Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Racing Challenges

Monday came and Eli went back to his Corona home, but said he’d come over probably later. So Kylee was getting ready up in the house to put down some laps on the track with me. I was out water a couple places when I heard a truck pull into the driveway, but thought nothing of it and made my way back towards the water spigot shutting the water off. I heard a dirt bike fire up in the garage and looked over to see Kylee geared up and ready to go.

I smiled and lifted my bike off the stand and threw my leg over the seat. Kylee rode over up and looked at me smiling, “we have company.”

I looked over to see Eli and Jake riding towards. I shook my head, “of course.”

I waited for them to come over. Kylee killed her bike and leaned forward on her bike watching Jake closely. I shook my head at Eli as he killed his bike next to me. He smiled and hooked his helmet and goggles on his handle bar, “didn’t think we’d miss out on riding with our girls?”

“But this is girl time,” I said looking at them.

“Oh and I figured its been awhile since I’ve seen you in your riding gear,” he said raising an eyebrow.

“You should have heard this guy at the truck watching you water the track there,” Jake piped up. “God her ass in them pants turns me on. Oh fuck, she just slid on that bike so sexy.”

I blushed like mad and Kylee laughed. Eli just shrugged, “what can I say? My baby is sexy.”

“It’s alright because I feel the same way about you in your gear,” I smirked.

“Can we save the sex talk and ride?!” Kylee said throwing her helmet on and goggles.

I didn’t object to that I tugged my helmet on then my goggles. I kicked my bike to life then pinned it towards the track, nose high. I heard Kylee ride up next to me eventually and looked at her nodding. She smirked and took off ahead of me. I shook my head and smiled, “want to play dirt, we will.”

I came up next to her and taunted her a little because she wasn’t really going at full potential. She looked at me, “oh hell no!”

I shook my head and slowed, “shall we settle this? Whose got the faster bike?”

“It’s on,” I said riding over to where my track starts. Jake and Eli were standing off the side watching us.

“Best of 15 lap?” Kylee asked then shouted towards our boys, “we’re going to have a little race. Whose starting us?”

Eli smirked and said, “my girl’s going to take it, just so you know Jake.”

Jake shook his head, “oh I highly doubt that.”

Eli smirked and walked to me, “you know you got her already, right?”

I smirked as he tried to motivate me. I nodded and helped me lock in. Jake did the same with Kylee, then reached for a large pebble to use as signal. I looked over at her, “you ready to eat my roost?”

“Oh, I won’t be doing the eating today,” she said smirking.

I kicked my bike back to life and got myself in position. Eli stepped off to the side not wanting to get roosted, Jake kneeled to the ground holding the pebble out stretched. I took a deep breath and reeved up the bike, watching the pebble closely. He let it go and I took off roosting the boys. Kylee and tried to nudge ahead of me, but I ended up with the holeshot.

I pushed on, it was close the whole race and I was racing at my full potential. It was good to race Kylee like this again. I got ahead of her again in the whoops as she passed me in the last corner. I glanced over, bad idea she took me again. I groaned and pushed forward again.

Our 15 laps came and I went for it, giving my all to pass her again. We crossed our finish line and I groaned. I looked at Eli, “did I get her?”

“No,” he said shaking his head.

“So I won?” Kylee said excitedly.

“Not exactly,” Jake said looking at her.

“Yeah, you say,” Eli said. “You guys crossed at the same time.”

“How,” I said confused. “I so head a wheel length on her.”

“No,” Jake shook his head. “It was defiantly a tie.”

“No,” I said glaring. “I got her.”

“No,” Kylee said. “I did.”

Eli and Jake shook their heads at us, “nope.”

I groaned and shook my head, “well that means we are going again!”

“Sounds like a challenge,” she said smirking. “I got it this time.”

I rolled my eyes and hit the starting area again. Kylee followed suit. We got set again and Eli kneeled to drop the pebble this time. Maybe that’d give me some luck. I watched close as the pebbled dropped.

Taking off leaving Kylee in my dust this time. I looked bike to see her finally roosting the boys in her dust. I smirked and put on my focus. I took the corners smoother this round and kept a clean line.

The 15 laps ended this time and Eli smiled widely and cheered for me. It made me giggle. I tugged my goggles off and looked at him, “I got her this time?”

“By a tire,” he said grinning.

I smiled tugging on the buckle of my helmet. I slid it off and smiled, “yes!”

He smiled, “that one was so much smoother than the first.”

I smiled and high fived him, “ah it felt awesome!”

“No it didn’t,” Kylee groaned.

“That’s because you were sleeping on the start!” I teased her.

“I wasn’t,” she groaned, but then sighed.

I chuckled, “love you girl.”

“I love you too, but damn, that wasn’t a real race!” she said to me.

“It wasn’t?” I asked. “I raced you like it was.”

She groaned, “why didn’t you tell me?!”

I chuckled, “that’s how I always am!”

“I always forget,” she groaned.

“It was still fun you know,” I said smiling.

“You just need to work on your starts again babe,” Jake said brushing hair from her face.

I smiled at them; they were too cute. Eli placed a hand on my thigh, “how ‘bout you and I?”

I smirked and leaned forward kissing him, “if you can keep up.”

“Oh, I can keep up with you,” he smirked.

Kylee gaged, “just race him!”

I smirked and tugged my helmet on, “what’s the winner get?”

“If I win,” he started. “You’re going golfing with me once this week.”

