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chapter six: Breakfast of Champions.

Vic’s POV:

I could play Rose’s laugh over and over in my head for what seemed like forever. I never got tired of picturing her pearly white smile. It was all I could think of on the way home.

It was just after midnight and I’d just said goodbye to Rose for the night. I could tell our evening at the fair tired her out. We had a really awesome time, though. Her energy was infectious; it made me feel like a lovesick teenager all over again. You know, being the awkward kid that dies if the most beautiful girl even looks your way in the hallway. Even just dying at the fact that you’re breathing the same air as her. It sounds pathetic, but I’m ridiculously infatuated. I can’t help it.

Take it easy, Vic. Pace yourself.

I drew in a deep breath as I pulled into the driveway of Mike & I’s place. The little voice in my head was right. I was a little in over my head. I seemed to be head over heels for a girl I’d only known for three days. Could my infatuation merely be a result of masking the pain Cara left me with? Was Rose only a means to get over Cara?

I shook the thought from my head. I didn’t want to use Rose in that way. She didn’t deserve that at all. Maybe I need to reconsider things. Maybe I need to take some time and make sure that I won’t end up hurting Rose by using her. I couldn’t do that to her.

I slid off the leather seat of my car onto my feet after grabbing the stuffed fox Rose had won for me at the fair. I chuckled at its funny face, its tiny, beady eyes staring up at me. She’d won it for me doing the seemingly impossible ring toss. I couldn’t believe she pulled it off. She bubbled in laughter as she pointed at the animal she wanted to give me. I didn’t want to accept it, but the girl did say she’d win a prize before me.

But I made up for it. I made five basketball shots in a row and won her an enormous stuffed elephant. Elephants are her favorite animals, which I’d learned just before at the top of the ferris wheel with her. On the ferris wheel we played a game of 21 questions, since we honestly didn’t know much about each other at all. I loved every moment of it. I loved hearing her talk.

I had a really fantastic night, and I really needed it.

I unlocked the front door and entered the den area to see the guys lounging on the couch with several empty pizza boxes littering the coffee table.

“Well look who decided to come home,” Jaime said through a smirk.

Mike and Tony turn in unison towards my direction and greet me with a small smile.

Tony had brought over his little dog, Pilot, who was fast asleep in his lap. He was careful not to wake him. He silently waved at me then placed his hand back on Pilot’s back, lightly twisting his stringy fur.

“Well, how was it?” Jaime asked anxiously.

“It was great. It was really great.” I said with an enthusiastic smile.

“That’s really good to hear man. When can we meet her?” He asked, lifting a beer bottle to his lips to take a sip.

“Soon. I wanna give her some time, though. Maybe another week or so. I don’t wanna feel like I’m over bearing her.” I admitted, yet still anxious for her to meet the guys.

She’s fit in so perfectly. She’s goofy, just like all of us. Her bubbly energy would definitely be nice to have around all the time, since things can get pretty stressful.

I made my way to the kitchen and reached for a glass from the cabinet over the stove. I reached into the refrigerator to retrieve some apple juice and heard footsteps shuffling across the tile floor in my direction.

“Hey, man” Mike said, just as I raised my eyes after closing the fridge door. He positioned himself between the stove and the refrigerator and leaned the lower half of his body on the counter, folding his arms over his chest after readjusting his hat.

“Hey,” I started while pouring some juice into my glass. “What’s good?”

“Not much man. We’re all just curious.”

I raised the glass to my mouth and downed a huge gulp to soothe my parched throat. I quickly shrugged my shoulders, unsure of what to say.

“I don’t really know what to tell ya.”

“Are you … are you okay man?” He asked in a low voice. “I’m worried about you.”

I dropped my eyes to my glass, staring at the juice.

“I noticed you left in the middle of the party the other night. I was coming to check on you but your door was locked. I heard you …”

He heard me crying. He heard me crying about Cara. I drew in a deep sigh.

