Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Back On The Bike

So today’s the big day, it’s been a like two weeks since Kylee and Jake started getting better again. I don’t think their back to 100% again, but I know that things are getting better.

Today we were out at Ocotillo Wells! I couldn’t freakin’ wait to get back on my bike and have some fun. I think Jake got most of his teammates to come out as well as the Pro-Circuit guys. Eli got the Gieco and Team Honda teams to come out. I even invited a few other guys that we’d run into at the races. People like Jeremy “Twitch” Stenberg, Robbie Maddison, and a few of their friends came out. It was going to be an awesome day of riding. Even Donn from Trans was here with Jordan to get footage and enjoy the fun.

I looked at Kylee as she watched Liam and Jake riding off on some smaller areas. It was actually cute. She was nervous as all hell though! I smiled, “go on go ride with them! So your boy how it’s done!”

She laughed, “get your helmet on and let’s go.”

I smiled, “alright!”

I grabbed my helmet and slid onto my bike, then slide my goggles on as well. I took off behind Kylee as we went off to ride with Jake and Liam. I smiled when I saw Eli coming along behind us. It was great.

After a couple hours of riding I finally took a break and sat down with Donn to do a on camera interview. I adjusted my sunglasses as he began, “so tell us a little bit about what put you out of training for the last three months for the people that haven’t heard?”

I nodded and smiled, “is just another day of trying at the house with Kylee and I. Though that day Jake Weimer and Eli Tomac were out there riding with us. Friendly competition was being held between Kylee and I, well Eli and I have been competitive when practicing together before and usually have some fun trying to push each other. So we were having a competitive deal, I was gaining on him and trying to pass him in the whoops, well me being an idiot decided hey let’s whiskey throttle this baby!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at my stupid and shook my head, “so I get thrown of the bike by my amateur mistake and come down on my knee twisting it wrong. Adrenaline still at a high I tried to get up and walk off. Well to come to find out I had indeed torn part of my ACL once again.”

“You damage the same ACL you damaged back in what year was that, 2011?” he asked me as I told the story.

“Yeah, back in 2011 during the season I got injured during the second moto at Southwick,” I said nodding. “But yeah we went to the doctors and scheduled a scope the following Monday. My doctor got in there and cleaned all up and here we are today back on the bike getting ready for the season ahead.”

He nodded, “so what did you do on the time “off”?”

I nodded, “I didn’t do too much different than normal. With Kylee and Eli being around me almost 100 percent of the time whether its one of them or both, I’ve been able to maintain a great diet and stay true to my program even being off the bike.”

“So no In and Out or anything crazy?” he asked trying to make me spill.

“Well,” I said slowly. “Don’t tell Eli, but I totally had a chocolate cupcake the other day.”

He laughed, “secret is safe with us.”

I smiled and nodded, “but other than that diet has been awesome. Been still doing some training work that’s not on the bike so got to stay fit and ready to ride when Hangtown comes around.”

“So do you think you’ll be ready for Hangtown?” he asked myself.

“Yeah, I’ll be ready,” I smiled. “No doubt about it.”

“We’ve noticed the bound through out the day between you Eli growing more,” he began. “Has he been a huge player in your training?”

I nodded and watched as he was totally making fun of Donn behind him. I smiled, “of course. I mean look at the guy, how can he not motivate you?”

Donn turned and laughed, “what you hating this ain’t your interview?”

Eli walked over and plopped down in my lap, “no I can be apart of this interview too.”

“Oh don’t crush the poor woman,” Donn said.

I pinched Eli’s side through his jersey causing him to fall off my lap and causing myself to burst into a fit of giggles, “my interview.”

I smiled as Eli rolled his eyes, but sat up and looked at Donn, “next question?”

I rolled my eyes and shoved his head playfully, “get out of here.”

“Would you like to continue the interview?” Donn asked pulling out his mike other mike.

I rolled my eyes and watched as Eli got all serious and made me get up. I looked at him, “what are you doing?”

He plopped down in the chair, “I can’t crush you, that wouldn’t be nice.

I rolled my eyes again and sat on his lap, “what questions you got for me today?”

He smiled and wrapped his free arm loosely around my waste, “what’d you think of riding today out here?”

I smiled, “it was killer and you kick ass for the idea.”

He put on his “I got game” smile and said, “it’s what I do. Kick booty on and off the track.”

I laughed and he smiled as he went to ask another question, “besides you, who do you think rode killer out here today?”

“Oh I’d have to say Twitch was killing it with the whips on some of the hills out here today, it was real nioce,” I said and grinned really big, but in a funny smile.

“Not me?” he asked acting appalled.

I laughed, “babe you ride great in the dunes, but Twitch was killing it today.”

“Dang, I got get on his level,” he said and smiled. “That’s all I got Donn.”

“What about that killer whip we caught out of her today?” he asked.

“Oh yeah you saw that?” I asked looking at Donn. “Pretty sick.”

“I think that was the most gnarliest whip I seen you throw,” Eli said.

“It was wasn’t?” I asked being all cocky.

He laughed and smiled, “smooth sailing.”

I smiled and looked at Donn as he smiled, “you guys are something could we see you two taking the next level and possibly moving in together? If so, where would you guys reside?”

I smiled and looked at Eli, “I think we’ve considered going back to Cortez, but as of right now we are going to keep living out here during the winter.”

“We’ll have times where we will go back to Colorado and looking, but we do almost 75 percent of our riding out here, just because of the climate out there. Well I’d say more 50 percent myself.”

I nodded and smiled, “who knows. We still want to win a couple championships before anything with us gets to serious. We really like that friendship bound we have grown to have over the years and we don’t want to risk the friendship because of big steps early on in our relationship.”

He nodded and shut the camera off, “that’s good.”

I smiled and stood up only to shove Eli into the sand on the chair, “that’s for butting into my interview.”

I laughed and started running the best I could in the sand and my riding boots before he could get up. I ended up tripping in the sand and laughing as Eli caught up to me, “really now?!”

I smiled, “yup!”

Today was a good day, a little more riding and then we were going to call it a day before we all headed back to our homes for the evening. I think we all had a blast. Need to make more time to come out here and ride when we aren’t so busy.
♠ ♠ ♠
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No one I will.