Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Must Be Blind

Practice and qualifying sucked for me today. I don’t know what it was and I was angry about how my day started. I sat in the hauler in my compreshion shorts and sports bra letting the fan blow on me. Someone walked in and I saw it was Eli. Great, someone must have went and told him I was pissy.

I stood up and grabbed my riding pants sliding them on as he walked over and sat down on the couch. I didn’t look at him, but he began to talk, “calm down.”

I looked over, “I’m trying here.”

He shook his head, “you’ll do amazing in your moto.”

I shrugged, “we’ll see.”

He grabbed my hand as I went to walk out of the room. I stopped and looked at him. He smiled, “you got this.”

I nodded, “I’m trying.”

He smiled and pulled me into a hug, “you’ll do great and you know it!”

I nodded and smiled, “I know.”

“Now,” he said and stood up. “Go out there and kick some booty.”

I smiled and kissed him as I walked outside and slid on my riding boots. I looked over at my mechanic, Mike, “you get it all dialed in?”

He smiled, “you should be able to pull through for a W.”

I smiled and slid onto it as it sat on the stand, getting a feel for it. I looked over at Mike, “can you lower my bars slightly?”

“How much?” he asked walking over with his handy tool and began moving it.

“Right there,” I said smiling. “Atta baby.”

Eli walked over and placed his hands onto of mine which were still on the handle bars, “you will do awesome out there.”

I nodded and smiled, “sure hope so.”

He nodded and leaned forward kissing me, “I got to get back, but I’ll watch you race.”

I smiled, “love you.”

“Love you too,” he said and kissed me again. “Bring us the W.”

I nodded and smiled as he walked away. I sighed, must get the W. Must that W. I sighed and slid off only to throw my chest protector back on, then my jersey.

Once all ready to go, I pulled my gloves onto my fingers and looked to my right and left to get a feel of who was around me. I sighed as I saw Kylee a few down, but put my game face on.

“Now remember,” Mike began, “be aggressive if you got to, but don’t be the aggressor.”

I nodded and sighed, “can I get another drink of water?”

My nervous and adrenaline were on high and I sighed as I took a large gulp of water. I looked out in front of me sliding my goggles on. I had this, I knew deep down I had this.

Mike left my side and I sighed taking in the deep breaths and before long the gate dropped and we were off. I felt the group scrunching in tightly around me and I just gave it my all to push away from them to get out front.

I had thirty minutes to prove to the world that I was a champion and will be a champion. I would do here at Hangtown; I would win!


I sighed in enjoyment, I had defeated the odds I took my first Moto win of the day and came up second in my second moto meaning one thing, the overall winner!

I was behind the podium getting ready to go up and speak to the crowd. I tugged my helmet off and pulled the earplugs out of my ears tossing them into my helmet. I had learned this trick this year with E, to help me focus more and shut the rest of the world out when I was racing.

I looked over and saw Eli, “what hell was up with 97? She don’t know how to get over for a blue flag?”

He sighed, “she’ll get talked too.”

“Damn straight she better,” I said and shook my head and pulled my hair into a ponytail then slide it threw my hat after cleaning off my face. “Must be fucking blind. We know she ain’t deaf, so she can’t pull that card.”

“You got the overall win, so calm down,” he said handing my another clean towel.

I shook my head, “it’s just ridiculous.”

“Calyn, they are ready for you,” someone said and I nodded.

I looked at Eli kissed his cheek then made my way up onto the podium. I smiled at the crowd and waved. I saw Kylee standing off to the side and gave her a wink causing her to shake her head. I did the interview then stepped to the side talking to Kylee, “you wouldn’t let me pass you…”

She laughed, “you did a couple times!”

I laughed and nodded, “but not at the finish line!”

She laughed and gave me a shove, “wait until next week.”

We did our photos with the trophies then enjoyed some champagne then we all went back to the hauler to get cleaned up only to get ready for our boys to race now. Would be an intense day! Let’s go E! I was ready for the W with him too.
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Thanks Aly! for the comment!!