Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

I Was Thinking Orange

I sat in the restaurant waiting for Kylee to show. I sipped on my drink waiting for her. After a few minutes she walked in and over to the table I was at. I smiled up at her as she sat down, “I went ahead an ordered you a drink.”

She smiled and sat down, “awesome, I’m dying of thirst.”

I smiled, “yeah, how’s your boys?”

“Sleepy as ever,” she said smiling. “I’m sure they’re taking a nap right now.”

I nodded, “Eli was sleeping when I left.”

“I’ll blame it on the long ride on a plane and being in a different country,” she said and sipped her drink.

I nodded, “so have you and Jake talked about the wedding again yet?”

She nodded and smiled, “yes and he wants to get married before the first race.”

I looked at her and snorted, “not surprised, you’ll pull it off.”

She sighed heavily, “I’m worried about that.”

I shook my head and smiled widely, “well you got an idea for when, you just need to decide where.”

She nodded, “I figured I’d set up a few places to go look at today and go look at them with Jake when he’s free.”

I nodded, “I’m here if you need help.”

She smiled, “thanks dear.”

I nodded, “so let me guess is it going to be a green wedding too?”

She laughed and shrugged, “I was thinking orange.”

I tossed a salt packet at her, “lies.”

“Well, we’ll see,” she said smiling.

“At least I won’t be nine months pregnant when you do the wedding,” I said smiling.

She nodded, “I can’t believe that you and Eli are already planning to have a baby.”

“It’s exciting, I just can’t wait to have my own bundle of joy,” I said smiling really big.

“Liam needs a cousin to play with,” she said and stabbed her food.

I laughed, “I guess he does, huh?”

She smiled, “we’ll have to get your little one a dirt bike when he’s born.”

I looked down at my plate, “is it bad that I fear the day my own says that he wants to ride a dirt bike already?”

She shrugged, “I fear when Liam decides he actually wants to race.”

I nodded, “the struggles are what scary me. I don’t want to lose my child like the way I lost the connection with my family, all because of racing.”

We talked about a few other things, the wedding and how she was going to handle Wil with the pressure of the wedding at the same time. I made sure to tell her I’d be there every step, because that’s what best friends do, we stick together like glue.
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