Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

A Day with The Bestie

I waited for Kylee to get to Eli’s condo as we were going dress shopping today for the weddings and possibly a few other things. Eli walked in an smiled at me, “don’t spend all your winnings now.”

I chuckled and smiled, “oh I won’t. I’m not buying anything today.”

He smiled, “good.”

I nodded and watched as Kylee pulled in the drive, “she’s here.”

“Have fun,” he said kissing my lips lightly.

I smiled, “I will. Love ya.”

“Love you too, babe,” he said smiling at me as I walked away from him.

I slid into her truck and smiled, “hey.”

She smiled, “dress shopping time!”

I laughed she was excited. I was just basically along for the ride. I wanted to make it her day, she was the one that was proposed to first. Plus, I don’t even know when we’re going to have our wedding. Eli and I hadn’t talked about it yet, been busy with getting ready to move into the new place.

I smiled, “should be fun.”

She nodded and smiled, “so when do you guys officially move in?”

I smiled, “well we just finished making sure everything was painted to the way we wanted and now we can slowly move in.”

She smiled, “that’s exciting.”

“How’s the new place going?” I asked her watching as the scene around us passed as she drove to the closest bridal shop.

“It’s great,” she said smiling. “Liam loves it and has taken claim to a few rooms.”

I laughed, “that’s cute. Kids will be kids.”

She nodded, “Jake is already bringing in dirt for the dang track.”

I laughed, “I’m not surprise!”

She shook her head, “he’s antsy.”

I smiled, “I think Eli would be the same way, but he’s got his track at his parents. I think he’s just waiting.”

“That’s good at least,” she said smiling.

We pulled up to the bridal shop and walked into the store. We were greeted right away and the lady set her up with a room and then told us to come get her when we needed help.

I looked over at Kylee, “so what style of dress are you interested in?”

“I’m not really sure yet,” she said shrugging. “You?”

“A big fluffy ball gown,” I said smiling. “I after all will be the princess of the day.”

She laughed, “are you going to wear a tiara?”

“So what if I do?!” I said then laughed.

She shook her head at me. I tended to be the more girly out of the two of us, though when it came down to getting dirty, I was definitely game. I watched as she pulled out dress after dress then looked at me, “aren’t you going to look?”

“It’s your day to look,” I told her shaking my head.

“Look!” she said and went off towards the dressing room. “Because we don’t have all our lifetime to find the perfect dress!”

I shook my head at her, “fine but I ain’t buying today!”

“That’s fine with me!” she said.

I sighed and dove into the racks of dresses. I found a couple I liked, but nothing that said oh my God… Kylee had her fun though searching. We’ll see if she walks away with one today though. Me, I will wait and keep looking. Kathy already told me she wanted to go dress shopping with me the day he proposed, and I promised her I’d make sure she was there and she was back home in Colorado already. So I figured in a few weeks we’d come back out this way and drag Kylee out again to go dress shopping, but today I’d try on to please her and let her have her fun.
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