Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

You Have No Food

So Eli and I found a house in California and were moving in today, with the help of Kylee, Jake and Kranz. We still needed to get a few things for the Cali house, but we would eventually get them.

I groaned as Kylee was making too much noise helping me carry a box up to the room across from the masters, “shh, Eli can’t see this box.”

“You haven’t told him yet?” she asked, I just replied with a head shake. “He’d kick my ass if he knew and you were carrying this with me!”

I chuckled as we set it down in the room, “well I want to surprise him.”

“You’re moving into the house and expect him to see the big box with a picture of a baby crib on it,” she said putting her hands on her hips.

“Yup,” I said and lead her out locking the door behind us.

She shook her head and followed me down to see the guys just standing around in the kitchen. I looked at them as they were all tired from moving things in and around for us. I looked over at Jake to see him groan. I raised an eyebrow, “what’s your deal?”

“You have no food,” he groaned at me.

I looked at Kylee and smiled, “I ordered some greasy, greasy, but delicious pizza.”

“We figured since you guys worked so hard, we’d actually treat you to some tasty pizza,” she said smiling over at them.

“Why not tacos?” Jake asked.

I laughed, “because no one delivers tacos!”

He groaned, “fine pizza will be fine.”

I nodded, “good because that’s all you get.”

I went to grab a box to start unpacking stuff into the kitchen cabinets, I tossed a box of crackers at them, “this will tie you over for now.”

Kylee helped me start putting stuff away. Eventually food arrived and I figured it was time to take a break, the boys came in from, yup you guessed it, the garage. I reached into a box and pulled out an envelope. I smiled, “before you get your fingers all greasy, I’d like you to open this, E.”

He looked at in unsure what it was, but opened it and read it to himself until Jake spoke, “dude, what’s it say? She’s not divorcing you is she?!”

I smiled as Eli began to reread it out loud, “Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tomac, we are please to tell you after all your planning you will be expecting a beautiful child to enter in your world in eight months. Congratulations.”

“Congratulations man,” Jake and Kranz said both giving Eli a manly hug then giving me a hug as well.

I smiled widely, “thanks guys.”

Kranz looked at Eli, “don’t let her hormones stress you out this year.”

I gave Kranz a playful shove, “he’ll be fine!”

Eli looked over at me, “so you’re a month along already?”

I nodded, “when I was at Bercy I felt weird, so I went to the doctor and she did a few tests and well, I’m pregnant.”

“I’m so excited for you!” Kylee said hugging me. “Liam is going to have someone to play with!”

I laughed, “in a couple months yes.”

“So eight months,” Jake said. “You’ll have the baby in June?”

I nodded, “yes, mid-season.”

“Your contracted for the outdoors, what if she goes into labor when your gone?” he asked concerned for his friend.

“We’ll get it all planned out,” I said smiling.

They all nodded and started eating their greasy pizza. I couldn’t wait in eight months we’d have a baby to raise! It was going to be really exciting and nerve racking at the same time, I hope Eli is ready for father hood…
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