Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Just Tonight

Later on that night, Jake put Liam to bed in a guest room. Before he dipped into the room, I gave my sleepy boy a soft kiss. Jake smiled and stepped inside. I stood in the doorway, watching him gently lay him down. Once he was in place, he wrapped the covers around his body tightly before bending down to kiss his forehead. As he pulled away, I caught his lips mouthing that he loved him… and Liam returned his words. Aw!

When he came back out, he shut the door lightly. All I could do was smile. Flashing off his own, he hooked an arm around me and led us to our room. We took turns getting ready for bed. After we were through, I climbed into bed and curled up into Jake’s side. I nuzzled into a comfortable spot and let out a heavy sigh.

“You ok?” he asked softly.

“Fine,” I assured him.

“Ky…” he was stern now.

“I am!” I giggled now.

“You… sure?” his smile slowly cracked through.

“Yes,” I let my smile fade.

“But…” he knew!

“I just… think it kind of sucks that… I’m just hearing about it now,” I huffed and dropped my eyes from his.

“Well… she told you at least,” he shrugged.

“And it’s month away…” I reminded him.

“We were thinking about ours in three,” he laughed at me this time.

“I know, but…” I trailed off, shrugging through a sigh.

“Are you… mad?” he kept poking.

“No!” I was quick to reply. “I just… wish she would have done it differently, but… I’m sure there’s things I’m going to do with my wedding that she’s going to wish I’ve done differently.”

“As long as you two stay happy,” he smiled and gave me a soft squeeze.

“Oh, I couldn’t be happier,” I grinned and rubbed my nose against his.

He chuckled once more before he leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. A soft loving kiss was left behind. As we were slowly parting, our door started to open slowly. It caught both of our attention. We watched as it swung open more, revealing… Liam.

“What’s up, bud?” I asked while he moved his little feet closer.

“I got scared,” he mumbled while rubbing his eyes.

“You were fine the other night,” I countered.

“But,” he made his bottom lip quiver.

“Come here, buddy,” Jake spoke up.

Quickly, Liam went over to Jake’s side of the bed. Jake lifted him up and held him in his arms tightly. Liam had no problem curling up on Jake’s chest. His heavy eyelids had little trouble closing too.

“You’re spoiling him,” I couldn’t hold in once Jake glanced over at me.

“He’s in a strange place. He got a little freaked out. He wants mommy and daddy,” he countered with a little smirk taking over his face.

“You need to stop,” I teased.

“But look at this. Isn’t it cute?” he pouted at me and cradled my son’s head with his chin.

“Stop it,” I whined.

“It’s not going to hurt if he stays with us one night,” he snapped out of his little pout.

“Just tonight,” I gave in and curled back up with him.

He smiled and shifted so that Liam fell to his other side, still be able to cradle the little boy. As my head rested on his chest, I couldn’t help but smile. It was… really cute. It made me forget about everything. We’re all falling asleep curled up together. It’s happened before, but… there was just something about it tonight. Lately, I’ve been feeling like more and more of a family. It’s honestly one of the greatest feelings I’ve ever had. Liam’s happy and Jake’s happy… and I’m happy. I just feel like sometimes we’d be even happier if… Wil would just agree to letting Jake adopt Liam. But I’m not going to let that bother me! I got some weddings to focus on first.
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