Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

... For Liam

Going into the second moto… I was pissed! Jake came over after his even though there wasnn’t much time until I had to leave for mine. He tried to talk me down, but I wasn’t hearing it. All I saw was red… in more ways than one.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” was the one thing I caught.

He reached in to kiss my cheek and had whispered it into my ear before I slid my helmet on. Liam came over and held his fist out for me to bump it. That made me smile. Leave it to my little boy…

“Be careful, babe,” Jake sighed as I climbed onto my bed.

I nodded at him, letting him know I heard it and was off with my mechanic. All the way, he was trying to talk to me. I paid attention, but… I wasn’t going to listen to him. I needed to get out front and stay out front. That was it. Plain and simple. When the gate dropped, that’s exactly what happened. Holeshot! Again! As the laps ticked off, my mechanic would write my gap on the board. The highest it got up to was a little over four seconds. That wasn’t enough! I wasn’t getting caught and bumped again by anyone… especially Calyn.

My next message said to chill. That was all that was written on it. Um… no! Never! It only made me push more. This kind of bit me in the ass though. I cross rutted and bobbled around a little. Of course this slowed me down. Once I got around the next corner, I could hear a bike right behind me. I glanced over as I went over a jump to see a red bike. Oh hell no!

Once I was back on the ground, I gunned it… and so did she. I didn’t even realize it was coming down to the last lap until I saw the white flag come out. I was still in front, but Calyn was starting to get aggressive now. We were coming up to the spot where she put her last move on me. She tried it again. I managed to work out of it though. She was still charging; she was right there. The finish line was in sight. I had this! The checkered flag was out and I was getting ready to throw a huge whip over the last hit. This would give me the overall! Just before take off though, she rammed my back tire. That’s something I wasn’t expecting. I was already in my whip setup that it just threw me from the bike anyway. It was enough to fling me over the jump still, landing at the bottom. It hurt like hell! A shock of pain shot through my right leg. I grabbed for it, crying out. What he hell happened?!

But I guess somehow, I had still managed to pull off winning the second moto? I wanted to go for the ceremony, but I was being taken to the medical unit. But the worst part was… I couldn’t even put pressure on my right leg. When I was up right and attempted to, I fell right back down. NO!

The whole way to the unit, all I wanted to do was cry. Not from the agonizing pain, but from the fact that… I knew I was injured. There was no ‘just put ice on it. You’ll be fine.’ I’ve been doing so well this season! And now it’s… probably ended. Once I was checked out though, it appeared to be just a contusion. A week or so off the bike and I should be fine… or so I hoped. They wrapped it up tightly and took my back to my pit for me. My trophy was already there… and my unpopped bottle of champagne. Without saying anything to anyone, I took and opened it… and took a big chug.

“Better not be on pain meds,” someone spoke from behind me.

I look over and see Wilbur with Liam on his lap. I just rolled my eyes and took another swig. After I put it down, I went over and managed to work my way down into a chair.

“Mommy, can we go watch Jake?” was the first thing Liam asked since the 450s were out for moto two.

“Buddy, mommy’s hurt,” I whined.

“Please!” he pouted.

“Come on,” I huffed and hobbled over to the cart that goes down with us at the start.

He let out a cheer as he got to his feet and hurried over to me. I got in the driver seat and he got into the passenger. Wil was still just sitting there. I looked at him for the longest time until he finally shrugged at me.

“You coming?” I asked.

“Daddy, come!” Liam egged him on.

Without any more hesitation, he got up and climbed up into the seat. He put Liam on his lap and we took off to find a spot to watch the race. After we stopped, Liam quickly spotted Jake and was zoned in on the racing action. This gave me a chance to talk to Wil.

“So uh… I think we’re going to be staying at Jake’s for a little bit,” I started.

“I kind of… figured,” he replied, but he seemed annoyed.

“Just until… things cool off between Calyn and I,” I went on.

“Oh,” he seemed surprised at my response.


“Calyn told me that… he’s talked to her about proposing, so…” he trailed off, turning his head away once the a bit of hurt flashed over his eyes.

I… what? Propose? Why… NO!

“I’m not going home after this,” I ignored that comment. She could have just said it to piss him off.

“You guys are always welcome at my place…” he added softly.

“That would make a great situation,” I huffed.

“It’s just… for Liam,” he countered.

It suddenly made me feel bad that I jumped to that thought. He’s just… the father of my child. Staying at his house shouldn’t be that big of a deal… Right?

“Maybe a night or two,” I gave in.

“I’d like that,” he let his smile shine through.

It actually… made me smile. But I was quickly broke out of that as Liam started to squeal. Jake had made the pass to make it onto the podium for the day. They had announced it, and Liam was so happy for him. It was adorable. He then started jumping around, telling us that we needed to get back to the Kawi pit to see him. Wil told me I could drop him off there too so I wouldn’t have to go to the Honda setup just in case Calyn was there with Eli. Good! The sooner I got out of here, the better!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh maaaaaan lol