“Look, I don’t really know what to tell ya. It hurts, man. It hurts pretty damn bad.” I admitted. “I’m still trying to learn to let things go.”

“You didn’t … call her, did you?” He asked in a concerned tone.


I’d drunk dialed Cara way too many times. It only made things worse for me, and I couldn’t seem to learn my lesson. I didn’t really know what to do with myself. Ever since the break up, I drink a lot more than I’m used to, and it scares the hell out of Mike. He just wants me to be happy, the way we used to be.

“Look, man. Don’t worry about it. I’m getting there.” I said after downing another large gulp.

“Alright,” He said in a shaky voice. He could tell I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“I don’t wanna piss you off but … don’t you think you should take it easy with Rose?” He continued, unsure of what my reaction would be.

I scrunched my nose at the statement.

“What I mean is … you’re not using her, are you? To get over Cara?”

I paused, remembering that I’d just had that thought before walking in the house. Is that really what it looks like?

“I mean, I’m not trying to. I do like the girl. I guess the timing is a little funky.” I said in a scratchy voice. “She’s really a wonderful girl …”

Mike’s eyes met mine and a smile spread over his face.

“I can tell. She does something to you, man. Just look at you.”

Just then I became all too aware of the smile on my face and the way I nervously twiddled my thumbs at the thought of her.

“I don’t know what it is Vic, but I’ve watched you grow up, and I’ve never seen you look at a girl the way you look at her. I’ve never seen your eyes light up like that.”

I knew what he wanted to say next. He wanted to say: “Not even when you looked at Cara.”

Rose’s POV:

I let the hot water run over my shoulders as I breathed in the shower’s steam, reminiscing on today’s events.

I had a wonderful time. This was the first time in a really long time that I’d spent time with someone for leisure. It was loads of fun; Vic is such a goofball.

I chuckled, remembering his little celebratory dance he did after making five shots in a row. He named my giant elephant Sir Nikko Elefante. He said it in a gorgeous Hispanic accent, and it was then that I learned that he’s Mexican. How much more gorgeous could he get?

After my shower, I pulled a large t-shirt over my head and threw on a pair of baggy sweatpants. I was tired, but the hot shower had woken me up a bit. I decided to go smoke.

I don’t like to make a big deal out of smoking marijuana. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t, you don’t. Simple. Be and let be.

What I can’t stand are the people who make a big deal about it on both sides of the spectrum. I hate when people use it as their only means to “having fun,” or thinking that doing it makes them “cool.” And I hate when people are so judgmental about it, acting like marijuana is some deadly drug causing a ridiculous amount of deaths a day much like alcohol. But, I rest my case.

I smoke as a personal release. I’ve never really smoked with anyone else. It helps me slow down and relax. You know, to take a break from my thoughts for a while.

My phone buzzed with a text message from Vic.

Thanks for going to the fair with me. I hope you enjoyed the evening. :)

I smiled, realizing that I missed him. I miss his gentle smell and warm eyes. Is it too early to be thinking like that? I have no clue.

Of course I did! Thanks for everything. I really needed a break from things. :)

Anytime. :) Sleep well. Kiss Sir Nikko goodnight for me. ;) Beunos noches miss lady. x

I’ll be sure to, though I’m sure he’d very much prefer another dance routine from you over my goodnight kiss. ;) G’night, rockstar. x

I mean, hey. If he doesn’t want the kiss, I’ll take it! ;) Goodnight, Rose! x

I giggled at his last message, imagining what it would be like to kiss Vic. My stomach began to flutter with butterflies at the thought.
I reached for the neatly rolled joint I’d placed on the table, and decided that I’d go to the pier and smoke since it was a warm night. There’s nothing better than relaxing with the waves of the sea.

