Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Empty House and Aunties Buddy

The next two races came and went. I kicked ass as usual, one overall and one second overall. It was great. This lead to that fact we only had two races left. Yeah, we were already to that point. I couldn’t believe it. It has been flying! Kylee and Jake had bought the house and are moving into it today. I sighed and stared at the house we shared from the entryway. Half of the stuff she had bought was in the truck already and down the road while my stuff and the stuff that she left still was where it was before the idea of moving came to her mind.

I sighed and sat down in the entryway just thinking about the memories of the house. I looked down and dialed the number to the reality agency. After a few rings someone answered and I did the only thing I knew what to do with the place, sell it…

Eli walked in and saw me sitting on the floor. He walked over sat down next to me and kissed my cheek, “sad your bestie moved out?”

I nodded and sighed, “I put the house on the market.”

“Aw,” he said and kissed my forehead. “I’m sure it is hard.”

I nodded and smiled, “just means I need to find another place to live for the time being. I don’t need anything big.”

Eli just smiled widely at me, “I made an offer on that house in Colorado.”

“E!” I said and smacked his chest. “You were to wait!”

He shrugged, “I knew you’d be bummed that you were here alone, so I thought I’d make an offer and I think the house is ours. I haven’t heard that they turned it down yet, but we’ll know tomorrow.”

“E,” I said and kissed him lightly.

“It needs work I know,” he said and smiled. “But you can put the stuff that we’d move from here into storage until we moved out there and live at my condo here.”

I nodded, “that would work.”

He smiled, “I love you.”

I smiled and kissed his cheek, “I love you too E.”

He smiled, “come on let’s go ride.”

I nodded and went to get into my gear to go ride at the track with Eli. It was good to go riding with him. We hadn’t done so in awhile and it was nice; just us riding.


Today was the second to last race in Utah. The final race would be in Lake Elsinore. We were all ready to wrap up the championship. Kylee was behind me by 20 points and that meant I had to keep winning. I couldn’t let her beat me and I definitely couldn’t make any mistakes. I sat at my pit signing autographs when I saw Liam run over to me smiling, “auntie!”

I continued signing, “yeah buddy?”

“Jake said that I could come hang out with you for a little bit,” he said smiling.

I looked over and saw Jake standing. I nodded and smiled. He mouthed thank you and ran off. I smiled and handed Eli a piece of paper and a box of crayons that my mechanic handed me, “here you go buddy.”

He smiled and drew a picture as I continued to autograph. Towards the ending of my signing I saw Wil walking over and saw Liam with me and raised an eyebrow. I handed the last signing off and looked over at him then down out Liam and fixed his hat that was covering his eyes.

“Hey, look whose here,” I said and pointed to Wil as he walked into the pit.

“Hi daddy!” he said and smiled, but when back to coloring.

“What’s he doing over here?” he asked confused.

“Not sure,” I said but smiled. “Jake brought him over.”

“I hang wit Auntie!” he said excited.

He nodded and kneeled, “want to come hang with me?”

“No,” he said and smiled. “Auntie!”

Wil looked at him and sighed, “you don’t want to hang with your daddy?”

“Aunite,” he said and clung to my hand.

I looked at Wil and sighed, “I’m sorry he feels that way Wil, but if he wants to be here with me let him. It’s fine.”

“It’s not okay, you have to focus on this race,” he said looking at me.

“You don’t have a race to focus on either?” I snapped back lightly.

He glared and I picked Liam up, placing him on my hip, “come on let’s see what there’s to nibble on in the hauler?”

“Fruit snacks?” he asked hopeful.

I chuckled, “we can look.”

He nodded and smiled, “mommy does!”

“Alright,” I said and walked into the hauler. Liam waved bye to Wil, then he took off towards his pit.

I shook my head kissed his forehead, “you aunties buddy today huh?”

“Yeah!” he said excited.

I smiled and set him on the counter top as I went looking for food. He hummed a song to himself. I chuckled and just smiled at him. He was such a happy kid. I gave him a bag of fruit snacks then grabbed a banana for myself. He told me how he was loving living with Jake and his mommy. It was cute, he loved Jake like a father. I think I could sense the reason Wilbur was wanting him in his pit all of a sudden. but if Liam wants to be in my pit, he can be here. I won’t make the boy change his mind because of something someone else wants him to do.
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