Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

A Talk With Mama and Some Archery

I looked over at Eli as he took Camo outside and sat down to enjoy a cup of coffee with Eli’s mama, Kathy. She held her cup in her hands and stared off outside. It was silent between us. I knew she had something on her mind, but I figured I’d let her tell me what it was rather than digging it out of her.

She smiled over at me, “Eli says you want to look at land out here?”

I nodded, “gets me closer to home in Texas and Eli can be close by to you guys.”

“That’s sweet of you,” she said smiling.

I nodded and sipped on my coffee, “plus it’s beautiful out here.”

“That it is,” she said looking back outside.

“California is nice, but I like to see land and land,” I said with a smile.

“Too much city life in California,” she said nodding.

I smiled and watched as Eli and John were messing around with Camo. Kathy spoke again causing me to look at her, “sounds like things with you and E are getting serious?”

I smiled and shrugged, “he makes me happy and I guess I make him happy, so really it’s just great.”

“The other day when we went out to do some errands and you had stayed back to work on something things,” she began and smiled. “He just wouldn’t stop beaming about you, he really loves you. I don’t think I’ve ever since the boy this happy.”

I smiled over, “I love him so much.”

She nodded and placed her hand on my arm, “just don’t hurt him.”

I nodded, “I’ve done that before when I stopped talking to him when he became pro.”

“God, I forgot about that,” she laughed. “He said, ‘she doesn’t like me because I’m pro’.”

I laughed, “little did we know we both got signed to the same team!”

She smiled, “oh my God, the day he came home to tell me that his girlfriend was on his team, gave him so much hope.”

I shook my head, “little turd bucket he was.”

“He’s grown up so fast,” she smiled. “I’m glad he’s found a wonderful girl like you.”

I smiled and nod, “I’m glad I found him.”

“I know we had a really rough patch a few months back, but I really think we have grown since then,” she said smiling at me.

I nodded, “that’s the thing, you didn’t know and were worried something would come up and ruin one of our careers. It hasn’t happened and we plan on waiting to get married before we consider having any babies. I have to hang the boots up first myself because a child would be number one.”

“That’s good to hear,” she said smiling.

I smiled and watched the boys walking back with Camo following, “he’s really trained Camo, it’s great.”

“Jon said E trained him to be around a gun so they can go hunting with them?” she asked.

I nodded, “that was another reason he bought her.”

She chuckled, “it was a cute anniversary gift of him.”

“I know,” I said giggling.

They walked in and Eli smiled at me, “come on I’m going to take you out to shoot.”

“E,” I said sighing.

He chuckled, “come on you gotta learn to bow hunt if you’re going to go hunting with me this year.”

I sighed playful, “let me go grab the bow you insisted on buying me the other day.”

He smiled, “yeah you gotta show that thing off.”

I rolled my eyes and went into his bedroom to grab it out. I carried it down in its case and showed it to his parents then he drug me out back to shoot it a bit. It was cute he held me close a couple times and corrected my posture and all. I’m sure it was a cute sight to see.
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