Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Wedding Fun

So Eli had the idea to come riding in on his dirt bike into the reception, I agreed and let him do so. Our friends and family greeted us, and we were ready to celebrate.

We made our way over to our table and sat down. Kylee hurried over and handed me the microphone. I smiled and stood up, “thank you everyone for coming on our special day. It means so much to both Eli and I. We have a great group of friends and family that have always been so great to support us, so thank you.”

I looked over at Eli and held the mic out for him, “want to speak.”

He smiled, “you said it good enough.”

I chuckled and handed Kylee the mic and sat back down. She smiled, “alright the wedding party will eat then you guys can follow.”

She set the mic down and Liam yelled, “that’s me?!”

I chuckled and smiled, “Liam, you already had a cupcake!”

“Hungry belly!” he said putting his hands on his stomach.

I laughed and stood up making my way to get the food we were serving. Once plated up we all sat back down. Eli smiled over at me, “you’ve looked so beautiful today.”

I smiled and kissed his cheek, “you look handsome yourself as well today.”

He smiled and we began to eat, then it started, Jake stood up after clanking his glass. I looked over at him as he spoke, “so I’m suppose to present this like off the wall speech about Eli and how he’s this awesome guy and give my best wishes to him and his bride, but I thought those speeches were overrated.

“I meet the guy a few years ago when he went pro through Wilbur, yeah that crazy guy every thinks is gay. We all know he’s not now,” he said trying to be funny. It was a little but Wil sent him a glare. He continued you on, “my beautiful future wife of mine then brought the bubbling blonde into the madness of our world. Oh was that something, She would give Kylee and I such garbage for us not dating. I figured why not dish it out to her as well, I mean her and Eli were even the cute “couple” everyone thought they were. Oh but, that was totally wrong. Now they finally did it, tied the knot! Now we just have to wait to see if they will create babies that’ll cause havoc on the race track like they have. I wish them all the best, but please remember to save the million dollars and don’t spend it all at once.”

I chuckled, “Jake, we will have babies, but we’ll see if they race!”

“You wouldn’t stop them if they did,” Kylee said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and just smiled at Eli, “maybe they’ll be mountain bikers!”

John laughed, “if my grandbaby ends up riding mountain bikes, that’ll be something!”

I smiled over at John and Kathy. I went on to hear Kylee say her speech and of course it brought me to tears. I got up and hugged her when she was finished. She was great, but she knew when to make me cry like a baby sometimes.

After the speech was finished, Liam ran over and asked Jake, “can I have cupcake?!”

I laughed, “Liam, another cupcake?”

He nodded a little too excitedly; he was already on a sugar high. Oh well maybe he’ll crash hardcore for his papa and his mama tonight. Jake scooped him up and took him towards the desert table. Kylee followed trying to get Jake to not get him another cupcake again.

After we all ate we went on to mingle a little, then we decide to cut the cake. Eli smiled after we cut it together. He held a really frosted piece up for me to eat, or so I thought. It ended up more on the side of my face. I groaned, “E!”

He laughed and I smashed the rest of the piece of cake into his face making sure to really get it all over. I giggled and took off, knowing he’d come after me because I got him good. As I ran I yelled for Kylee to follow. Of course she did and helped me get cleaned up. Thankfully he didn’t get it all over to bad. I pulled out my veil and fluffed my hair again.

“Okay, while your torn away, do you need to pee?” she asked knowing me all so well.

I widened my eyes, “yes!”

She laughed and followed me towards the bathroom, “when my wedding comes, remind me to get a catheter.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’ll be there to hold your dress don’t worry!”

She smiled widely, “good.”

I nodded after reliving myself we made our way back out to our guest to have a great time.

After a little bit passed we had our first day to I Cross My Heart by George Strait. Of course right? Only George because he’s our favorite country artist. Though the night was growing dark, the fun still went on. Liam ran around with his tie around his head thinking his was some tough kid. It was cute. We ended up have some fun with our guests, dollar dance, garter toss and all that jazz. Of course Kylee and Jake snagged the garter and bouquet.

Once the night died down, we were ready to retreat to the guest house and enjoy the rest of the night as our first night being a married couple. The guest house bedroom of course had a gift basket for Jake and Kylee.
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Wedding Dress
Wedding Collage