Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Are You Kidding Me!?

Spending time with Kylee has been great. Eli and the boys have been having a good time. It’s been fun so far, but I think Kylee is getting bored of the country life. Jake and Eli went out shooting guns the other day. We were all laying in the family room watching some movies and Liam had fallen asleep with curled in Eli’s side while I was curled into his other side.

I saw Kylee looking over at us and smiled, “you raised a snuggler.”

“He’s adorable, isn’t he?” she asked smiling.

“Precious,” I said looking back at the little boy.

“When you two going to make me an auntie now?” she asked hopeful.

I looked up at Eli, “we are waiting until the wedding is done.”

“So what three years from now?” she teased.

“Maybe,” I said shrugging.

Eli smiled, “I think I need a good year in the 450’s class before then.”

I smiled, “who knows we’ll see.”

“So are you saying you guys aren’t protecting yourselves?” she asked seeing the look in Eli and I’s face.

“Nope,” I said. “Why protect ourselves anymore? I’m done racing and we’re engaged.”

She looked at us and smirked as she looked at Jake, “I say she’s knocked up on her wedding day.”

“No betting,” I said pointing at them.

Jake looked at Kylee and smirked, “I say in two months they’ll have a surprise.”

I rolled my eyes, “we aren’t going to get there. Wedding first.”

“My mother would kill me if I got her pregnant before the wedding,” Eli said looking at me.

“So move the wedding date up!” she said smiling widely.

I chuckled, “we’ll see.”

She groaned, “you won’t tell me the possible date rolling around in your head.”

Eli smirked, “nope, it’s going to be a surprise.”

“What if you set a date and that’s the day we plan on getting married?” she asked completely serious.

I looked at Eli, “she has a point.”

“I guess so,” he said sighing.

I looked over at her and smirked, “October 26.”

“Next year?” she asked confused now.

“Nope in a month,” I said.

“Are you kidding me!?” she asked wide eyed.

I laughed and smiled widely, “we had been talking about getting married before he proposed, and he surprised me with the actual proposal.”

“You don’t have a dress!” she said shocked. “A venue!”

I smiled, “I actually really, liked a dress when we went that one day, but I didn’t want to ruin your day. Plus, Eli said he didn’t want to wait to marry me until we got a off weekend or until this time next year.”

“Are you kidding me?” she asked again.

“Where are you going to have the wedding?” she asked shocked.

“In Texas,” I said smiling.

“Venue?” she asked.

“My old family farm,” I said smiling.

“You haven’t gone back there since what 2011?” she asked me.

I nodded, “my grandparents are very excited for me and us coming down for the wedding.”

“What if it rains?” she asked concerned for me.

“It’s Texas,” I said softly.

“What if it’s cold?”

“Kylee,” I giggled at her concern for me. “It’ll be okay.”

“Your bachelorette party?” she was sitting up and really thinking, Jake just stared at her as she rambled off.

“Nope,” I said shaking my head.

“Yes!” she said smirking.

“Who would we invite?” I asked.

She sighed, “true we have more guy friends then girls.”

“Exactly,” I said smiling as she felt defeated on that subject.

“What colors?” she asked perking up again.

“Blue and Orange,” I said smiling.

“Eli’s favorite color and a fall color?” she asked confused.

“No, one of my favorite colors,” I said smiling.

“Oh, I forget you’re that Longhorn fan,” she said sighing.

“Texas baby,” I said holding up the horns.

She rolled her eyes at me, “so what about the dress?”

“Well, I figured I’d fly back to California the same time as you,” I said smiling. “That way I only need like two fittings.”

She sat there thinking of something else to throw at me, she sighed as she spoke, “you have it all planned out.”

“Not completely,” I said shaking my head. “You’re going help me stamp and seal invites tomorrow.”

Jake smirked, “see you get to help with something.”

“I still have a month until the big day and that means something I forgot will come up,” I said slowly.

“Oh yeah, Jake,” Eli said. “I still need a best man, what ya say?”

“To being your best man?” he asked looking up at him and thought about it. “Nah, I got plans.”

“Shut up,” I said laughing and throwing a couch pillow at him.

He laughed, “of course I’ll do it.”

“Good because the other person he was going to ask was his dad,” I said laughing.

“Hey he’s worthy of it,” Eli said shrugging.

“Oh and we want little man as our ring barrier,” I said softly.

“Oh that’ll be adorable,” Kylee cooed. “He’ll have great practice for ours, Jake.”

“So if he loses their rings,” he smirked widely. “He’ll know not to lose ours on our day.”

I glared at him going to throw a pillow at him again and he just laughed, “I’m kidding!”

“Better be mister!” I threatened back.

“How many are you inviting?” Kylee asked.

“Close friends and family, and the team,” Eli said then groaned slightly as Liam wiggled pushing his feet into Eli’s groan area.

I tried not to giggle and moved Liam’s feet slowly away without waking him. Jake looked at Eli, “hurts like a mother doesn’t it. Wait till your son or daughter does that to you.”

“Oh joys, can’t wait,” he said grinning.

I smiled and leaned up to kiss him lightly. I looked at Kylee to see her spacing out now. I hope she’s not mad for me not telling her until now, we did kind of lay in bed the other day talking it over, so it’s not like we had it planned all out. We’ll see if she’s mad in a couple days. I hope not, because I need my maid of honor in a month!
♠ ♠ ♠

Uh-oh, will Kylee be mad...
