Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

We Didn't Shake The House

Jake agreed to go to with Eli and I to a very late dinner; Kylee glared at me at first then smirked. I knew what she was up to! I could tell already she wanted to pick on Eli and I. So here we were walking back to the Geico hauler to get my man. He was finishing up an interview with someone. He had his backpack already on him and was ready to go.

I walked over and smiled, “ready to go?”

He nodded, “if you’re driving.”

I nodded, “sounds good. I invited Kylee and Jake, if that’s okay.”

He looked at them, “oh no, it’s fine.”

“I figured, we could drive separate though,” Kylee said smiling. “I don’t need to spend too much time with you lovers.”

I rolled my eyes at her and smiled, “where we going to eat?”

“Somewhere, I don’t care, I’m hungry,” Eli said shrugging.

I chuckled, “we’ll fill that belly in no time.”

He smiled, “we better.”

“Alright, let’s just go,” Kylee said rolling her eyes at us this time.

We nodded and Eli grabbed my hand as we began our walk towards our cars. I looked over and saw Kylee was about to say something, but Jake grabbed her hand just as she was about to making her look at him. I smiled, “oh big step Jake, holding hands.”

Jake smirked, “believe it or not she finally said yes to a date.”

“Shut up,” Eli said looking at them and spoke all girlish. “Oh my God, that is so great.”

I smacked Eli’s chest, “oh shut up.”

He laughed and smiled at me, “you owe me 20 bucks, you said it’d be after Anaheim and I said at Anaheim.”

“I’ll buy this dinner for us, there will be your 20 bucks,” I said pointing at him.

“You placed a bet on when we’d decide to go on a date finally?” Kylee asked staring at us.

“No,” I said smirking. “Okay, yes we did! But it’s only in fun.”

Jake laughed, “I’m not surprised you guys did have bet going.”

I shrugged and smiled, “what can I say, I got gambling problems.”

We reached our cars, which actually happened to be close together. I looked over at Kylee, “so what you thinking?

“Hooters!?” Jake asked all excited only to have Kylee smack him upside the head.

“How about the Cheesecake Factory?” I suggested looking at them.

“Sounds good,” Kylee said. “Meet you guys there.”

I got in the car with Eli and he looked at me, “did you really have too invite them?”

I chuckled knowing he was being playful, “yes, I wanted to spend time with my bestie!”

“Fine,” he said then smiled.

We hit the road and Kylee got behind us. I looked over at Eli as I drove since he was staring at me intently, “what?”

“Are you going back to the hotel tonight or are you going back to Corona?” he asked me.

I looked at him as we parked at the restaurant, “I was going to head back tonight, since it’s a just a half hour drive.”

“Mind if I come crash?” he asked hopeful.

I shrugged, “you can if you want.”

“Awesome, I really did not want to stay at the hotel again,” he said looking at me as we both got out. “The bed I got this time was hard as a rock.”

I frowned, “been there.”

He smiled and wrapped his arm around me as we walked up to the building. Kylee and Jake followed. We got a seated in a booth right away and we looked over the menu.

I looked over at Kylee, “so I’m going back to Corona tonight, are you?”

Kylee and I actually had a house together. This past week has been crazy with some sponsor stuff for both of us and me doing this thing for Transworld, so we hadn’t seen each other much this week. I’d be gone before she was up and vice versa.

“I’m not sure yet,” she said looking at me than Eli. “Why?”

“I was just curious,” I said shrugging. “Didn’t want to invade if you and Weimer here were going to shake the house again.”

“We did not shake the house,” she pointed her straw at me then shoved it into her drink we had just gotten.

“Okay, maybe not to that extent, but I did have to go fire up the dirt bike to block you two out,” I said teasing.

“Shut up,” she said blushing. “That was like very ago.”

“Lies,” I said and smiled.

Eli looked lost, “so you guys are together?”

Kylee fidgeted, “no. She’s lying.”

Jake was just sitting their fidgeting with his phone. Okay maybe I was wrong to do that with Eli here, but hey if we’re going to ever be a couple he’s got to know that Kylee and Jake actually go back. I pulled out my phone and texted Jake, Sorry! I have a big mouth. Thought you and Eli talked about that shit. Don’t hate me Weimz!!

