Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Weimer Property

Thankfully, I wasn’t going to be bored the whole flight because we were lucky to fly back with the future Weimer’s. Kylee decided we needed to sandwich Jake and talk wedding, so she had me switch seats with Liam. In return, he got to sit with his uncle the flight. Liam was excited to sit with Uncle E though; he said he wanted to talk to him. It was cute!

After landing in California, Jake gave Eli and I a ride back to the condo so we didn’t have to get a cab to get home. It was nice of them, Jake and Eli talked while Liam was fast asleep again as we drove. Kylee and I talked wedding again, only to receive a groan from Jake, “fine!”

I chuckled and Eli just smiled, “dude what’s the wait? You saw our wedding, you should have been all go get it after ours.”

I nodded, “he’s right, Kylee probably has more ideas now.”

“She does,” he said and Kylee nodded quickly.

“See, then what’s the delay?” I asked softly.

“Can’t find the right day,” she said sighing. I knew this already, but it was always good to poke Jake on it.

He groaned, “we’ll set a date eventually.”

I rolled my eyes and looked at him, “I’ll be pregnant and not fitting into a gown by then!”

He looked into the review mirror at me, “you knocked up already?”

I shook my head, “no, but at the rate your mind is going with your wedding, I will be and probably ready to pop!”

“She’s right,” Kylee poked Jake lightly.

He looked at her and rolled his eyes, “we’ll come up with a date.”

“Why not just go get hitched?!” I asked more of a joke.

“Hey,” Jake said softly, “that’s an idea.”

“But I want a wedding,” Kylee said softly.

“He wouldn’t get hitched knowing you want a big wedding with your little man there and of course your bestie!” I said smirking.

“I wouldn’t do that too you,” he said softly.

“Better not,” she said and kissed him at the stop light.

I laughed, “she’d leave you for another guy if you made her do that!”

He looked over at me, “oh I ain’t letting that happen.”

“Should get her a tattoo that says ‘Weimer Property’,” Eli said laughing.

“Oh, oh, oh!” I said excitedly. “Like on her butt, in a stamp form!”

“And her breast,” Jake smirked.

I snorted loudly as I laughed causing Liam to wake, but soon fall asleep again. Boy was beat from the weekend away. I watched as we pulled into the drive way of our condo. Eli got out and grabbed our bags, while I looked over at Kylee, “lunch tomorrow?”

“Sounds fabulous,” she said smiling. “I’ll pick you up say eleven?”

I smiled, “I’ll be ready.”

“Alright, see you tomorrow,” she said as I got out following Eli up to the house.

I waved at them as they pulled away and went into the house with Eli. It was good to be home, it was so cold over there, and I hated it. I didn’t hate being there, just the weather. I guess I should have packed a little better. I was excited to be back in the states though, and help my bestie with her wedding, that Jake can’t agree on a date for! I’ll work on him, might have to pull out my mean stick!
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