____________three weeks later____________

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and yawned while stretching my arms upward. Just as I sat up in my bed, my phone began to buzz as it did every morning for a couple of weeks now. Vic would always call me to wish me a good morning. It was really sweet of him. I love how I’m the first thing on his mind when he wakes up. I really appreciate the little things he does for me. They keep a smile on my face. I’ve never really had anyone that … cared. It was a marvelous feeling, to say the least.

I reached for my phone and answered it, holding it to my ear with a slight smile.


“Good morning, Shark Bait.” He said in a small, sleepy voice.

“Good morning Vicster. How’d you sleep?” I asked with a sleepy smile. I love hearing his voice first thing in the morning.

“Pretty well,” I heard the muffled sound of his sheets as he pulled them off of his body. “I’m starrrrrrvingggg though.”

I nervously lifted my hand covered by the sleeve of my shirt to my mouth. Hesitantly, I said: “Well, how about you come over for breakfast?”

Vic and I have been hanging out for a little over a month or so now. He’s never been over to my place, and I’ve never been to his. A month was a reasonable time to wait, right? Hopefully he’s not a psycho murderer or something.

He chuckled lightly. “I’d love to, Rose.” He said, with a light smooth voice.

My smile grew wider. “Don’t get all dressed up either! We’re being lazy bums today!” I said excitedly.

“Sounds like a plan, Shark Bait.” He said through a laugh.

I was so excited to have Vic come over. I texted him the address and asked him what he’d like for breakfast.

I changed out of my oversized long sleeved shirt and threw on some running shorts and a loose tank top, paired with a bandeau underneath. I swept my hair back into a messy ponytail and decided that I looked well enough for a bum day. I wasn’t too nervous about what I looked like, since Vic has seen me covered in sticky salt water after I surfed. Either way, I’ve never been one to dress up. I just like being comfy.

I headed for the kitchen and started on the food. I’d pulled out my speaker and loudly played music while I started making some large fluffy pancakes. It was a really beautiful day, so I had the windows open, bringing in fresh San Diego air. I lifted all the blinds of the other windows, allowing the sunlight to pour in.

Just as I was about to start the bacon, the doorbell rang, followed by a knock. I turned on my heel away from the stove and quickly made my way towards the door. My heartbeat seemed to grow louder with each step I took. I primped myself one last time after looking through the peephole, and opened the door. And there he was, gorgeous as ever.

His gorgeous white teeth shone at me when I pulled back the door, as his brown hair hung about his face, framing it. He wore a slouchy tank top that revealed his amazing arms, paired with gym shorts. Vic’s arms were one of my favorite things features about him. They look strong, but not dominating strong. They’re strong in a protective sense. They look gentle. His skin tone accented their shape in such an unforgettable way. I loved the feeling of him hugging me. Being in his arms was something that would never get old.

Not to mention my absolute favorite feature of his. His eyes. His warm, chocolaty eyes. They made me feel so comfortable.

“Buenos días, señorita.” He said, making my knees weak.

“Good morning, Vic.” I said with a smile, inviting him into the foyer. He brought me in for a warm hug, gracefully wrapping his strong arms around my waist. He rocked my body back and forth, and slowly released me from the embrace, but he held onto my hand.

“Well, well, well. Aren’t you a gorgeous bum?” He said in a smooth voice, raising the hand he held and twirled me around jokingly. I blushed and giggled, flattered at his innocent admiration. He makes me feel like such a lady. He makes me feel good about myself.

“Well, you’re not too bad yourself, rockstar.” I said with a playful wink, tugging him towards the kitchen. “Now, come on! Before I burn the food!” I said with a laugh.

He eagerly followed after me and his eyes grew wide at the sight of the food.

“Geeze, don’t drip your drool all over the food!”

He made a pouty face and playfully shoved my shoulder at the remark.

“Sorryyyyyy. I’m just reallllllyyyy hunggggryyyyyy!” He said, still making his playful pouting face with his bottom lip jutted out.

“It’s almost ready! Pour us some juice! The glasses are in that cabinent.” I said, pointing at the cabinet containing the glasses.

