Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath


Calyn and Eli’s wedding ceremony was so beautiful! Everything went so smoothly… and Liam didn’t lose the rings! I was proud of my little boy. He seemed so satisfied with himself as he walked down the aisle. He’s so cute! And not to mention, my man looked so handsome. I know it was Calyn and Eli’s day, but… all I could look at was him.

They were off doing their post-ceremony pictures right now. Everyone was waiting for them at the reception. Jake had found his way over with Liam at his side. They looked so cute.

“Look at mommy’s handsome men,” I grinned as I opened my arms for my little boy.

“But you look beautiful, mommy,” Liam replied.

All I could do was smile… and then I caught Jake’s little smirk.

“You told him to say that,” I still couldn’t fight off my grin.

“He can say that on his own,” Jake snickered.

I just gave him a knowing look. This earned me a kiss from him though. It made things better… a little. Suck ups…

“Our wedding will be better,” Jake mumbled as he pulled away.

“Jake!” I shot at him, but still couldn’t hold my laughter back.

“Well…” he shrugged with a playful smile coming over his face.

“We can’t even figure out a date for ours. It keeps getting pushed back,” I had to poke.

“It’ll still be better,” he stuck his nose in the air.

I just shook my head, letting him think he was right. Shortly after they came over though, Eli and Calyn were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Tomac for the first time. It was the most adorable thing. They looked so happy. Watching it all, I couldn’t wait for my wedding day.

After they shared their first dance, Liam took off… right for the desserts table. I went after him. I was going to scold him. He can’t have dessert yet! Is he crazy? Does he ever listen to me? I got to him just in time before he could pick up a cupcake. This boy and cupcakes… I blame his Auntie… Someone else had gotten to him though. His daddy… He looked over at me and sent me a toothless grin. Oh, Wilbur.

“You have to eat your dinner first, Liam,” I reminded him.

“But!” he pouted at me.

“It’s just one cupcake…” Wil spoke up.

“But it will ruin his dinner,” I told him.

“But!” he puckered his lips out at his father now.

“Ky,” Wil whined now.

“Look past the pout, Wilbur,” I laughed.

“Liam, mommy says…” he huffed.

“But, daddy!” he whined this time.

“Kylee!” Wil looked at me.

“Be a parent, Wilbur,” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Buddy, maybe after your dinner, mommy will let you have a yummy cupcake,” he started, bending down to be at eye level with his son.

“Oh, make me out to be the bad guy…” I teased.

“Well!” he chuckled.

“Promise I can have one?” Liam looked between Wil and I.

“I promise. But you have to eat your dinner. And you can’t go running over to daddy!” I told him.

“Ok,” he huffed in his toddler way.

Wil smiled at him and pulled the boy in a little closer so that he could kiss his forehead. Once he stood straight up again, Jake came over… Oh boy.

“Give the boy a cupcake,” Jake butted in.

“We just settled this! No!” I threw at Jake, hoping he wasn’t contaminating my son’s thoughts.

“But…” he trailed off, seeming to be refusing to look at Wil.

“No,” I pointed at him.

Do you know what he did?! He looked right at me and picked up a cupcake… and gave it to Liam. The little boy let a cheer before he took the cupcake and went on his way. All I could do was stare back at Jake. Really?!

“Ass,” I muttered and went to follow Liam.

There was no way I was getting that cupcake away from him now. It was gone in a matter of seconds… and he had chocolate all over his face now. This is why he shouldn’t have had one, Jake! It’s like he did that on purpose just because Wil and I had managed to agree on something. It was so uncalled for! But I’m not mad! Nope! I still have bridesmaid’s duties to take care of. One little cupcake isn’t going to ruin this!
♠ ♠ ♠
;) lol

