Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Oh, What Joy?

Despite my little tiff on the first two nights we were in Paris… it turned out to be a fantastic weekend. Do you know who won King of Bercy? My man! He dominated! He won the first two nights… with Eli in second. But on the last night, Jake bobbled a bit and it looked like Eli may end up winning it all. Jake battled back though and got second in the last race, giving him the overall. I was so happy for him!

“Good job, papa!” Liam grinned as Jake stepped off the podium and my son caught sight of him.

“Papa almost threw that one away,” Jake snickered and took the little boy from me.

“But you didn’t! It was awesome!” I was so excited for him.

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me even though he had his trophy in that one. Even though he was dirty and sweaty, I embraced him tightly and left so many kisses on his cheek. His smile was so bright too. Aw, my Jakey!

“You did good, man,” Eli came up to him.

“You did too, bro,” Jake replied and unwrapped his arm from me. I took his trophy so that Eli and him could do their little manly, half hug… thing. Aw!

Once they were through, Calyn even came over to congratulate my man. It was so sweet. After this, we managed to make our way back to Jake’s little pit. He sat down for a second to collect himself; that smile never leaving his face. Liam went over to him though. He worked his way between his knees. Jake looked down at him, still grinning brightly.

“Love you!” Liam squealed.

“Aw, I love you too, buddy,” Jake beamed and planted a soft kiss to the boy’s forehead.

As they were parting, Wil… stepped forward. He actually had the pit next to Jake all weekend and this… is the first time he came near Jake. Eventually, Jake caught sight of Wil. The look on Wil’s face seemed unsure, but he still… stepped even closer.

“Nice job, man,” he spoke, sounding a bit nervous.

“Thanks, Wil,” Jake replied… and slowly let his grip around Liam loosen.

“Daddy! Did you see papa?!” Liam started and run off to Wil.

“I did. He did great, didn’t he?” was Wil’s response as he bent down to be level with his son.

“Yeah!” he smiled back.

Wil continued to smile and reached in to his son’s cheek. After this, things… kind of got awkward. I’m not… going to lie. The only thing that kind of broke it up was some people coming in, wanting to talk to Jake. While he had his interviews, I went over with Liam and Wil.

“He did great,” Wil spoke.

“He’s awesome,” I just couldn’t hold back.

Wil chuckled and shook his head. It… seemed a bit forced though. Ok… You can leave now! You’ve said what you needed to say. I’m so confused about him…and upset. I try to stick up for him and he just… doesn’t seem to want to act like he should. I’m over it!

“I think… we should talk when we get back home,” I started, speaking gently.

“About… what? Liam?” he asked just as softly, standing up now so that our little boy couldn’t hear.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“I thought… we were ok,” he replied.

“We need to just talk,” I told him, wanting to leave it at that.

“Ok,” he nodded his head.

After this, he told Liam goodbye. Once his father was gone, he ran right back over to Jake, mid-interview. I swear that’s his signature move. Jake carried on though. He smiled a bit once it happened, but he kept his composure.

When all of those were through, we still had to wait for him to change. We went back to our hotel afterwards though. All of us were beat and we had a long flight back home ahead of us in the morning. During that time though, I was hoping to get Jake to settle a few wedding things. I wish Calyn had the same flight so we could sandwich Jake and make him decide. My hopes weren’t too high though to be honest. At the rate we’re going, we’re going to be engaged forever. Oh, what joy?
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