Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

You Can't Talk and Then Not Do

Eli and Calyn took us to a restaurant for lunch. Liam seemed excited. He insisted on sitting between Calyn and Eli… so him and Eli could play with his little dirt bikes. It was cute. He missed those two so much.

“So… wedding?” Calyn asked after we had ordered.

“There’s like zero progress,” Jake was the one the answer.

“There is too!” I quickly butted in.

“Well, dress shopping was a fail,” she laughed out her reply.

“Where am I supposed to hide it once I get it though?” I questioned.

“You can keep it in the house. I won’t look,” Jake countered.

“You so would,” Eli broke his attention from Liam to glance up at him.

“I wouldn’t!”

“I haven’t really been too focused on the wedding though,” I huffed.

“Things with… Wil?” she knew already.

“I haven’t heard from him… and that scares me,” I confessed.

“He’s just being an ass,” she told me.

“That’s what I said,” Jake agreed.

“But… I don’t know,” I sighed.

“Just don’t think about it. We left California,” Jake tried to get my mind off of it. It really doesn’t work, but I go along with it to humor him.

“Exactly! We get to play in the dirt while you guys are here,” Eli grinned.

“That’s the only reason he wanted us out here…” I playfully snickered.

“No!” he threw a teasing look at me, “I missed Liam,” he added and then stuck his tongue out at me.

“Well, I just came for Calyn’s cupcakes…” Jake threw out there.

“That doesn’t surprise me…” Calyn laughed.

After this little moment, we talked about random things. Our food came so obviously the conversation died down. Liam talked mostly though. He’s a child. He always has to talk about something. But… he might have let something slip…

“Mommy said that I might have a brother or sister soon,” he spoke, causing Calyn to nearly choke on the bite that she had just put in her mouth.

“What?!” she looked over at me quickly.

“I’m not pregnant!” I quickly corrected her.

“But… he said!”

“We were talking about it,” Jake helped me out a bit.

“You can’t talk and then not do,” she replied.

“We just brought the idea up to him. We thought maybe… we’d try for the wedding in December, so… we have some time to… get pregnant,” I shrugged.

“And I’m just now hearing about this? Good god, woman! I’m gone for a few weeks and you plan your future without telling me!” she teased, but… I knew there was some seriousness to it.

“You knew I wanted more babies,” I laughed.

“You’re going to end up being pregnant and not tell me until you’re in the hospital with the kid in your arms,” she grumbled teasingly.

“… Maybe,” I had to poke.

“If she gets pregnant, you better tell me,” she sat her sights on Jake now.

“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled.

“Liam, if your mommy tells you your going to have a baby brother or sister, you tell your Auntie,” she even took in on my son.

“Ok!” he grinned up at her.

“He’s the only one I can trust anymore…”

I just shook my head, letting her think she won. After this, I asked her if her and Eli had made any wedding plans. It’s crazy to think that we’re engaged at the same time!

“Not really. We’ve talked about it, but the house has been our focus,” she answered.

“And the track!” Eli piped in.

“That things going to be awesome,” Jake’s eyes lit up

And then all the boys got caught up into track talk. Liam just wanted to ride. That was all he cared about. Jake and Eli were talking about track features. Calyn and I commented here in there, but… I just thought it was so cute watching the boys talk about it. There’s just something about guys when they talk about something they’re passionate about; even Liam! Gosh, our boys are adorable.
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