Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Oh, Ok

“Jakey,” I called out after I had helped Liam with his shoes.

“Yeah, babe?” he called back; his voice appearing to be coming closer.

“I’m going to take Liam to Wil’s. I’ll be back,” I told him.

“Do I get a hug?” Jake pouted at my son.

“Yeah,” Liam smiled before he rushed into Jake’s arms.

Seeing them two smiling together was just the cutest thing. The thought of… not taking him to see Wil kind of crossed my mind, but… I can’t keep that little boy from his daddy. I just can’t… no matter how much I want to avoid him right now.

“You be good,” Jake told him after he planted a soft kiss to his cheek.

“I will,” he mumbled and stepped back out of his arms.

“I’ll be back,” I repeated and led my little boy out to my truck.

Once he was buckled in, I climbed in and started off for Wil’s house. We’ve been on a very minimal talking basis. It’s basically just us exchanging Liam and that’s about it. I just… can’t chance anything right now. Things are going… kind of ok; with Jake and I anyway. I haven’t talked to Calyn… and feel like I’m not ready too yet either. I know that time’s going to come. I just… can’t do it right now. Yes, I shouldn’t had said some things, but… I would never attack her like that on the track. It just… I don’t know how I felt about the whole thing right now. She’s not even here anyway! I went to get more stuff from our place the other day and there was note, telling me that she went to Colorado with Eli.

Anyway, out of sight. Out of mind. I got Liam to worry about. And right now, I need to get him to his daddy’s. He was talking about all the fun things they’d do and how great of a time he was going to have. I’m glad Wil is able to do this now. I have no problem leaving Liam with him. He’s had him for whole weekends too. I feel like we’ve got a good routine going. We just… don’t talk too much.

“We’re at daddy’s,” I sang teasingly as I unbuckled him and helped him slid to the ground.

“Are you going to stay?” he asked as I held his hand and carried his bag in the other.

“It’s going to be just you and daddy tonight,” I replied, looking down at him with a smile.

“But it’s always just me and daddy,” he muttered.

“You guys have so much fun though,” I tried to cheer him back up.

“But…” he started to bicker.

Before he could finish, the front door opened, revealing a smiling Wil. Liam seemed to forget about what he was upset with me about. He rushed into his father’s arms, appearing to be so happy right now. Aw.

“Love you, buddy,” Wil beamed and left kisses all over the little boy’s cheek.

“Love you too,” Liam countered and rested his little head on his dad’s chest.

“Ok, give mommy kisses. I have to go,” I didn’t want to ruin this, but I needed to get out of here.

“Stay,” Liam pouted.

“Baby, I have to go,” I told him.

“Daddy!” he whined, turning to his father now.

“I can’t make her stay,” he replied softly.

“Please,” he looked over at me with pouty lips… and glossy eyes! Damn it, Liam! Every damn time! It’s exactly what your father did to me!

“Just for a few minutes,” I gave in.

Wil smiled, but it was at his son before he turned around and led me inside. I went inside and was about to sit on the couch. Wil stopped me though. He asked if we could talk… in the kitchen. Oh, Wilbur…

I went out there with him, nervous as hell. What is he going to say? I should have just dropped Liam off! Better yet, have Jake do it! But no, I had to do it! Nice going, Kylee!

“Have you… talked to Calyn lately?” he started.

“No…” I was surprised by that response.

“Oh, ok,” he countered.


“I just… thought maybe you two… worked things out,” he shrugged.

“Are you… ok?” he was acting weird. He started to fidget and had a hard time stringing together his words. What was up with him?

“Fine,” he smiled now, “Just… wondering about you,” he shrugged again.

“Sometime I don’t understand you, Wilbur,” I huffed.

He just chuckled. Something was up. And I bet he wanted to talk about things that happened at the track a few days ago. I wasn’t going to bring that up. We can’t share another moment like that… It may end in another Liam! Who knows?! I was able to sneak out of the house after this though. Wil was entertaining our son… and I needed to get out of his house. My mind was wondering… and it wasn’t to very nice places.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so torn between Jake and Wilbur... AH!! lol
