Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Better Not Let Me Down

When we got home from the race Sunday morning, Wil asked if he could take Liam. Of course I let him. I wanted a recover day anyway. I was beat. I went back to sleep and didn’t wake up until late afternoon. I woke up to find Jake rotating his clothes around, putting the dirty ones in a pile and replacing the clean ones.

“Someone was sleepy,” he snickered once he noticed I was awake.

“I was,” I couldn’t hide it.

“Liam wearing you out?” he teased as he turned to look at me, slowly making his way over.

“Going between three pits over and over again is,” I yawned just as he was crawling into bed with me.

“Aw, babe,” he countered and wrapped me up in his arms. “You’re kicking ass though. You’re only a handful of points behind Calyn,” he spoke and started gently rubbing my back.

“Yeah,” I just wanted to shrug it off and move on.

“Just yeah? Get excited. You could win this, babe,” he tried to drill into me.

“I know, but… Wil was… telling me some stuff and… I just don’t know,” I huffed.

“What stuff?”

“He over heard Calyn and Eli talking about Calyn… hanging it up after this season.”

“Why?” his face wrinkled up.

“I don’t know! Like… Why would she do that?” I groaned.

“Well, you haven’t really talked to her, so you don’t know where her head’s out,” he explained.

“I know, but… Urg,” I groaned once more.

“That doesn’t mean you should work less just so you can hand the championship to her, because she’s your friend and you think her winning will keep her around,” he blurted out.

“I wasn’t thinking that!” I threw back.

“You so where,” he chuckled.

“Shut up,” I sighed.

“Ky,” he had such a softer tone now.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I was quick to change subjects.

“I know what I want to talk about…” he countered.

“What?” I looked at him oddly.

“Us,” his lips parted to show of his bright smile.

“No! You’re breaking up with me!” I whined playfully.

“Yep,” he chuckled, but pulled me in closer.

“I knew it.”

“Stop it. It’s… like the complete opposite,” he corrected me.

“I know you want to put a ring on it…” I couldn’t help but smile.

“Because I like it,” he snickered and nuzzled his nose into my neck.

“I don’t know,” I sighed.

“You don’t know if you want to be with me? Jeez, Ky,” he taunted, but I knew it really bothered him.

“I do,” I quickly assured him.

“Just think about it! We get engage! And then you win your championship. In the off season, we can start planning our wedding and even find a house for us. Get married, then maybe after that next season, we see where you’re at and… maybe have a little baby of our own,” he just smiled.

“You’ve… really thought about this,” I couldn’t help but smile as well.

“I have, but I know last time we talked, you didn’t seem too thrilled about the idea,” he shrugged.

“I didn’t know to the extent you… thought about it,” I giggled now.

“Well, this is going a lot better than the last time, so… Has my tough moto girl come around to it?” he teased.

“I think… I have,” I gave in.

“So…” he wanted me to say it now.

“I think we are… engaged to be engaged,” I put out there.

“It’s up to me now,” a little cocky smirk came over his face.

“Better not let me down,” I muttered teasingly.

“I won’t. Promise,” he grinned and pressed a sweet kiss to my forehead.

This has been actually on my mind a lot. I don’t like to bring it up, because I didn’t know how he stood on the issue still. I want… that family. And then we can always add to it. I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone other than Jake. He’s been with me through so much. I feel like… this is where we need to go… and I hope he makes it happen soon. Now that I’ve accepted it, I can’t wait much longer!
♠ ♠ ♠
D'awwwww lol