“And if I win,” I smirked. “You treat me to a nice dinner.”

“Deal,” he said holding out his hand.

I shook it and smirked, “it’s on baby!”

Kylee smacked my helmet, “come on girl you got this!”

I smirked and nodded, “gonna get me a nice dinner tonight!”

Jake was over motivating Eli. Kylee kneeled to start us off. Once the pebble dropped we were off. I groaned as Eli got ahead of me right away. I gritted down to catch up to him again. He knew not to take it easy on me and I wasn’t going to take it easy on him. I went to take him in the whoops and whiskey throttled it, amateur move.

I was ejected from the bike and rolled to a stop. The bike continued to rev loudly over Eli’s. I groaned and sat up tugging my goggles off in frustration. The sound of my bike subsided and Eli’s neared me. Kylee kneeled down, “Cay?!”

I groaned tugging on my helmet strap, “I’m fine!”

“Yeah, she’s good,” Kylee said stepping back.

I shook my head tossing my helmet, yeah I was competitive you could say. Eli kneeled down next to me, “calm down.”

“I almost fucking had you!” I said pissed off.

He chuckled and I wanted to slap him. He grabbed my hand, “anything hurt?”

“My pride,” I growled.

He rolled his eyes and stood up, “get up.”

I groaned and got up with his help. I groaned again as I stood though. He grabbed my waist, “what hurts?”

“I’m fine,” I said shrugging it off.

“Is it your knee again?” he asked watching me not put any weight on it.

“I’m fine!” I growled trying to walk away normal.

“Alright, you’re done,” he said grabbing my hand.

“Yeah,” I said and looked him in the eye this time.

“I’ll take you up to the house,” he said sliding onto his bike. “Then I’ll get your bike.”

I nodded and slide onto the back. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he took off. I pressed my head on his bike and saw Jake and Kylee flirting it up once again. I rolled my eyes and kissed Eli’s shoulder lightly, “sorry.”

He looked over his shoulder, “you get cleaned up while I get your bike.”

I nodded and slid off. He got off then lifted his bike on his stand. I plopped down on the steps the lead you into the house from the garage. I kicked my boots off and sighed. He looked at me and sighed. I went to stand and he caught me as I wobbled. I looked up at him and smiled, “I’m fine.”

“You aren’t wearing your knee brace are you?” he asked looking at me.

I sighed and shook my head, “no.”

He sighed and kissed my forehead, “need me to help you into the house?”

I liked the idea, oh did I. He watched me think. He reached down unclipping his boots. He kicked them off then lifted me up in his arms. I gasped as he did so and wrapped my arms around his neck, “E, you don’t have too.”

He smiled, “if your knee is messed up, I don’t want you making it worse.”

I smiled and kissed him as a thank you. He set me down on the counter in my bathroom. I looked up at him as he did. He saw me eyeing him. He leaned down crushing his lips to mine. I gripped him by the buckle on his race pants pulling him towards me. His hand gripped my hip lightly and his other hand held my face in his. I tugged at his baby blue jersey making it come un-tucked. He pulled away looking at me and shook his head looking down. I lifted his head and kissed his lips lightly.

He chuckled, “you have some aggression built up in you lately, what’s up with that?”

“I guess I’ve just been over analyzing stuff in my head,” I shrugged.

“Want to talk about it?” he asked brushing my bangs behind my ear.

“Um,” I said thinking slightly. “I don’t know.”

“Is it about us,” he asked trying to figure it out.

“Yeah,” I sighed heavily.

“Then what is it?” he asked confused now.

“You know the other night when you slept over?” I asked softly looking down then back up at him. He nodded telling me to continue, “well you said the for letter word.”

He looked at me puzzled, “I don’t remember that.”

I sighed and slid off the counter, “I know, you were half asleep.”

He watched me pull my jersey off tossing it to the floor. He sighed, “well, I do.”

I looked at him pulling my kidney belt off. Did he just admit he loves me? He groaned as I just stood there, “I love you Cay.”

I blinked and smiled slowly, “I love you too E.”

He pulled me into him and crushed his lips to mine again. I tugged on his jersey again. He kicked my bathroom door close and lifted me into strong arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away from me and kissed my jaw, “you are gorgeous.”

I blushed and lifted his chin to look at me, “their going to give us shit for how long you’ve been in here with me.”

“So be it,” he said tugging his jersey off. “Because I’m not going out there now.”

My eyes widened, “E!”

“What?” he asked all defensive. “You are sexy in that gear.”

I blushed as he set me down, “well there’s really only one way to fix that.”

I turned around and started the shower. He groaned, “are you going to make take a cold shower?”

“No,” I said smirking. “But I can’t put wait on my knee, so I could use help in the shower.”

He smirked tugging off his jersey. I slowly stripped down and stepped into the shower. I looked at my knee it was swollen and a bruise was forming. He slipped in with me and wrapped his arm around my waist to help hold me up, “I got you.”

“Better because if I fall and make my knee worse, I will make you go weeks without seeing me,” I threatened.

He smirked and kissed my shoulder blade, “promise I won’t let you get hurt, at least not on purpose.”

I smiled and knew I was going to get it. Kylee was not going to let it down that Eli and I were up here and her and Jake were out on the track having fun. Oh well, I was going to enjoy every bit of this hot steamy shower.
♠ ♠ ♠

No set, didn't want to make a gear one soooo, deal! ;)