Status: I'm not sure if I like this yet. Enjoy anyways


//: one

I sit down on my old brown worn out couch. Figures, I’ve been trying to get rid of this thing for months and it’s the only piece of furniture that survived. I look around the area that was once my living room. Everything is black and tattered. The TV looks like it has been through a fist fight. My favorite picture of my boyfriend, sister, parents and I at the zoo is now on the floor almost completely burned with the blue frame around it broken into pieces. There are melted and smashed DVD’s and CD’s scattered around the room. I spot one on the floor next to the blackened rug that I can barely make out the title: Donnie Darko, my favorite movie of all time. I’ve probably watched it and uncountable amount of times. What I would give to watch it one more time with my boyfriend, Jack. What I would give to be curled up in a blanket with him on this god forsaken couch right now. But I can’t have that. And I never will again. Nor will I listen to my favorite CD that I spot across the room smashed into bits sitting next to the TV. Take Off Your Pants And Jacket by Blink-182. I can still remember all of the times I’d be on a road trip with Jack and we’d listen to that CD over and over again and we’d belt out the every single word. He’d compliment me on my singing, but I never believed him. That was how I met Jack in the first place. It was at a Blink-182 concert in 2009. After that we became best friends and our relationship later moved on from there. It was amazing to see him and his band open for Blink-182 a few years later. It was like a dream come true. I would give anything to see his band play one more time. I catch a glimpse of myself in the shattered mirror on the floor next to my china cabinet. My long wavy brown hair is now untamed, sticking in random places everywhere. My make-up is smudged all over my face. I look down at my hands and see them blood stained. When I was running to the cellar and I tripped scraping both the palms of my hands and my knees which ripped open the leggings that I’m wearing. My favorite pair that are black with sparkles all around them, now ruined. But that doesn’t bother me. That’s the least of my problems right now.

Shouldn’t I be sitting her bawling my eyes out? I have nothing left for me now. My parents, my sister Kennedy, my boyfriend Jack, my best friends; Cassadee, Tay, Kelsey, Alex, Zack and Rian, they were all gone. Forever. How could I even comprehend what is going on right now? I’m the last person on earth. Crazy right? There is nothing left on this planet that is living, except for me. What happened you ask? Well, where do I even begin? I remember sitting on my couch watching my favorite TV show, The Big Bang Theory. My mom was visiting me at mine and Jack's house. Everything was peaceful and normal one minute, but the next, everything was chaos. I can’t really remember what happened. Everything was a complete blur. I remember a lot of explosions. There were meteors falling from the sky, hitting people’s houses and cars. The world was ending. My mom turned the tv to the news. They said Maryland was the last place to be hit. Everywhere else in the world was destroyed. How did that happen? How did we end up being the last place to end? The next thing I knew, my mom was yelling at me to get in the cellar that my father had built in mine and Jack’s back yard. According to my mom, the cellar that my dad built was special in some way. She didn't have much time to explain, but she said since my father works with the government or something, he was able to get the best cellar known. There were being call-backs on all of the other cellars all over the world. Apparently there was a certain material hidden within the cellars that was extremely flammable. Figures. But I guess they had just made the type if cellar in my backyard a few months ago, when my dad built it. And apparently ours is the only one known on earth. I know, it sounds completely unbelievable. I still can't believe it. I begged my mom to stay with me in the cellar, I told her she’d be safe. But she kept telling me she’d come back. She needed to go get my father and sister. She promised she’d come back. But she never did. When I first sat in the cellar it was completely quiet. That's when I really let it process in my brain what was happening. That’s when I realized Jack was already gone. He was on tour with his band. I believe they were doing a show in Edmonton when this all started to happen. They were probably on their way to sound check when their area was hit. That tour held most of my best friends. The guys in the band; Zack, Rian and Alex. My best friend Cassadee who was Rian's girlfriend. My other best friend Tay, who's band was opening for them. The only other best friend that was missing from that tour was Kelsey. She was in Las Vegas for the week celebrating her brothers birthday. Kelsey was also in a relationship with Alex. And I know when Kelsey found out about Edmonton being hit, she was devastated.

I sat in that cellar for one week. I lived off of canned vegetables and bottles of water. I was so lonely. It was cold and dark. And every five minutes I would here an explosion and it would make me winch.
So here I sit on my old worn out couch on front of my beat up tv. Alone. Alone forever. How long will I live without people around to comfort me? Will I die of loneliness? Or sadness when it really starts to hit me that my boyfriend, my family, and my best friends are truly gone? Will depression hit and I'll be stuck here to wallow in my sadness?

Then I hear it.

Slow footsteps up my front steps.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
It stops.
Then a slow knocking on the door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
I freeze.
I hear a voice.
Only one person calls me that.
"Venessa are you here? Please tell me you're here."
It couldn't be.
I'm hearing things.
The door knob turns and opens slowly. The foot steps continue into the house.
I panic.
"Nessie?" The all to familiar voice asks again.
It can't be.
I turn around and my breath catches in my throat when I see the familiar tall figure behind the couch.

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I find this to be meh. Let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Comment or whatever.

Trains are cool.
