laid here. I would assume that if it were too long, Liam would have come in. Someone did though. When I rolled over, Calyn was peaking her head in. She sent me a small smile before walking in… with ice cream and a spoon in her hand.

“Took you long enough,” I grumbled teasingly.

“I’m sorry!” she replied, trying to push her smile away.

Before she sat down, she handed out the ice cream to me. Neither of us said anything as I opened it and even took a few bites. But since she was still in here, I figured she had something to say.

“E told me that… he mentioned to you that I may… be buying a house in Colorado,” she finally started.

“Mhm,” I countered, letting her know that I was listening.

“I was going to tell you. I just… wanted things to kind of chill out before I brought it up. It’s just… kind of a place to call mine,” she explained.

“It’s understandable,” I sighed.

“… You really don’t want to hear it right now do you?” she countered.

“I just… Jake,” I groaned.

“Aw, hun,” she cooed.

“Whatever,” I shrugged it off.

“Well, I think Eli and I are going to take Liam tonight so that you have some time to yourself,” he went on.

“You guys don’t have to,” I replied.

“We are! We’re going to pitch a tent in the backyard!” she added.

“… What?” I couldn’t help but giggle.

“We goin’ campin!” she seemed so excited about it.

“Oh my gosh,” I just shook my head.

That girl is crazy. My poor son. But that was really nice of her to do that for me. Once she was gone though, I was lonely! I want my Liam back! But I didn’t want to move either. Instead, I just sat here… and ate my ice cream. I worked at it until it was gone. Of course that didn’t make me feel better. I was cold and in desperate need of some Jakey cuddles.

After I had managed to snuggle up in my blankets in just the right way, someone knocked on my door. I let out a groan while telling them to come inside. I watched as my door slowly opened and revealed… Jake’s frame… What?!

Without questioning it, I hurried to throw my blankets off so that I could run towards him. He held his arms out for me as his smile started to take over him. I jumped into his arms and clung onto him and having no intentions of letting go. As he chuckled cutely, he lifted me up off the ground, allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist. Once he walked into my room, he kicked the door shut behind him only to gently lay me down on my bed.

“I was so mad at you, but you show up looking so cute,” I teased and rubbed my nose against his.

“I’m sorry,” he replied and kissed my lips softly.

My response was snuggling up to him, taking in his strong, musky scent. God, I miss him!

“Where’s Liam?” he asked softly.

“Calyn said her and Eli are taking him camping… in the backyard,” I laughed.

“Oh my god,” he laughed.

“So we have some time to ourselves…” I tried to hint and started kissing along his neck, leading up to his jaw line.

“And this weekend still?” he asked just as I felt a shiver run down his back.

“Wil said he’d be happy to take him,” I told him and rolled over, pulling him on top of me.

I thought… something in his eyes changed when I brought up Wil… But it quickly went away. It was so quick that I thought maybe it wasn’t anything at all. I’m not letting that bother me right now! I finally got my man with me! I needed him! I’m not going to stop everything just to pick apart his brain about the whole Wil situation. It obviously makes him uncomfortable… and the last thing I want to do is shift his focus right now! I’m finally getting what I want… and a whole lot more. This was a pleasant surprise. He needs to do more of these.
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