Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

It's Ok to Suck

“I suck so bad! Oh my god,” I laughed at myself after I fired off my rounds.

“… You do,” Eli laughed as well.

“Someone should have gone shooting with me when I asked her to…” Calyn snickered.

“I’ve had my gun for like five years and I’ve never needed it! It’s not like I’m suddenly going to need it now,” I bickered while unloading everything.

“It’s ok to suck sometimes, Ky,” Jake taunted before taking the spot next to me.

I rolled my eyes and watched as he fired his rounds off. I knew he had a good shot, leaving me to be the sucky one of this group. Once he was through, he peaked around at me, showing off his smirk.

“I hate you,” I threw back, trying to hide my smile.

“Do you want me to help you?” he softened his tone.

“No! I’m just going to die if I ever get put in a bad situation,” I mumbled.

“Aw, babe,” he chuckled, “Come on. Try again,” he went on to encourage.

“I don’t want to,” I whined… and reloaded my firearm.

When I was finished, I brought it up, thinking it was ok enough to aim at the target. But Jake thought other wise.

“Tighten that elbow a bit,” he spoke. Usually, I get annoyed when people try to correct me, but… I did what he said. “Not too much… There ya go,” he went on.

“Before you pull the trigger, take in a deep breath and as you’re exhaling hold it and then shoot,” he instructed.

After taking in a few deep breaths, I did what he said and fired… and missed the bullseyes completely. It was much better than before, but… shooting is so not my thing.

“You can’t be afraid of it either,” he chuckled once I put the gun down and his arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

“I just suck,” I groaned and relaxed back into his chest.

“It’s ok. I’ll protect you,” he countered gently as I felt his lips press against the top of my head.

This put a smile on my face. Once he let go of me, I unloaded my gun and put it away. There was no way I was going to try this again. I sucked! Chalk that up as a failure and move on!

“You surprised me, Weimz,” Calyn started as all of us were leaving… finally.

“You doubted me?” he sent a playful glance her way.

“Well… You never know,” she giggled now.

“Your girl needs work though… a lot of work,” Eli poked, aiming his comments towards me.

“I still think she could hold her own against someone though,” Jake countered.

“We should so take self defense classes!” Calyn got excited now.

“I don’t need classes on how to kick someone’s ass ok?” I laughed along.

“I mean she does that on the track on a daily basis,” Jake snickered.

“I so kick her ass; don’t even go there,” she bickered with him.

“Not from what I see…” he grinned.

“Shut up!” was her great comeback.

It made all of us but her laugh. She lost! Ha, ha Calyn! It was short lived though. She changed the subject as we went back home. We kind of went our separate ways then. Obviously, she wanted to spend time with Eli and Jake said that he needed to get home. Since I drove him here, I was the one to take him back to his place.

When I was in the driveway though, he turned and looked over at me. He just sat there and looked back at me. It was not even thirty seconds, but it just… felt like the longest time!

“What?” I finally broke this silence.

“If you want to get technical… that was our first date,” he let his smile come through.

“That doesn’t count,” I laughed and gave his chest a playful shove.

“A date’s a date…” he snickered.

“No it wasn’t!”

“Then I’ll take you out Friday,” he countered.

“You’re going to be in Phoenix on Friday,” I replied.

“And so are you.”

“… What if I’m not? I don’t have to be in Phoenix,” I smirked.

“You better be,” he smirked too and leaned forward more until his lips met mine.

It was a quick, soft kiss, but still had the power to pull my smile back over me. When he pulled away more, his was taking over his face as well. As he climbed out of my truck, he reminded me to be ready for Phoenix. There was no way I was going to get out of it… not that I wanted to. I just like giving him a hard time. I was only hoping that I didn’t have any plans this weekend. I needed to change those fast if I did! There was no way Jake was going to let me stay behind while he went to the race… and there was no way I would miss our first official solo date either.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot! update!! Eeee! :D

