Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

A Million Dollars Would Be Nice

I was freaking out majorly, this weekend was Monster Energy Cup, Eli and Jake were racing for the million dollars. I off course wanted nothing more than Eli to win, of course. I chewed my nail nervously as he went through press conference.

Not only was I stressing up the million-dollar race, but also the wedding, which was in a week. Once done here in Vegas, we are headed to Texas to make sure everything is ready to go for the big day.

Eli was so confidant and so was Jake, I hated that they both decided to go for it, but hey who wouldn’t? I hadn’t talked to Kylee about the race, avoiding the subject matter mostly. I didn’t want to bring it up and the matter of who deserves it more come up, which would more than likely end in a fight. I wanted none of that. I wanted my best friend at my wedding. That would be like a sister not coming to your wedding, she was like family, and she was basically blood.

I sighed and sipped on my protein shake trying to not think about the big race tonight. They were all surrounding him saying he had a good shot at it, with his third place last year. Jake didn’t place last year, but people had high hopes for him with the amazing season he this year.

I most definitely wanted my man to win it of course, but would be happy for my best friends if they got it too but I definitely wanted it for ourselves of course. I looked over Eli and smiled as I saw him flashing a wide smile and a short laugh. I didn’t hear the question, but his reply was, “that would be nice if I won, I think Calyn would budget it like the money saver she is.”

I smirked, “he’s right! Though I’ll let him finish his tracks, as long as I get my stable!”

Jason Weigandt spoke, “she’s already controlling the money and you two haven’t been married yet.”

He laughed, “she’s good, between her and my mother they manage my money better than myself.”

“Well enjoy your wedding next weekend,” Jason said closing off.

There was a few more questions for him, then we were making our way towards the hauler. I was ready for this race to start! I just wanted to see that briefcase full of money!

After some time lounging then it was time to get serious. I saw Kylee walking over and smiled, “I figured I’d come wish you guys luck, because you’re going to need it.”

I rolled my eyes, “good luck to Jake.”

She smiled and that was all she was on her way. I was ready for the race, I was nervous and excited at the same time. I could tell Eli was excited for it. I just hoped we could win it. I wanted the million dollars. I just hope E wants it just as bad as I do. I guess we will find out soon!
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