Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

I Still Love You

“Your big day’s tomorrow!” Calyn squealed as she walked into Jake and I’s house, “And he’s still here?!” she went on once she caught sight of Jake.

“He’s getting ready to leave,” I assured her.

“Getting kicked out of my own house,” Jake grumbled.

“Just for the night, Jakey,” Calyn told him, patting his back as he passed her.

“Liam!” Jake shouted since the little boy was in his room.

“What?” he called back, hurrying down the stairs.

“Papa’s leaving… mommy’s kicking him out,” he taunted.

“Don’t tell him that!” I shot at him.

“But, mommy,” Liam puckered his lips out at me.

“I’m not. He just has to stay with Uncle Eli tonight,” I quickly explained.

“Can I go?!” he looked at Jake.

“I believe you’re going with your dad tonight, bud,” Jake told him.

“Oh, yeah,” he remembered.

“But you’ll see papa and Uncle Eli in the morning,” I went over to him, picking him up.

“He can come with me,” Jake mumbled playfully.

“Shush!” I smacked his arm playfully.

He chuckled and went on to give Liam a good-bye kiss to his forehead. Once they were through, he turned his sights on me.

“You’ll be my wifey tomorrow,” he snickered after we parted.

“And you’ll be my hubby,” I grinned, rubbing my nose against his.

“Aw, look at you two,” Calyn chimed in. “But you have to go!” she changed gears and started pushing him towards the door.

He gave her a fight the whole way out the door, but he did end up leaving. Once he was gone, she walked back into the room, looking to be quite satisfied with herself.

“Happy?” I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Yep!” she grinned happily.

“Ok, well I have to take Liam to Wil’s. But I’ll be back,” I told her and gathered a few of Liam’s things.

“Do you want me to come?” she questioned.

“You don’t have to. I’m just going to drop him off,” I assured her.

“Don’t take all night. It’s your last night of being single. We need to party!” she teased.

… Our party was just consisting of eating a whole bunch of junk food and talking about our men. I was looking forward to it though. We don’t need to go out or anything. Plus, she’s preggers. I just need to get my little boy off to his father before anything got started.

“You and daddy don’t have too much fun now,” I told him as I was helping him out of my truck.

“We won’t,” he smiled brightly.

I followed him up to the front door. Before we had a chance to knock, Wil opened it. He quickly scooped his son up and showered him in kisses. Aw.

“You guys have fun. Just remember that he has to be at the church at…”

“Can you… stay for a few minutes?” he cut me off.

“Yeah…” I answered, unsure of what he wanted.

We walked inside and I put Liam’s things down. After I did this, we all kind of just… sat around. He didn’t say anything to me unless Liam spoke up. What did you want, Wilbur?!

“Someone’s sleepy,” he said after our son had yawned.

“Him and Jake went riding today,” I spoke up since I wasn’t saying much else.

“You ready for bed?” he asked Liam.

While rubbing at his tired eyes, Wil scooped him up and took him up the stairs. I thought about leaving. He didn’t say much to me! Maybe he just wanted me here until Liam went to bed? I don’t know. It was just… odd.

When he came back down, I got to my feet and was about to tell him that I needed to go. Calyn was waiting for me. Before I got that far, he sat down on the couch and patted the spot that was I at before. With a huff, I plopped back down. This better be important. Instead of speaking though, he brought his hand up to my cheek and… started leaning in.

“Wil!” I shot at him, putting a hand on his chest to push him away.

“But I need to tell you that…” he kept trying.

“You don’t need to tell me anything. Wil, I’m getting married tom…” I tried so hard to get out, but his lips finally found mine.

He kept them there until I gave in. Eventually, he lowered me onto my back. Once I started kissing him back in returned, he removed his lips from mine. They trailed across my cheek until they came to my ear where he nibbled just a bit.

“I still love you,” he spoke right into my ear; a husk taking over his voice now.

“Wil,” I groaned, doing everything I could not to give in

Why was he telling me this now?! I’m getting married tomorrow! But when he said it… it took me back to… when we were together. We were so in love and… so happy. I don’t know what happened! I… wanted him! I wanted things to go back to how they were. Gone were all the thoughts of what was in store for me tomorrow. All that I was focused on was Wil… and the fact that he just said that he… still loved me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh ohhhhhh
