Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

You Said You Wanted to Talk

The following morning, I woke up before Jake. He said his trainer was giving him a day to kind of readjust to being back in the States. I let him sleep though. He deserved it. My little King… He just needed to be up before I left so someone could watch Liam.

As I was getting ready though, I caught him stepping inside the bathroom with me. I was putting on my makeup. I was glancing in the mirror at him. He came right over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. His head rested on the back of my shoulder while his hands laid flat on my exposed stomach from going without my shirt for right now.

“Morning,” I smiled after he planted a kiss to my shoulder.

He mumbled it back, but it was a tad bit inaudible. It made me giggle though. He’s so cute when he wakes up in the morning. Once he lifted his head to rest his chin on my shoulder, I could see his tired eyes. The best part was his messy hair though.

“You are so adorable,” I couldn’t hold in.

“I’m tired,” he whined.

“You got to at least stay up long enough for me to have lunch with Calyn,” I reminded him.

“Is Liam up?” he asked, loosening his hold around me.

“Not yet…”

“That means he’s not going to nap,” he mumbled.

“You’ll be fine. Get you some Monsters,” I teased while he hopped onto the counter.

He just groaned and let his head fall back onto the mirror. I laughed at him and went on to finish applying my makeup. Once I finished, I walked out into my closet to pull a shirt over my head. While I fished my arms through, Jake’s groggy voice started talking.

“So… our wedding.”

“Is happening is five years?” I teased.

“I hope not,” he chuckled, emerging from the bathroom now.

“What about it?” I questioned.

“What do you think about if we try to get everything sat before the first round of Supercross?” he suggested.

“That’s… really soon though,” I couldn’t help but put out there.

“I know, but… we’ve really been… putting things off,” he chuckled once more.

“Did something click with you yesterday?” I teased and wrapped my arms around his bare, hunky middle.

“Mhm,” he replied and pressed his lips to the top of my head. “I can’t let anyone else have you.”

“I don’t want anyone else,” I assured him.

“Good,” he grinned.

After we shared another quick kiss, the door to our room slowly opened. Liam poked his head around, looking to be about in the same state Jake was a few minutes ago. It was adorable.

“Morning, sleepy head,” I smiled and stepped out of Jake’s arms.

He mumbled something as he walked in, rubbing one of his eyes. He went right past me to walk right up to Jake. Well! Jake smirked at me before he picked the little boy up.

“We can go back to sleep while mommy goes out with Auntie,” he told Liam.

All Liam did was rest his head on Jake’s chest. Aw, my poor heart. I smiled and went over to give each of the boys another kiss. I told Jake I’d be back later and started out for the restaurant that Calyn and I had agreed to meet at. On the way, my phone rang. Thinking it was Jake, whining that Liam wouldn’t go back to sleep, I just answered it. I was quickly surprised to hear that it… wasn’t Jake.

“You said you wanted to talk,” Wil’s voice spoke after I had answered.

“Not… now,” I sighed.

“But, you said when we got home…” he bickered.

“I’m on my way to see Calyn. I’ll… make plans with you afterwards,” I huffed.


“Wil, please,” I cut him off.

“Fine,” he sighed and hung up.

I kind of… forgot I even said that to him back in Bercy now. Gosh, there’s so much I have to do. I need to settle things with Wil and plan Jake and I’s wedding before the first race of the Supercross season. I don’t know… if that’s going to happen, but… I’m sure we’ll make it work some how. Right now though, I need to go see my best friend! She always makes me feel better.
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