Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Rain, Rain and More Rain

After a brutal muddy race I had gotten a second overall, but one my first moto. I groaned and spat out a bunch of dirt in my mouth. I felt gross as ever. I hated racing in rain. Kylee as well didn’t do well, she was third overall as well. We were beat as hell from the race. Tennessee really did a toll on us and I couldn’t wait to see how the guys did in their motos with the trashed track.

Stepping down from the podium I yanked the soaked and muddy jersey over my head then slid onto the Honda ATV and road back to the hauler beat. I was ready to shower and get all this crud off me. I saw Eli smiling at me and sighed. I walked over and kissed him lightly, “I need a shower.”

He chuckled and scrunched his nose at me, “you are filthy, but that’s how I like you sometimes, a little rough around the edges.”

I snorted a laugh, which caused him to shake his head at me, but smile. I sighed and kicked my muddy boots off. I wiggled out of the wet muddy riding pants then looked at E, “when’s your last moto?”

“They’re going to see if this rain lets up and work on the track a little bit I guess,” he said and shrugged.

“Think I got plenty of time to shower before you have to hurry out?” I asked hopeful.

“Should,” he smiled and let me hurry into the hauler to get rinsed off.

I mostly just wanted to get the big stuff off. I’d shower in a warm shower at the hotel when it was all over. I was going to be out in the rain watching E, meaning I’d probably just get soaked again.

After shower I pushed on a pair of my rubber boots that I had stowed away in the rider’s cupboards. I pulled on a raincoat then my umbrella and made my way over to the hauler to see the guys getting all geared up. It was no longer powering rain so they were going to get them out there while it started to let up before the next system moved in.

I closed my umbrella and walked over to him, Kranz walked over and spoke, “give us some insight will ya?”

I chuckled and shook my head, “slick as shit.”

“So much to go on!” he said laughing.

“You seen the shit out there!” I said laughing. I knew he had talked to my mechanic and got some insight already. I already dished to my mechanic and was glad I was done.

Eventually we were off towards the track to watch the 250 race. I saw Kylee standing off to the side with Liam, who was watching his daddy race. I held the hoody close to warding off the colder air and held tightly to the umbrella. I hated the rain on race day. It could rain any other day, but not on my race day. It just sucked majorly!

I sighed looked out at the track watch Eli get covered in mud as he tried to push towards the front. It was a cruddy race and we were all ready for it to be over and go home and start fresh next week. Today we had to do the best keep our points lead.

The race finished and I waited for him to come to the podium. I closed the umbrella as the teams all got close. I sighed and wiped E’s soaked cheek with a dry towel and he smiled weakly. Not the finish we wanted but he got second over all as well. I kissed his cheek, “you kicked ass out there.”

“Track was rough,” he said shaking his head and tried to gain his composure before making his way up to the podium.

I nodded, “you still have the points lead. We’ll kick it into high gear next weekend and be on top again.”

He nodded and smiled. I stepped back and waited for him to finish his deal and we went back to the hauler and he got cleaned up much like I did earlier before coming out and then did some interviews before we made our way back to the hotel then to get ready to fly to Colorado for the next two weeks. I hadn’t told Kylee we were going since she hadn’t talked to me still. I left her a note at the house though telling her where we were going and that we had Camo, so she didn’t have to worry about her. I just couldn’t wait for Colorado and spending some time with E!
♠ ♠ ♠
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Cay Post Race