Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Water Fight

Kylee and I had just finished a killer work out at the gym and were pulling into the driveway to see Jake, Eli’s and Wilbur’s trucks all in our drive. Oh boy, sometimes I question giving E a key to the house. I parked in my usual spot, good thing the boys knew not to take my spot.

I looked over at Kylee, “what do you think they are up too?”

“Well,” she began and looked in the garage. “They’re bikes are on their stands meaning they either finished riding or are going too, or they are up to no good inside.”

I got out and started to make my way into the house. They were no where there to be found. We looked out to the backyard and saw Liam chasing the boys with the hose, yes the hose and yes it was flowing water!

That didn’t last long because Kylee hurried and shut off the water then picked up the child and carried him inside. He started squirming. Uh-oh he’s in trouble!

The boys all started to walk in soaked head to toe. I looked at them all and placed my hands on my hips, “no you are soaked head to toe you are not coming in.”

“We’re cold,” Wilbur said trying to act cold.

“And there was three of you and you couldn’t shut the hose off?” I said giving them the look that I’m not buying anything.

“He’s just a kid,” Eli said. “We didn’t want to hurt him.”

“There is a shut off on the hose,” I stated like it wasn’t a new deal.

“Um, well he was suppose to just help water the track,” Jake said softly.

“He’s four,” I said and threw my hands in the air. “He doesn’t know when too much is too much!”

They all started to say something but I shook my head and stopped them, “no, now I’ll get you guys towels, but you are not coming in wet so you’ll need to strip out here.”

They groaned and I walked in to grab them all a towel. I handed them the towels then took their clothes in after placing them in a basket then carrying them into the laundry room to be washed and dried. They’d have to rock the towels until they were done, well besides Eli because he had clothes in my room.

He made sure to rub that into the guy’s faces. I shook my head and walked upstairs to my bathroom to get showered from my work out. I stepped out to see Eli lounging on my bed flipping through the next Racer X magazine. I smiled and walked into my closet to get dressed. I stepped out and sat on the edge of the bed next to him, “so no riding for today then?”

“Probably not,” he said shrugging. “I don’t mind though. I get to spend time with you know.”

I smiled and kissed him lightly, “aren’t you sweet?”

He smiled, “I try.”

I smiled and stood up, “so since you want to spend time with me, what do you want to do?”

“I was thinking we could cuddle and watch a movie?” he said setting the magazine onto the nightstand.

“Aw,” I said and sat down next to him again. “You want to snuggle?”

“Only with you,” he said smiling. Camo came running in and jumped up on the bed next to Eli, “I guess I can cuddle with our pup too.”

I leaned up and kissed E’s chin, “go put a movie in?”

“Fine,” he said and got up to pick a movie and put it in.

I smiled as he returned and curled into his side along with Camo. It was pretty nice. I liked when we had moments like this. We didn’t get disturbed by anyone the rest of the day; it was really great.
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