Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

I Can't Wait Any Longer

The next race… I wasn’t too pumped on. I took a fall during the first moto and was hurting. I managed to finish third, but my shoulder was killing me. But the only thing I could do was wrap it as best as I could and try and push through it all. This should be a great weekend… NOT.

“Feeling ok?” Wil asked a he walked up to my pit. Well, this is… new.

“Could be better,” I sighed with a shrug.

“I’m sure Liam was scared,” he smiled and looked down at the little boy that was at my side.

“Mommy, got an owie,” he spoke up.

“You kiss it to make it better?” he asked as he bent down to pick him up.

“Yeah,” he smiled and tried to hide his face in his daddy’s chest.

“I taught him well,” Wil snickered over at me.

“Oh, I’m sure,” I couldn’t help but giggle. Little charmers they are.

We didn’t say much else after this. I wasn’t really in the mood to. I needed to get my focus right for the second moto. Seeing Jake make his way over didn’t help this though! He came stomping over in his riding gear still dirty from his first moto. Why didn’t he change?! A dirty Jake makes me think dirty thoughts!

“I need a hug,” I pouted once he was close enough.

“I figured that,” he chuckled before pulling me into him tightly.

“It’s going to be a long day,” I huffed.

“You’ll do awesome. Get on that podium,” he encouraged and gave my ass a soft smack.

“I’m going to try,” I sighed.

“It’ll be worth it,” he grinned.

That… struck me as odd. Worth it? It’s always worth it. Is he crazy?! I need to get on the podium to stay where I am in the points. It’s encouraging I guess, but… What?

Before I could question, he smiled even brighter and then reached in to give me a quick kiss. Once we parted, we didn’t have much time to talk about much else. I had to get everything around and head to the line. I wasn’t feeling up to it, but it’s what I had to do.

I wasn’t even trying though. I gave it enough to make it up to third and kind of held back after that. I podiumed. It was points. I was… happy… I guess. But seeing Jake once I stepped down from the podium made me smile.

“Good job, baby,” he grinned as his arms hooked around me.

“I’m so sore,” I huffed.

“Aw, come on. I’ll take you back,” he said and hopped onto the Kawi ATV that he had apparently rode down her.

Without hesitation, I climbed on, staying rather close to him. As he drove away, I just felt… bummed. Even though I was sore, I felt like I should have pushed harder. I could have won that moto and earned more points. Damn it.

By the time we got back to my pit, the sound of the 250s taking off could be heard. I sighed, figuring Liam was with someone to watch Wil since he wasn’t here. Leaving it at that, I went into the hauler and just plopped down on the couch. I knew Jake wasn’t going to be around much longer. He had his own moto to get prepared for. Yet, he still came in. I wouldn’t look at him. Knowing this, he bent down right in front of me, taking one of my hands in his.

“You did great,” he smiled up at me.

“I sucked,” I muttered.

“No, you didn’t. You did awesome, Ky,” he kept going.

“You should go get ready for your moto,” I huffed and ran my hand through my hair.

“I got something to take care of first,” he countered.

“What?” I figured I’d humor him and ask.

“I love you,” he smiled up at me.

Ok? He doesn’t need to make me feel better. I just need time alone.

“And ever since the first time I met you, I thought you were so incredible,” he kept going.

“Jake…” I looked down at him oddly.

“When I saw you on the track for the first time, I never thought someone could be so beautiful. I wanted you… and it took me so long to have you. And now that I do, I… I can’t wait any longer. I can’t let you go,” he added.

“Jake…” I think… I had it figured out now.

His smile came over him as he brought something out. It was… a ring box. I didn’t want to accept it. This wasn’t happening right now! I just had one of the shittiest days and… now it’s slowly starting to turn into one of the happiest.

“Kylee,” he took my left hand now, gazing up at me with those blue eyes looking so hopeful, “baby, will you marry me?”

My jaw dropped. I wasn’t expecting this today! Especially with the way things have been going. This huge wave of happiness just washed over me. And I couldn’t contain it. My smile came across my lips and all I could do was nod my head. No words were coming out.

As he slid the beautiful ring onto my finger, Jake chuckled at my reaction. Once it was in place, he got up just enough so that I could throw my arms around him. Before we could embrace fully, I made sure I at least gave him a loving kiss, letting him know just how much I wanted this.

“I love you,” I was able to get out.

“I love you too,” he replied and kissed my lips gently.

We stayed like this, sharing quick, sweet kisses until he had to go for his last moto. I couldn’t wait for him to be done though! He’s… my fiancée now! I couldn’t get over that fact. The way he proposed wasn’t the most romantic of things, but… it was so us. I loved it! I came here with a boyfriend and I’m leaving… with the greatest fiancée. Ah! I have to tell Liam! And since he’s at Eli’s pit… I should probably tell Calyn too.
♠ ♠ ♠
D'awwww! :3 lol

