Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

When Were You Going to Tell Me?!

The race was decent, got the overall. Kylee got third, which was a bit strange. I thought she didn’t really try, but I don’t. I haven’t talked to her at all since last weekend. I guess she was looking for my the other day after the race, but I was running around doing all sorts of things from watching the race and a bunch of interviews from all sorts of people for different magazines.

So today we’re back in the state of California. I sat at the table going threw the mail that had collected for myself over the past two weeks. I heard the door open and knew it wasn’t Eli because he had to be at the shop this morning, then he said he was going to go golfing with his father and a few other people.

I looked towards the hall to see Kylee walking in. It was just her, hm, Liam is either with Jake or his daddy. She smiled as she sat down next to me at the table. I raised an eyebrow at her, as she was being overly happy. She placed her left hand under her chin and just smile. Then I saw it, a big as fucking ring!

“What the hell?!” I yelled and tossed the letters I had down. “When were you going to tell me Jake proposed!?”

She just beamed, “well, I tried to come tell you on Saturday, but you weren’t around and then Jake was like lets get out of here.”

“How’d he propose?” I asked really interested.

“He proposed very simple,” she said shrugging. “I had a rough day you know Saturday and he just popped the question while I was basically sulking in the hauler.”

“Holy shit,” I said laughing. “So no one saw the proposal?”

She shook his head, “it was simple and I liked it.”

I nodded and smiled, “that’s exciting!”

“I know right?” she said all dreamy.

“So have you guys talked wedding?” I asked curious to see if they were to get hitched or wait.

She shrugged, “I think we’re going to wait to start planning once the season is done and then continue to plan during supercross. We haven’t really discussed it in detail.”

I nodded and smiled, “that’ll be awesome.”

She nodded and smiled, “and I don’t know who I would do this wedding without, and that’s you, my best friend.”

“Aw,” I said and hugged her. “I will help you in every aspect that you need.”

“That’s good because you will be my maid of honor,” she said smiling as she hugged back.

“Aw yays!” I said and hugged her tighter.

She laughed and smiled as we parted, “no wild bachelorette party though!”

“Oh we’ll see about that,” I said sitting back down in my chair.

She shook her head but smiled, “how was Colorado?”

“It was good,” I said smiling.

“How’d the house search go?” she asked as I looked at a letter.

“Good,” I said smiling. “We found one we’re interested in, but we want to keep looking before we start any paper work.”

She nodded, “is it big?”

I nodded, “very. It has enough land to put an outdoors track and a supercross track to train on for Eli.”

“That’s awesome,” she nodded and noticed that I said just Eli. “Just for Eli though?”

I nodded and smiled, “I’m really thinking about making this the last year.”

“Why so soon?” she asked confused.

“Well,” I began shrugging. “I want to be able to support E and everyone else I know that races, you and Jake.”

She smiled but let me continue, “It’s been fun but I don’t want to risk anymore broken bones and concussions any more.”

“It does take a toll on all of us,” she agreed.

“Exactly,” I said nodding. “And I want to maybe start that motocross clothing line for chicks and make money that way. I want to do something that I could push hard and get money out of when I’m in my late 40’s with a family to care for.”

She nodded, “you’ve really thought about this huh?”

I nodded, “I just want to be the girlfriend and one day the wife that supports their racer and goes to the races every weekend and be on the sideline actually rooting for them to do awesome, not off to the side with the thought of a race of my own I need to get pumped for.”

She nodded and smiled, “completely understand.”

I nodded and smiled, “so this championship would mean even more to me if I could win it and be able to say hey, I reached my goal and I’m glad I could do it.”

“But I could see you being a multi-champion,” she said to me.

I smiled, “I know you have, but I want to do something that I could make more money for. Plus I don’t have a ride for next year. My contract ends with Honda this year and I’ve had no one offer me a ride for next year. I’d rather go out on top, then on the bottom.”

She nodded, “I can’t change your mind. Only you can do that.”

I nodded and smiled, “thanks for understanding.”

She smiled, “where’s Eli?”

“Having a fun day,” I said chuckling.

“You didn’t go with him?” she asked me.

“He’s golfing,” I said and shook my head. “I suck at golf.”

“I completely understand that!” she laughed.

I smiled, “where’s your boys?”

“Oh Jake said he wanted to take Liam to the shop with him today then go take him to the fun zone for lunch and some games,” she smiled.

“Aw,” I cooed. “Jake loves your little boy.”

“He does,” she smiled and nodded. “It’s really great. I love having two happy boys.”

“How’d Will take the idea of marriage for you and Jake?” I asked knowing he’s been pushing her buttons still.

“He’s just going to have to deal,” she said shrugging. “I love Jake and he is in the past. Yeah we have a child together, but he and I aren’t ever going to be anything again. He needs to understand that I’m the one with full custody with Liam.”

I nodded, “has he tried to gain custody yet?”

“No,” she sighed heavily. “I hope he doesn’t go there.”

“The guy didn’t do anything to raise the child or even stay in contact with you the last four years,” I said looking at her. “He saw you every weekend at the races. He could have come up to him and said, ‘hey how have you been?’ but he never did.”

She nodded, “I know, but I feel like if it goes to court, he will win because I never told him in the first place.”

“Then you’ll have to come to an agreement if it happens,” I said sighing.

She nodded, “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“Then if Jake wants to gain custody of Liam, do you think Wil will sign for it?” I asked.

“I worry about that too,” she said looking down.

I nodded and smiled, “well hopefully nothing bad comes between this.”

She nodded, “me too.”

I nodded and did my best to change the subject because I knew it was playing in her mind. We ended up doing some baking to blow off some steam. We made sure they were all the healthy kind of baking of course! We must stay fit and not eat too many sweets because we have a diet to stick too. It was great we were bonding again and not fighting!
♠ ♠ ♠

Are we a-o-k or will they burst into a fight again?!
