Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

I Told You On Our Wedding Day

I packed my bag for Bercy, as well as Eli’s, with my iPod plugged into my ears singing softly, “I told you on the day we wed, I was going to love you till the day I was died, made you wait until our wedding night, that’s first and the last time I’ll wear white.”

I shook my booty lightly to the side and sang a little louder, “so if the binds ever do come loose, I’ll tie them in a knot like a hangman’s noose, ‘cause I’ll go to heaven or hell before I see you with someone else, put me in the ground, put me six foot down, and let the stone say, here lies a girl whose only crush was loving one man just a little too much, if you go before I do, I’m going to tell the grave digger he better dig two.”

I smirked and saw Eli watching me in the door way, “well it won’t be whiskey, won’t be meth, it’ll be your name on my last breath! If divorce or death ever do us part, the corner will call it a broken heart, so put me in the ground, put me six foot down, and let the stone say, here lies a girl whose only crush was loving one man just a little too much, if you go before I do, I’m going to tell the grave digger he better dig two.”

He watched me intently as I walked towards him and placed my hand on his chest, “I took your name when I took those vows, I meant them back then, and I’m right now, oh right now. If the binds ever do come loose, if forever ever ends for you, if that ring gets a little too tight, you might as well read me my last rights…”

I smirked and walked away to finish packing but sung, “and let the stone say, here lies a girl whose only crush was loving one man just a little too much, if you go before I do, I’m going to tell the grave digger that he better, ah, there’ll be a stone right next to mine, they’ll be together till the end of time, don’t you go before I do, I’m going to tell the grave digger that he better dig two.”

Looking over at him again I smirked slightly, “I told you on the day we wed, I was going to love you till the day I’s dead.”

He smiled, “good, you and that song!”

I smiled, “The Band Perry is my jam.”

He laughed and kissed my cheek, “you are so cute when you sing.”

I smiled and cupped his cheek, “you ready for Bercy.”

He nodded, “I am, ready to dominate that too.”

I smirked and kissed him lightly, “we’ll see if we can.”

He smiled, “can’t wait to spend time with you over there.”

I chuckled and smiled, “me either.”

“It’s going to be cold, so that means more snuggling,” he said nuzzling his nose into my neck.

I smiled, “snuggling with you, oh can’t wait.”

He laughed and kissed my neck lightly, “you almost packed?”

“Yeah, just a few more things and then we’re all set,” I said and rubbed his side lightly.

“Good, because my will be here soon to take us to the airport,” he said lightly.

I nodded and smiled. Kathy and John we’re coming with as they have in the passed. I went back to the packing while Eli left me to pack. Soon enough they were here and we were headed off to the airport to fly out of the country to ready ourselves for Bercy.
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