Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Watch Yourself

I watched as Jake carried Liam on his shoulders again passed the Geico Honda hauler and saw Wil throw glare their way. I shook my head and kind of snapped, “quit be such a douche, he’s your best friend and he’s dating your babies mama. Get over yourself, they could have never told you, you had a son and you could be living the same way, but no you are being a royal douche.”

I had had it with him and his childish acts, he either need to be the child’s dad or move on and try for another life because quiet frankly I was tired of seeing him pull the shit he’s pulled with his son and baby mama. Eli looked at me shocked I had just bursted like that, right before anyone raced today. I shrugged and Wil looked at me, “I’m not being a douche.”

I clapped and laughed, “wake up Wil! You have a son and guess what he might just have a new daddy. You keep pulling the shit you pull then maybe Jake deserves the kid more than you, because guess what Wil?! Jake came to me and said he might propose to Kylee. Oh and you know what that means?”

He shook his head and stared at me. I smirked, “Liam will have a real father to look up too.”

Eli looked at me and shook his head, “really Calyn?”

I shrugged, “the asshole needs a wake up! I’m not letting him tear apart my best friend and her boyfriend and the son she is finally getting to see every morning and put to bed every night! He either has the balls to help raise the kid or he doesn’t.”

He looked at me and shook his head, “before you two have to race.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my mouth shut any longer,” I said and turned on my heel and made my way towards my pit.

He was lucky he wasn’t a girl because I would probably kick his ass back to Texas! I walked furious to the hauler only to get ready for my qualifying run. I was going use this anger as fuel and believe me I did. I got the fastest lap time of the day.

I sat cooling off in front of the big cooling fan, when Kylee came over said to me, “what the hell did you say to Wil?!”

I shrugged, “to stop being such a douche.”

She shook her head, “stop fighting my battles, I can fight them!”

I glared, “then fight them, don’t let him keep wrecking the life you and Jake are giving your son!”

She glared furiously at me and said completely angry, “watch yourself out there today.”

I shook my head my best friend just threatened me, what the hell!? I shook my head and smiled, “I’ll be at the front all day, didn’t you see my lap time?”

She glared and walked off because her mechanic was yelling at her. I went inside the hauler only to get ready for our first moto. We would race once again before all the men today. I pushed my headphones in to clear my a bit before going out there to race.

Eli hurried over to me and kissed me quickly because I was getting ready to go out to the track he smiled, “remember focus and win.”

I nodded and smiled, “oh I’ll bring the win home.”

With that I was off with my mechanic to the line. I felt daggers all the way on the other side of the line up and knew who the glare was coming from, Kylee. I shook my head and smirked towards the track, letting Mike my mechanic fill my ears with motivation.

The gate dropped we were off. Kylee got the holeshoot which fueled my need to get by her even more. As the last two laps came out after the thirty minute mark, that’s when the aggression came out between both us more than ever. I was not going to let her take the win today. I wouldn’t, I wanted both moto wins to prove I was number one in this class.

As we went up the last hit I cut her off and pushed towards the finish line, racing is racing. Best friends or not, this was our jobs. Pumped on the win and doing a quick interview I went back to my pit to get ready for the next moto. I didn’t see Kylee or hear her through her daggers at me even more. We’ll see how moto number two goes now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh drama?!


Pre-Race Outfit