Jake looked at me then responded, It’s fine, not very many people know.

I looked over at Kylee, “so are we riding on Monday?”

“If it’s nice enough, hell yeah,” she said smiling.

“Sounds good,” I said smiling.

Our dinner was quiet for the most part, but it was good. After dinner we went our separate ways, Kylee and Jake went to the hotel, Eli and I went to grab his luggage at the hotel then were headed onto the road towards Corona. I was ready to sleep in my own bed once again, I tell you what, and the thought of Eli snuggling with me made me even more excited.

I looked over at Eli as we walked up to my front door. I unlocked the door and flipped the inside light on to see where we were walking and shuffled in with my suitcase behind me. Eli followed me as I went up the stairs to my bedroom. I shoved the suitcase in my closet and vowed to empty it later. I tugged mine and Eli’s coat off and placed them on a chair in the corner of the room. He smiled at me, “you looked beautiful tonight with your little beanie and big curls.”

I smiled and pulled the beanie off and placed it on the coat pile I just created, “thanks handsome.”

I made my way into my connected bathroom and stated as I walked in, “make yourself at home.”

I heard him something and then shuffle around. He knew where pretty much everything was from the times he had visited her. He did have a condo in the city limits, but we lived on the edge with a course in the backyard to ride on. It wasn’t the perfect track, but it was a work in progress for us. We had only lived in this place maybe a year, so it still had some work to be done.

After putting my hair in a ponytail I walked back in to see Eli had already crawled under the covers of my bed and was fumbling with his phone. I walked into my closet to change into some pajamas. I returned in some shorts and a plain shirt. I crawled under the covers next to Eli and he pulled me in towards him. I laid my head on his chest and sighed peacefully.

Eli reached over shutting off my lamp on the bedside table, “good night beautiful.”

I smiled and looked up at him, “E?”

He opened his eyes and looked at me, “hm?”

“Are you and I?” I asked unsure how to complete my question.

“Sure,” he said smiling. “If that’s what you’d like.”

I smiled back at him, “of course.”

“Then yes we are beautiful,” he said softly. “Now let’s get some sleep.”

I nodded and kissed him lightly, “good night E.”

I laid my head back on his chest and his fingers made might circles on my arm. I slowly began to fall asleep peacefully when my phone began to buzz on the bedside table. I groaned and shifted. It didn’t stop, I really need to change Kylee’s ringtone to something shorter.

I reached up and grabbed it trying not to wake Eli, “what do you want?”

“Oh, um we’re coming back to Corona now,” she said giggling. “I just wanted to make sure you and Eli weren’t finally breaking in that bed of yours the right way.”

I groaned, “no, I was sleeping. What happened to the hotel?”

“Um, long story, but I got Jake and I kicked out,” she said giggling again.

I rolled my eyes, “whatever, just don’t wake us when you get here.”

“Grumpy,” she sassed back. “Well night, night!”

I hung up and curled up to Eli again and he whispered half asleep, “what she want?”

“To make sure it was okay to come home,” I said and kissed his forehead. “Go back to sleep.”

“Okay,” he said pulling me closer. Then he mumbled it, “love you.”

My eyes shot open, he’s talking in his sleep. Um, that wasn’t expected. I closed my eyes, “you too E.”

With that I tried to fall back to sleep, trying to figure out if he was awake or asleep when he said that. I don’t know, but I wasn’t going to question him about it. Nope, I was not. See Eli and I had become super close as soon as he hit the pro scene in 2010, that was over two years ago, so I’m I shouldn’t be shocked he said it. I mean, I had grown to fall for the boy more than ever the last few months. We had done so much more together. He took me Elk hunting this past year, he was trying to teach me how to use a bow. Though we weren’t really a couple until now. I need to stop over analyzing it and try to sleep…
♠ ♠ ♠

Was going to make a PJ set, but Polyvore SUCKS BALLS tonight! Oh well Yee Yee, for chapter 5 in 24 hours!