I shoveled the bacon from the pan onto a plate as well as the cheese eggs, and brought it all to the table where Vic had set the silverware and drinks.

Vic looked at me excitedly. “I. Can’t. Wait.” He said with widend, pausing with each word.

“Dig in, hungry ass!” I said finally.

He drowned his pancakes in syrup and took large bites at a time.

“It’s ridiculously delicious.” He said, rolling his eyes to the back of his head after swallowing.

I chuckled a bit with a bite in my mouth and thanked him.

“So what are we doing today?” He asked.

“I don’t know … let’s see if any movies are on TV.”

We finished eating and he offered to help with the dishes … which became a disaster. We ended up flicking water and dish soap in each other’s faces, and it became an all out war. Bubbles and water were everywhere. Vic even busted his ass trying to get away from me. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life.

“My ass hurts so bad.” Vic complained after I pulled the towel away from my face, drying it of the suds and water.

“You started it!” I accused through a chuckle.

He squinted his eyes, playfully glaring at me while rubbing his ass in pain.

“I demand an ass massage … right this instant servant!” He said, snapping his fingers at me.

I jokingly bowed and said: “As you wish, your highness.” I wound my arm back as far as I could and slapped his rear end as hard as I could and took off in a sprint towards the back of my house.

He yelped, grabbing his rear end and turned to glare at me. “Get back here, you peasant!” He screamed, taking off after me.
He wrestled me out of the closet I’d retreated to and pinned me onto the couch, playfully holding me in a headlock. I tried my hardest to wiggle my way free from his arms.

“Ah, ah, ah. I’m Mexican. Mexicans wrestle, Rose. Plus you’re a little wimp.” He said, refusing to let me free.

I let a whimper free and continued to struggle, eventually giving up and drawing in an exasperated sigh. “Fineeee. What’s my punishment Queen Victoria?”

“That’s more like it. Now, I’ll tell you your punishment. But to do so, I’m going to release you. No sudden movements, peasant. When I release you, you will turn to me, and stay put. Got it?”

“Yes, your highness.” I said, nodding my head in his headlock, unsure of why he wanted me to do as he instructed.

He loosened his grip, and I gathered myself onto the couch, not leaving much space between us and turned my shoulders to his direction. He was smiling, and his eyes seemed to reach out to mine and held them.

He raised his hand to my cheek, slowly stroking it with his thumb. My cheeks flushed, and my breath was caught in my throat.

“Remember, no sudden movements.” He said softly.

He pulled my face towards his as he leaned in, closing his eyes.

His lips collided with mine, sending a million shivers down my spine. I was sure my heart would beat right out of my chest. My blood seemed to flow a million times faster than it should and the adrenaline pumped loudly behind my ears.

His hand made its way into my hair, caressing it as he deepened the kiss. I raised my hand to his hair, twirling my fingers through it as he licked my bottom lip, begging to explore my mouth.

I willingly granted him entrance, and brought my other arm around his neck, pulling him closer. He kissed me so gently and passionately, his tongue dancing with mine.

He moved to focus on my bottom lip, gently sucking and nibbling at it. I was glad we weren’t standing; I surely would have fallen because the sensation made me weak. My body seemed to fall into his as he held me, begging to be touched. He left me with one last peck and pulled away (all too soon) from my face.

“I’ve been dying to do that.” He whispered, staring into my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
FINALLY, here's the sixth! Incredibly sorry for the delay. It's been a really long time. I've been buried in university work but I finally found the time to write this one up! I had to come back to it several times, though. I didn't want it to be forced. I made this one a little longer for you all, since I've been away for so long. Hope you enjoyed it! Again, as always, a special thanks to my subscribers! I love you all so much!

PS: Who's excited for the Spring Fever Tour?! I sure as hell am!!! Message me if you're going to the Atlanta show! I'd love to meet you!