Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Cold and Tired

I yawed tiredly as Eli did his press stuff and got ready for the first race of the night. I was beat and blaming it on the jet leg, but my mind was thinking otherwise. I sat holding the jacket closer to my frame, I just couldn’t stayed warm. Kylee walked over and saw my all bundled, “are you feeling okay?”

I nodded slowly, “just cold and tired.”

“You’re not getting sick, are you?” she asked stepping back slightly.

“God I hope not,” I said and sighed. “I’d be mad if I did.”

“You haven’t been sick in a long time, you’re due,” she teased and sat down in a chair next to me.

I nodded and sighed, “how are things with you and Wilbur?”

“He’s so fridging frustrating!” she groaned.

I chuckled, “that’s Wilbur for you though!”

She nodded, “one minute he’s like bring Liam over, then the next he’s like oh I got stuff to do, can you wait an hour or so?”

I nodded, “that would be frustrating.”

“In a way I wish he’d just give Jake and I full custody, then I think no, that’d cause more issues,” she said softly.

I sighed looking at her, “have you guys thought about doing a shared custody?”

“Like what he gets him on certain weeks and I get him the others?” she asked.

“That or you could do, every other weekend he stays with Wil, but you get Liam on the week days,” I said softly.

She sighed, “I don’t know, I feel like it’ll just make things worse.”

I shrugged, “try it for a little bit. Make him have to take care of him for more then one day and see how he does. He needs that test, it could either freak him out or he’ll like the idea of getting more time with Liam.”

She nodded, “I have to make it so we all agree, including Jake.”

I nodded and smiled, “he’s your son, yes Jake is in his life, but Wil is his daddy and that won’t ever change even if a piece of paper gives Jake those rights to be the daddy.”

She nodded, “I guess you’re right.”

I smiled and watched as Jake walked over and started talking to Eli. I looked back at her and sighed, “do what your heart desires.”

She nodded and decided to change the subject, allowing herself to pounder the ideas I gave her, “so how’s the baby making going?”

“Ugh,” I groaned slightly. “It’s coming along, but I really hate these shots.”

She laughed, ”you should have tried just Eli and his sperm first before the shots started.”

I rolled my eyes, “shut up on Eli.”

She laughed again, “you’ll have a baby and Jake and I will be planning our wedding still.”

I smiled, “getting a date set yet?”

“No!” she said sighing. “We ran into another road block.”

I pouted, “get on that woman!”

She nodded, “I’ve got another idea in line, so we’ll she how it plays out.”

“Well you know once we have thanksgiving we’ll be back in California for awhile testing and stuff,” I said hinting I’d be around to help.

“You guys will be?” she asked a little excited now.

I nodded, “we’re going to go house shopping there too. Looking for a slightly bigger house, so when we do have a baby and Eli’s parents come over to Cali with us, they have room to stay too.”

“That’s smart thinking,” she said smiling. “Glad you’re planning it out now.”

“Yeah, his rent is up in December anyways so that means he’ll have to either reply to live there or go somewhere else,” I said nodding.

“You he rents the condo?” she asked unsure.

I nodded, “yeah, so we’re looking to buy this time.”

“Two new houses in one year?” she asked then teased, “burning the million dollars already, huh?”

I shook my head, “nope, it’s mostly in savings.”

“If you say so,” she joked.

I rolled my eyes and went on to watch Eli and Jake debate who would take the race tonight and take the whole event. It was quiet humorous to watch, Jake was very cocky. Someone’s been giving him some love lately!
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