Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Your Auntie's Crazy

“There’s my champion,” I beamed once Jake came in from his podium ceremony.

“Babe, I’m second,” he was still smiling.

“My champion!” I repeated, letting my giggle come out of me.

“Apparently, I’m not his,” he muttered, poking Liam’s tummy… who had an RV championship shirt on.

“Ryan gave it to me,” he started.

“Well, you should give it back. It’s ugly,” Jake countered.

“I wike it!” was Liam’s reply.

“Well, I don’t,” Jake bickered and crossed his arms at my son.

“But, daddy,” he pouted.

That was… the first time in a long time that I had heard Liam call Jake any variation of dad. I… wasn’t sure if I should correct him at this point or not. He hasn’t really seen Wil. And I mean, Jake’s going to be that father figure to him, especially with us getting married. What do I do?!

“Aw, come here,” Jake cooed and held his arms out for the pouty boy.

He took Liam and gave the boy a kiss to the forehead. He even told him that he loved him. Aw! Cutesy moment!

“Well, looks like we’re couple runner up,” Jake put his focus back to me.

“I can’t believe I was able to hang on to second,” I confessed. I didn’t participate in this race, but… I managed to hold on to the second spot in the championship. Of course Calyn won… and so did Eli in his class. They had been teasing us all day as the possible runner up couple since Jake was most likely going to lock up second as well. And so we have…

“You did awesome all season though,” he told me and reached in to give me my own kiss.

“So did you,” I grinned as we parted.

“Aw, look at the lovebirds,” I heard from behind us. When I turned around, Calyn was there.

“You have room to talk!” I shot at her playfully.

“I know… but my man’s off with the press somewhere, so… Kylee and Jake sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” she started to sing.

“Your Auntie is crazy,” Jake told Liam, causing the boy to laugh.

“Hey!” she shot at Jake in return.

Jake just shrugged innocently before he gave me my son back. He said he was going to change so that we could get out of here. While I waited, I went over to Calyn.

“Miss Champion,” I grinned when I was over to her.

“Thank, you. I thought about getting a crown and everything,” he went on.

“Oh, you so would,” I laughed at her.

She just grinned brightly. I was kind of bummed that I couldn’t give it a go for the championship, but… I was so happy for my bestie. She’s worked so hard and deserves her title. I’ll just have to train harder and give it another go next year. But until then, I have a wedding plan!

“I thought we’d go dress shopping next week if you wanted to,” I started.

“You don’t have anything for you wedding, but you want to go dress shopping?” she snickered.

“Yes! That’s like the best part of it all! Besides all the cake and wine tasting…” I added, causing my best friend to crack up.

“If I’m in town, I’ll for sure go with you,” she answered.

“And I need to get Jake’s ring,” I remembered.

“Ooo, you gonna design it?” her face lit up.

“I think so. He was talking about doing it with mine too. I thought it’d be cute,” I couldn’t help but smile.

“My bestie’s in love,” she sighed happily.

“And so is mine,” I did the same.

Our actions caused each other to laugh. Today was such a good day! I may not have gotten the chance to race, but… it’s been a really positive day. The season’s over and everyone’s happy and healthy. You can’t really ask for a better season than that. And I get to plan one of the happiest days of my life with my best friend as do I hers. It’s going to be a busy off season, but… I cannot wait for it all.
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