Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

That's How You Do It!

As I walked off with Liam, the image of Wil’s face wouldn’t leave me. I hated it, but… I can’t control what Liam wants! And then when he spotted Jake, he let go of my hand and went sprinting off towards him. Jake caught sight of the boy and quickly reacted to scoop him up in his arms. He even threw him up into the air, only to catch him and plant a soft kiss to his forehead.

“He wanted Jakey today,” I informed him once I was close enough.

“Yeah, dude,” Jake grinned and put his fist out for Liam to pound with his.

He complied, but afterwards, he wiggled out of Jake’s arms to go over to Dana who was working on Jake’s bike. He was just watching him work. Oh that boy and dirt bikes…

“He didn’t… want to stay with Wil?” Jake asked.

“No,” I pouted.

“I’ll gladly keep an eye on him,” he countered.

“I know you will, but…”

“Everything’s fine. My pits just better… It’s got that guy,” Jake snickered, motioning towards Liam… who had found Ryan Villopoto. Ryan was currently giving him a hard time about not having a green number one plated bike for a toy.

“I’ll be back after my moto then,” I sighed.

“Be careful,” he gave me a little bit of an intense look.

“Oh, Calyn apologized,” I told him.

“What?!” he seemed shocked.

“I know, right? It’s going to storm,” I teased.

“Still. Be careful,” he added and leaned in to give me a quick kiss.

“Love you,” I sighed happily. I needed that from him.

“I love you too,” he smiled only to be called over by Dana.

Leaving him to his bike issue, I went down to my pit to get ready for the first moto. I was still a bit sore. I wasn’t about to tell anyone that though! It wasn’t bad. Nothing that I couldn’t race through. I was actually pumped. My last race I had the overall. I need to get some steam going here. Lets get another one!

When I pulled up to the line, I realized that Calyn and I’s gates were next to each other. We stayed rather silent. But before our mechanics stepped away, I couldn’t… help but reach over and give her helmet a good luck smack; something we always used to do. I caught her smile from behind her own helmet before she did the same to me in return.

After that though, our game faces were on. Once the gate dropped both of us were off. She got the holeshot this time. I was right there though. I wasn’t letting her get too far ahead. We battled back and forth throughout the whole race. It was clean though! No one bumped anyone. I honestly didn’t know who had won when I crossed the line. If it weren’t for the announcer, I wouldn’t have known that I just barely beat Calyn out for the moto one victory.

“What a race!” I shot at my bestie once our helmets were off.

“That’s how you do it!” he countered before we threw our arms around each other. That was so awesome! I swear just a little more track and she would have had me. I like racing like that.

After this, Calyn and I were tugged in different directions for quick interviews. Once those were over, I went back to my pit to change out of my dirty gear. I only stuck around long enough to tell my mechanic to adjust a few things. I needed to go get my little boy! When I got to the Kawi setup, Liam and Ryan were running circles around Jake. Oh, dear…

“What are you doing to my son?” I couldn’t help but laugh at RV.

“He said Jake was better than me!”

“Well…” I couldn’t help but tease.

“You’re his girlfriend. You have to say that,” Ryan muttered.

“So, momma taught her boy right,” I smiled and patted my son’s head once I was close enough.

Ryan wasn’t having anymore of it. He waved me off and stepped back into the hauler. I giggled and picked my son up, kissing his cheek.

“What do we tell mommy?” Jake asked.

He looked at Jake for a few long seconds before looking at me… and then back to Jake again. Apparently something suddenly clicked. He let out an oh and this shot his gaze back to me.

“Good job!” he beamed.

“Aw, thanks, honey,” I smiled and kissed his cheek once again. “Now, Jakey has to win,” I smiled over at my man.

“Gonna pull it off today,” he grinned before going over to his bike, mounting it.

“Hope so,” I added as Dana joined him, ready to leave.

Before he started his bike, I went over and did our little couple ‘be careful, I love you’ routine. Liam even wanted in on it. It was sweet. But as we watched Jake ride off, all I could think about was winning my second moto. I got a taste of victory at the last race… I want that again!
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