Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Why Are Boys So Complicated?

Before we left for the next round of motocross, I tried to work in that ride day that Wil had been talking about. He bailed though! I have never been so pissed at him before. I made the mistake of telling Liam about it too so he was all excited… only to be let down. Jake came to the rescue though. He took us to the Kawi track and we rode with Ryan Villopoto… who Liam has taken a liking too. Ryan picks on him too… in a friendly way of course. It’s adorable.

After our riding was through, Jake took us out for dinner. It was really sweet. I half expected Liam to talk about Wil and how he kind of wanted to see him, but… that didn’t happen. Jake kept talking to him about things though. I think he knew that he needed to keep Liam’s mind off of his father’s shitty move. He even made a stop at the video store to pick up some movies for all of us to watch tonight. I thought it was cute.

When we got home, Calyn was gone. Her and Eli probably had a date night. The house was all empty… yet all three of us changed into pajamas and curled up in my bed while we watched Cars. Liam was in between Jake and I. I noticed that he was slowly nodding off to sleep. Before he could get that far, he turned and snuggled into Jake’s chest. As his arms tightened around the little boy, I saw his lips curl up into a smile. I couldn’t stop myself from reaching over to give each of them a kiss.

“Why can’t you just be his daddy?” I pouted quickly.

He chuckled softly and brought one of his arms around me, trying to pull me closer against him as much as he could with Liam between us. Eventually, Jake managed to scoop him up without waking the boy and put him in his little bed that I had gotten him. When he came back, he resumed his previous spot, but pulled me in even closer.

“I’m serious. Just be his daddy,” I repeated.

“Just because you’re upset with Wil doesn’t mean he’s lost his ability to be a daddy,” he snickered.

“Why would he do that though? It just… stupid Wilbur,” I muttered.

“Calm down,” he chuckled, giving me another squeeze.

“I just want to go to his house and yell at him,” I grumbled now.

“That’s not going to do anything accept maybe make tensions run high with you two.”

“You’re not supposed to be this level headed with this! Get mad, Jake!” I teased, pushing his chest playfully.

“Getting mad isn’t going to help anything. It’s just going to work you up more!” he tried to hide his smile.

“Stop smiling! It’s cute,” I whined and buried my head into his chest.

“But, Ky,” he whined playfully and then kissed his way around my head until I lifted it so he could reach my lips.

“I’m still yelling at Wil when I see him again. This is unacceptable,” I just couldn’t bite my tongue!

I didn’t get it! Wil’s been doing so well, I think, with his given situation. I mean… you find out you have a son that’s four and you step right into that daddy role as if you haven’t missed anything. I was impressed. But… this? He couldn’t even give me a reason as to why he couldn’t make it suddenly. It’s not like Wilbur to just bail like that!

“He’s been… acting odd lately,” Jake added.

“Right?! What the hell?” I groaned.

“Maybe he has something going on,” he shrugged.

“Ever since Hangtown I thought he’s been acting strange,” I sighed

“I thought it’s been before then, but…” he trailed off.

“I need to talk to him,” I huffed once more.

“I’ve tried. He just says he’s fine though.”

“Why are boys so complicated?” I asked, trying to keep my smile away.

“Why are girls so complicated?” he countered, doing his best to hold in his snicker.

“I am not complicated,” I quickly shot back.

“You were the most complicated thing! I could never figure you out before we started dating. I thought for sure you hated me,” he chuckled again.

“Yep, slept with you at least once a week, but I for sure hated you,” I poked.

“Well!” he laughed now, “But you were just secretly in love with me…” he went on to tease back.

“I was…” I couldn’t lie.

“But I was too with you,” he spoke softer now.

After those words left his mouth, he reached down and placed the softest kiss on my lips. Once he pulled away, I couldn’t fight off the happy sigh that was trying to come out of me. He makes me feel so much better. I know this is bad, but… sometimes I just wish I hadn’t told Wil. It would just be Jake and I with Liam and… things just seem to be so much easier that way. I want the baby… without the baby daddy!
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